"Hurry, hurry, we must catch the kid who killed the Styatlan Palace."

Major General Nosad, stationed in Mary Joa, commanded the navy to break into Styatlan's house.

But when they came to the house, they had lost sight of Ling Aotian.

"Damn it, where did that kid go!" Major General Nosad was extremely angry and looked around, wanting to see where the other party escaped from.

At this time, a navy ran back to report: "Report to the major general, there is a secret room under the Celestial Dragon's house, and the body of the Styatlan Celestial Dragon was found in it!"

"Damn it, carpet search for me, we must catch this slave back, he dared to kill the Celestial Dragon, this matter is a big deal!"

On the other side, Ling Aotian used the first-level light speed flight and successfully flew away at a very fast speed before the navy arrived.

Although the first-level light speed flight is actually only a Mach flight speed, ordinary navy can't catch up with his speed at all.

"Liberate Mary Geoise? Then let go completely." Ling Aotian's eyes flickered. Anyway, the matter has become a big deal, so why not do something and liberate Mary Geoise.

Wherever he passed, his eyes immediately released lava rays, piercing and burning all the houses he passed by.

The material of this Tianlong man's house is quite good. If it weren't for the super ability of his countrymen, it would be really difficult to ignite the house.

The houses burned together.

There was a fat Tianlong man who ran out carried by two slaves and looked at Ling Aotian in the sky.

Seeing that Ling Aotian could fly, his eyes lit up, and he pointed at Ling Aotian arrogantly and said: "That flying kid, come here quickly and take it away for me."

Seeing that Ling Aotian did not respond.

The Tianlong man was very arrogant and angry: "Stupid human, get down quickly!"

"Stupid." Ling Aotian's eyes condensed red light, and instantly pierced the Tianlong man's head.

The two slaves looked at this scene in a daze.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and rescue the other slaves!"

It is impossible to liberate this place with his own strength.

The numb slaves only reacted when they heard Ling Aotian's words.

Suddenly, a glimmer of hope appeared in their eyes.

"If we can follow this adult to liberate the slaves, maybe we can really escape from here!"

Another slave's eyes burst into a gleam of light, watching Ling Aotian's back as he walked away, and it was deeply engraved in his heart.

"Such a powerful strong man actually broke into the territory of the Tianlong people in order to save us slaves. No, the two of us must buy time for the adults!"

After Ling Aotian left, they held up Ling Aotian's flame torch and set fire all the way, rapidly expanding the fire.

On the other side, Fisher Tiger was just about to do something big, but he saw screams in Mary Joa, and even the fire spread.

Lieutenant General Krodo, who was stationed in Marijoa, had just brought the navy to the gate of Marijoa when he saw Tiger.

"Asshole, you dare to make trouble in Marijoa." Lieutenant General Krodo was extremely angry and ordered the navy to shoot.

This is bad. If there is a death among the Celestial Dragons, his position as Lieutenant General may be lost.

Damn mermaid.

You really deserve to die.

Although Tiger was a little dazed, he soon knew the general situation. There should be something wrong inside.

Since this is exactly what he wants, let me resist the navy for everyone.

"That's right, the Celestial Dragons deserve to die. Everything I do is for justice. The evil Celestial Dragons lackey navy, if you don't step over my body, you can't move forward at all!"


Marijoa has turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment.

After rescuing hundreds of slaves, Ling Aotian also harvested more than 3 billion Baileys and four devil fruits.

It can be said that he had gained a lot.

When he was flying towards the next house, the first slave he rescued suddenly ran out. Seeing Ling Aotian's figure was like seeing a savior.

"Sir, there are navy soldiers inside. We are no match for them. There are more than a dozen little girls in the cages inside!"

Ling Aotian glanced at the situation inside. His extraordinary perception instantly used himself as a wave to transmit the general situation inside back to his mind.

"Rear Admiral of the Navy? It's a good opportunity to test my strength. If I can't defeat him, I can fly away."

At the moment, he didn't know what his strength was. The Rear Admiral of the Navy could give it a try.

Then he flew at the speed of light and rushed into the house.

Rear Admiral Nosad had just raised his knife to chop off one of the slaves. His pupils suddenly shrank. In front of him, Ling Aotian suddenly appeared.Existence.

According to the instructions of the Five Elders, they felt the traces of the Tianlong people being injured, but did not say who did it.

Ling Aotian's appearance at the moment instantly confirmed that the person in front of him was the one who did all this.

"Are you the mastermind behind this?"

"Are you also the one who released these damn slaves?"

Facing the question of Rear Admiral Nosad, Ling Aotian did not respond: "You keep saying damned, what nonsense, come and die."

As soon as these words came out, Rear Admiral Nosad was immediately blown away by a powerful force.

"What a fast speed!"

After flipping in the air for several weeks, Rear Admiral Nosad finally stabilized his body.

"Who are you!?"

What responded to him was Ling Aotian's fist that appeared instantly.

The fist quickly enlarged in his eyes and suddenly hit him in the face.

But the Rear Admiral of the Navy is not a person who gets his reputation for nothing after all.

The horizontal sword instantly blocked Ling Aotian's fist, but because of the huge force, the whole person took a few steps back.

"What a strong force, damn this monster where did it come from."

Facing the Navy Rear Admiral Nosad who had no power to resist.

Ling Aotian just felt a little bored, and then his speed became faster and faster. The Navy Rear Admiral could only keep raising the sword to block, but he was powerless to fight back.

Suddenly, a phantom appeared in front of Ling Aotian, and the whole person disappeared on the spot.

"Not good!" Sensing a bad breath.

Navy Rear Admiral Nosad instantly performed the Navy Six Styles.

"Iron block!"


In an instant, his entire abdomen suddenly sank, and he flew backwards heavily and hit the wall hard.

Dust suddenly rose, covering his figure.

Ling Aotian appeared again, staring at the dust in the ruins, and shook his head helplessly, "It's really boring."

The slaves trapped in the cage looked at Ling Aotian, who seemed to have descended from the sky, with great spirit.

Three pretty girls looked at Ling Aotian's figure, as if they were obsessed with him.

Boya Sandasodani seemed to have seen a god: "Sister... someone is coming to save us!"

But Boa Hancock ignored it at all, her eyes were full of Ling Aotian's figure.

The slaves who fell to the ground saw Ling Aotian defeat the rear admiral without any effort.

They immediately got up with difficulty and cheered.

"Great, my lord is really invincible, even the rear admiral can be defeated!"

"My lord, please let us follow your steps, we will never drag you down!"

But at this moment, a flying slash flew out from the ruins.

Ling Aotian slapped it casually and broke the flying slash.

In the ruins, Rear Admiral Nosad's eyes were bloodshot: "Don't joke, none of you can escape from here!"

Ling Aotian narrowed his eyes and raised his mouth. It seems that his current strength is enough to deal with a Rear Admiral.

But this Rear Admiral seems to be a little confused about his own strength.

[Ding, triggering the Do Whatever mission, someone actually wants to restrict the host's freedom, release the Do Whatever mission, defeat the Rear Admiral in front of you, and you can get a little evolution point, 80 Do Whatever value! ]

"Very good, then solve it completely."

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