Bruce Lee quickly followed behind Li Mu.

  After arriving at the hotel, Li Mu gave [-] yuan to Bruce Lee.

  "Two people, you must give it a try. Of course, if you can do that kind of thing, try to be soft, plus [-], you just need to record."

  The two of them blushed instantly, and at the same time they became a little wary.

  After all, such a good thing, there must be something unusual, maybe there will be bugs.

  Li Mu smiled and said with a smile: "We focus on couples here, if you are worried, you can also see if there are any bugs, so you can rest assured.

  Moreover, this is [-] yen, enough for you to work for a few months, what a good job. "

· · 0 flowers · ·

  Bruce Lee looked at each other and nodded.

  Li Mu smiled and opened a room for the two of them.

  Then the two investigated and determined that there were no bugs, and then went to take a bath alone.

  Li Mule was relieved, and placed the bug next to the two of them, then went back, picked up Xiaolan, and hung up the two of them's phones.

  On the other side, Hattori Heiji and Conan were investigating the case and suddenly stopped.

  "Hey, little devil, what's wrong?"

  Hattori Heiji suddenly became nervous.

  Conan's expression changed slightly, and he said embarrassedly: "He Ye and Li Mu went to the hotel to open a room, but it was because of the hotel activities to test the comfort of that hotel."


  "What? Open a room?"

  Hattori Heiji shouted and said angrily: "Little devil, what do you mean, they went to open a room?"

  "Yes, it is indeed open room, one is called He Ye, and the other is called Bruce Lee." Conan nodded.

  "Damn, what Bruce Lee, isn't that guy Li Mu."

  Hattori Heiji roared angrily, then picked up the phone and called out.

  A few minutes later, Hattori Heiji angrily threw the phone and said, "Damn, Heye's phone is turned off."

  Beside him, Conan also nodded and said, "Xiao Lan's phone is also turned off."

  "Hey, Kudo, can't those glasses be tracked? Hurry up and find those people."

  "it is good."

  Conan also remembered, and quickly picked up his glasses to steal his voice, and then quickly ran to the side.

  Not long after, Conan and Hattori Heiji came to a nearby hotel.

  After entering, Hattori Heiji hurriedly walked to the front of the bar and shouted, "Hey, is there a person named Kazuo and Li Mu here?"

  The barman was stunned for a moment, but still took out the passenger registration book.

  Hattori Heiji quickly grabbed it, and then found Bruce Lee and He Ye's room.

  "Kudou, let's go."

  Hattori Heiji pulled Conan to the sixth floor of the hotel.

  The hotel staff also reacted and quickly followed.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!So.

Chapter 1371 Go to the police station to bail Hattori Heiji (four more)


  Hattori Heiji kicked the door open and rushed in.

  "He Ye, where are you, Li Mu, you bastard, come out to me quickly."

  In the room, He Ye and Bruce Lee, who were having fun, were startled and quickly picked up the quilt to cover themselves.

  "Hei, you... Who are you?" Hattori Heiji was suddenly stunned.

  Who is this guy and how is he in this room.

  Conan was also stunned, and quickly asked: "Hey, Hattori, did you make a mistake, what's going on?"

  "Don't ask me, how do I know."

  Hattori Heiji also has a special headache now, and he seems to disturb a couple's affairs.

  Outside, the waiter ran in and looked at Hattori Heiji, Bruce Lee and the others, stunned.

  On the other hand, Bruce Lee was the first to find out and shouted loudly: "What's the matter with you, someone broke in, the hotel service is too bad, I will definitely sue you and post this on the blog."

  Outside, the person in charge of the hotel also walked in.

  As soon as he came in, he heard the shouting of the guest, his face darkened, and he turned to look at Hattori Heiji.

  "You two, you actually kicked my door and disturbed our guests. I will definitely sue you. What are you waiting for, go to the police."

  "Yes." The waiter quickly ran away.

  Hattori Heiji was a little panicked, and quickly looked at Conan and pointed to his glasses.

  Conan hurriedly continued to whisper.

  After a while, Conan's face darkened and he nodded to Hattori Heiji.

