It didn't take long for He Ye to inform both of them, and Li Mu also released it in He Ye's body.

  "Okay, He Ye, when the murderer leaves, you go out first, find Xiaolan, and I'll go out after a minute."

  "it is good."

  He Ye was not in a hurry to go out, and put on his clothes, until the door next door opened and someone fled in a hurry, and He Ye left.

  Li Mu also took advantage of this time to organize his clothes, take care of the place, and then left.

  After coming out, Li Mu happened to meet Xiaolan who came out.

  "Brother Li, I heard that someone was assassinated, is this true?"

  "That's right, that's it. He Ye has already called the police. You go and notify the others to come over." Li Mu nodded.

  "it is good."

  Xiao Lan hurried upstairs.

  Seeing Xiaolan leaving with Ye, he secretly asked, "Li Mu, how is it, has it been cleaned up?"

  "Don't worry, I've cleaned it up."

  He Ye's face was slightly red, and Li Mu wiped it off, but there were still traces left by Li Mu in He Ye, which had not been wiped clean.

  It was at this moment that others rushed over.

  As soon as Maori Kogoro came over, he said, "Li Mu, how are you, have you called the police?"

  "The police have been called, and an ambulance has been called, but Mr. Sakura may not be able to arrive."

  Li Mu looked at Mr. Sakura in the room. He was already taking in a lot of air, and out of it a little, and he would hang up at any time.

  Maori Kogoro and the others also looked a little ugly, and it was really hateful to kill someone in front of them.

  On the other hand, Hattori Heiji looked at it, and then came to Kazuha.

  "He Ye, what the hell is going on here? How did you know that someone was killed below? Have you met the murderer?"

  "Pingji, I'm going down..."

  Li Mu's face changed slightly, and he said quickly, "We heard a slight moan, so we went down and saw Mr. Ying, but the murderer didn't see it."

  If you just let He Ye continue talking, maybe it will be revealed.

  He Ye also reacted and felt very fortunate in his heart.

  "Okay, don't ask any more questions, go take a look first."

  Mouri Kogoro walked in and checked it carefully inside.

  Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu with some dissatisfaction, and then said meaningfully: "Li Mu, you are really capable, and you can actually hear the moans below, which most people may not hear."

  "Yeah, people with insensitive ears naturally can't hear, so you have to protect your ears in the future, do you understand?" Li Mu said with a smile.

  "Cut." Hattori Heiji snorted coldly and walked into the basement.

  Li Mu had already seen it, so he didn't go in, but waited outside.

  But not long after, Conan and Hattori Heiji rushed out.


  Li Mu happened to see the key in Conan's hand, and the corners of his mouth rose, thinking about how to avenge the hatred just now.

  At this moment, a police officer came outside, it was the police officer Ayanokouji.

  Hattori Heiji and the two wanted to leave when they saw Officer Ayanokouji.

  Li Mu suddenly thought of something, and said to Officer Ling Xiaolu, "Officer, I saw those two people took a key from the deceased's hand, and they might go to the deceased's house."

  Hattori Heiji and Conan: "..."

  To betray them like this is not to take them seriously.

  As for Li Mu, he can't control so much, who made Hattori Heiji just too arrogant.. 0

  Officer Ayanokouji looked at Hattori Heiji, walked over, and stretched out his hand.

  "Kid from Osaka, remember what I said to you. This is not Osaka. Also, if you don't hand over this key, you can go to the police station with me."

  "Hahaha, how is that possible, little devil."

  Hattori Heiji smiled awkwardly, and then patted Conan.

  Conan was helpless, so he could only hand the key that he stole to Officer Ayanokouji.

  Officer Ayanokouji took the key and warned the two of them again.

  Li Mu looked at the unhappy Hattori Heiji, stepped forward and patted the two on the shoulders.

  "Okay, you two, don't worry, after all, the police can handle such trivial matters, you have to trust the police.

