If you can't do anything about it, it is estimated that this endless flood will submerge Kitazawa Village and everyone together.

  At that time, he still has to find a way to save people, but he can't watch Xiaolan and Yuanzi being submerged by the endless flood.

  After thinking for a while, Li Mu stretched out his hand and placed it outside the car window.

  Suddenly, an ice burst out.

  Ice Age.

  Li Mu let out a low roar, and an endless white cold light covered the entire snow at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

  Then the ice rushed towards the distant reservoir, directly covering the flood and the entire reservoir.

  The flood was covered by Li Mu's ice.

  After getting the ice, Li Mu immediately withdrew his hand and pretended that nothing had happened.

  Inside the car, Mouri Kogoro and the others stared at the entire covered ice, not knowing what to say.

  As for the car driven by Maori Kogoro, it has long been frozen in ice and cannot drive.

  "This...is this fake?" Mouri Kogoro murmured to himself.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!Big.

Chapter 1419 Conan was buried alive (two more)

  In the distance, not only Mouri Kogoro was shocked, but Conan, who had just arrived at his destination and tried to cause an avalanche, was also shocked.

  Originally, he came to regret the failure of his plan, but as a result, the flood was blocked by ice, and he did not react at all for a while.

  But even though he was speechless, Conan was still a little excited.

  "Great, I didn't expect it to stop like this, but what the hell is going on."

  Conan touched his chin, and his detective soul burned again, hoping to come up with a way to freeze the water.

  It's a pity that no matter what he thinks, he can't figure out how to do it, which is completely inconsistent with scientific basis.

  Just as Conan was thinking, the snow under his feet suddenly cracked.

  Conan reacted instantly, looking up at the back.

  I saw the heavy snow behind him suddenly collapsed, and countless heavy snow rushed down directly.

  Conan was startled, and hurriedly stood on the skateboard and rushed out.

  But not long after rushing out, Conan was directly covered by heavy snow.

  "Conan." 20

  Xiaolan and the others saw the scene of Conan being buried alive in the heavy snow, their expressions changed suddenly, and they got out of the car quickly.

  The avalanche didn't last long and stopped quickly.

  "Xiao Lan, let's go."

  Li Mu rushed up first, although Conan was the enemy, but if he hung up, there would be no fun in the future.

  Several other people naturally really want to save Conan.

  After arriving on the snow, everyone searched for Conan on the snow without a purpose.

  Although they don't know where Conan is, they don't care at all, as long as they find where Conan is.

  Li Mu glanced around, walked directly to the snow, and found Conan's location.

  Compared with others who couldn't find Conan, Li Mu naturally found Conan right away.

  After a little swipe, Li Mu grabbed Conan's foot and pulled it hard.

  Immediately, Conan was pulled out by Li Mu.

  "Okay, we found Conan, let's go back."


  Everyone rushed over and looked at Conan worriedly.

  Although Conan was covered by heavy snow, it was not long, so there was nothing to do, but he didn't catch his breath for a while.

  Li Mu touched Conan's neck and said calmly, "Okay, there's nothing major, don't worry, just go back and have a cup of hot tea."

  "Okay, let's go back immediately."

  Mouri Kogoro didn't say a word, he hugged Conan directly, and Dr. Aga walked to the car, ready to drive.

  However, the car was blocked by ice and it was impossible to drive at all.

  Li Mu walked to the side of the car and kicked hard, breaking all the ice.

  Although these ices are very hard, to Li Mu, they are nothing at all.

  "Okay, let's go."

  Li Mu sat in the car, and Dr. Li immediately drove and left.

  When they came to Kitazawa Village, some people tried to call the police, while others took Conan to the clinic for treatment.


  More than ten hours after the explosion of the reservoir, everyone from the Metropolitan Police Department came one after another.

  Officer Mumu and Miwako who came over looked at the frozen water in the distance in surprise, and the whole person was a little shocked.

  "Brother Maori, what's going on, how did you get such a big water?"

  Mouri Kogoro touched the back of his head and smirked: "Officer Mumu, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened, I just know that it was suddenly blocked by ice, just for a moment."

  "That's it."

  Officer Mu Mu touched his chin and thought for a moment.

  Later, Officer Mu Mu suddenly reacted and said with a smirk, "By the way, this matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. It should be a matter of government investigation. I'm just a police officer investigating murder cases."

  Also, such a strange scene, it is estimated that the government will definitely investigate this matter.

  But no matter how he investigates, Li Mu doesn't care at all, anyway, no one can investigate him.

  Next, Police Officer Mumu arranged for the police to investigate the bottom of the reservoir and found the diamonds of the robber murder incident eight years ago.

  The murderer, Mr. Yamao, and others were taken away.

  The next day, Li Mu drove Conan and the others away from Kitazawa Village.

  Arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu put down the crowd and waved his hand gently.

  "Everyone, I'm going home today, you should have a good rest yourself, don't think too much about the past few days."

  "Goodbye, Li Mu/Big Brother Li/Big Brother."

  Everyone said goodbye to Li Mu.

  Li Mu didn't leave in a hurry, instead he set his eyes on Conan.

  "Kid Conan, I was so lucky yesterday that I found you all at once. Should you thank me?"

  Conan's head was covered in black lines, and he was indeed lucky to be rescued, but it was not Xiaolan who saved her because of Mao.

  Again, even if it was Maori Kogoro, Sonoko saved him, and he was a little happy.

  But for Mao, it was Li Mu who saved him.

  Although speechless, Conan could only squeeze out a smile.

  "Brother Li, thank you."

  "Haha, no thanks, bye bye."

  Li Mu laughed and drove away.

  Conan gritted his teeth, wishing that Li Mu's car was hit by someone else's car. 587

  After leaving the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu hesitated for a while, and finally set his sight on Yukiko.

  After driving to the place where Yukiko lived, Li Mu walked directly into her villa and found Yukiko who was playing on the computer.

  Youxizi also noticed Li Mu, so she rushed over and put her arms around Li Mu.

  "Li Mu, you are here, Beizhisawa Village is really thankful for you, thank you for saving Xiaoxin."

  "Oh, since you're thanking me, how are you going to thank me, for example..."

  Youxizi looked at the sly smile on Li Mu's face, her face turned slightly red, and her head lowered her head subconsciously.

  "Li Mu, what do you want?"


  Li Mu suddenly smiled, and directly pressed Yuxizi on the sofa, while he held her down.

  "Why don't you use you to comfort me, and now let me have a good taste of you."

  After speaking, Li Mu pulled Yukiko hard.

  Before long, the snow-white Yuxizi appeared in front of Li Mu's eyes.

  Yuxizi struggled slightly for a moment, but Li Mu easily pressed it in a split second, and then the sofa began to shake slightly.

  Soon, the room is full of spring and color.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1420 Officer Takagi was kidnapped (three more)

  The next day, Li Mu woke up and slowly put on his clothes.

  Yuxizi also woke up, reached out and gently pushed Li Mu's arm.

  "Li Mu, don't you want to leave, can't you stay so early?"

  Li Mu looked at Youxizi who was reluctant to part, lowered his head, and kissed her cheek lightly.

  "Okay, I'm going to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a transcript today. To be honest, detectives are really annoying work, and I have to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a transcript."

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