  Hattori Heiji also had a dark face. He didn't know where he and Conan were trapped by Li Mu.

  Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji quickly apologized to the person in charge.

  It's a pity, how could the person in charge listen to him now and send someone to watch him directly.

  Hattori Heiji didn't run away either. For this matter, it's time to apologize and pay the compensation.

  But once you run away and get wanted, it's over.

  Not long after, the police came and took Heiji Hattori and Conan away.

  Of course, there was nothing wrong with Conan as a kid, but Hattori Heiji was finished.

  On the other side, Li Mu was with He Ye and others when he suddenly received a call.

  After hanging up the phone, Li Mu said to He Ye, "Xiao Lan, He Ye, let's go to the police station, Hattori Heiji and Conan were arrested ¨〃."

  "What? They got caught? What's going on?"

  "Conan, is he okay?"

  Even though he and Ye were already with Li Mu, he still regarded Hattori Heiji as a friend, and naturally worried about him.

  "I don't know, let's go to the police station to see."

  Li Mu immediately called a car and went to the local police station.

  At the police station, Li Mu and the three saw Hattori Heiji and a policeman standing on a squirrel.

  The policeman saw Li Mu and said quickly, "Hello, my name is Officer Ling Xiaolu. Are these two your companions?"

  "Yes, he is our friend, what's wrong with him?" He Ye said quickly.

  "It's good, your friends, today, forcibly broke into other people's hotels and interrupted the sex life of a couple in the hotel. Now they have been arrested."

  "Disturbing others..."

  "Sex ~ life."

  He and Ye were both stunned. They thought they would fight the most, but who knew it would be such a thing.

  Li Mu also restrained the joy in his heart, and said with a concerned expression: "Officer, what is the specific situation now, can you be released on bail, or what needs to be done."

  Officer Ling Xiaolu glanced at Li Mu and the others, and said with a strange expression: "That man was taken aback, that thing may be useless, and he will no longer be able to do things between men and women."

  Li Mu: "..."

  Xiaolan and Heye: "..."

  Is it so cutesy?I was actually scared when I was most excited, and now I can't.

  "Then he has nothing to do with Pingji, so he won't be locked up for the rest of his life, right?"

  He Ye became a little worried, and Hattori Heiji was entrusted to her. If he was caught, she would not be able to explain it.

  "It's hard to say, but although he caused harm to his life, he didn't commit a crime on purpose. If you can reconcile in private, you'll be fine."

  Private reconciliation, which is to talk about the price, if the money is enough, then nothing will happen.

  Seeing this, Li Mu said quickly, "Although we don't have a good relationship, I'm willing to save him. Let's do it, Officer Ling Xiaolu, you can send someone to ask how much it will cost."

  "Okay, I'll go ask."

  Next, Li Mu spent a long time reducing the billion yuan proposed by the other party to [-] million yuan.

  That guy is indeed ruthless, and he immediately proposed a billion yuan in compensation.

  But thinking about it, he was too frightened by Hattori Heiji, so naturally he needed so much money.

  Of course, no one knows whether he can do it or not, and Li Mu doesn't particularly care.

  [-] million yen can hit Hattori Heiji and bring a little smile, which is not a loss for Li Mu.

  After all, Li Mu cannot take away the assets here. Rather than staying here, it is better to make good use of it and pass the time.

  After leaving the police station, Li Mu and his party also put on Hattori Heiji and Conan.

  The two of them are not in a good mood. After all, they were tricked this time, and they were asked for [-] million yuan of funds. Basically, they can't afford it in this life.

  Li Mu also seemed to see the troubles of the two of them, and encouraged: "¨'Alright, Hattori, don't worry, I won't let you pay back the [-] million yuan, as long as you eat a cut and grow wiser."

  Hattori Heiji's face darkened, if it wasn't for Li Mu and Ye, would he have encountered such a thing?

  For this hundred million yen, if his family were to pay for it, Yi (Nuo Zhao) would go bankrupt.

  And Hattori Heiji can be sure that after returning home, his parents will definitely re-educate him.

  It hurts to think about it.

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