  And Hattori, if it wasn't for the police to help you today, you might have to give a billion yen, who let you scare them to the point of useless. "

  Speaking of which, Li Muqiang suppressed his inner joy.

  If it wasn't for someone nearby, Li Mu would have laughed.

  Hattori Heiji was full of black lines, and he was sure that what happened today must be their greatest shame.

  On the other hand, Officer Ling Xiaolu nodded and recognized Li Mu very much, even though Li Mu was also a policeman.

  "Yes, this gentleman is right. You'd better trust the police. We can solve the case."

  After that, Ayanokouji took the key and left.

  Li Mu ignored the dissatisfied Conan and walked to one side and Ye by 3.5.

  Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu's back and said coldly, "Kudou, that guy just now must be revenge."

  "Well, of course, you must have questioned him, so he was angry because he went to inform."

  Conan nodded and looked at Li Mu complaining in his heart.

  "However, does he think that's enough? I can pick the lock."

  Hattori Heiji showed a wicked smile, then dragged Conan and ran away.

  Li Mu also showed a wicked smile, and then walked towards Officer Ling Xiaolu.

  Officer Ling Xiaolu listened to Li Mu's words, walked to the side, and gave an order.

  A police officer left after hearing this, apparently preparing to go to Mr. Sakura's house.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1374 Take Hattori Heiji as bait (three more)

  Half an hour later, Officer Ayanokoji got the news from the officer who went to Mr. Sakura's house.

  "Everyone, I have already received the news that the dead Mr. Sakura is Genji Hotaru's member Ise Saburo. I believe that the murderer should be the remaining two Genji Hotaru."

  "What? Ise Saburo?" Mouri Kogoro's face changed slightly, and he said in horror: "Then I am Mouri Kogoro who is left?"

  Li Mu and Xiaolan: "..."

  Officer Ayanokouji: "..."

  Such a stupid policeman can become a famous detective, and Conan has really put a lot of effort into it.

  Li Mu thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

  "Wait, I thought about it, I understand this code, it should be based on the place name of Kyoto."

  Although the memory is not particularly clear, Li Mu still remembers some things.

  Place names in Kyoto.

  Everyone's eyes lit up, and Officer Ling Xiaolu said directly: "Come here, take a map of Kyoto."

  Before long, a map appeared on the table.

  Li Mu took the map and looked at it carefully.

  Others rushed over, staring at the map in Li Mu's hand.

  After a while, Li Mu pointed to the map and said, "If I guessed correctly, the code refers to the Jade Dragon Temple."

  In the crowd, one person's eyes lit up, but he held on.

  "Okay, we'll leave right away."

  Officer Ayanokoji immediately gave an order and prepared to leave with a group of police officers.

  "Okay, let's go back to rest."

  Li Mu gave an order, turned around and left.

  Walking on the dark street, Conan and Hattori Heiji left first, and the corner of Li Mu's mouth rose.

  "By the way, He Ye, Xiaolan, you all leave first. I have something else to do, so I'm going to leave right away."

  After Conan and Hattori Heiji left, they came to Yulong Temple first, but learned that Yulong Temple had been relocated and had to leave.

  After the two of Conan left, a figure secretly followed Conan and followed him for a long time.

  On the sparsely populated street, Hattori Heiji drove his motorcycle towards the Shinyuryu Temple in front of him.

  The person behind picked up a bow and arrow, stood on the motorcycle, and shot a bow and arrow at Conan.

  The long arrow flew out and hit Conan's helmet by accident, making a hole in the helmet.

  "Damn, it's the murderer, Hattori, be careful 々". "

  Hattori Heiji also reacted and cursed.

  "Damn, what's going on, why do you want to kill me, I'm not the murderer."

  Although his heart was full of doubts, Hattori Heiji hurriedly drove the car and opened the distance between him and the murderer behind him.

  After a long time, Hattori Heiji stopped the car in one place and stood under the big tree to wait.

  "Kudou, I'll fight that guy later, you have to be careful yourself."

  "Don't worry, I'm fine."

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