"What is this? Like a hook."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he pulled the clothes of Officer Lamumu.

  "Officer Mumu, don't you police officers have this thing? You don't know that."

  Officer Mumu glanced at himself, then reacted and smiled awkwardly: "No... I'm sorry, I forgot, this is a police card, but didn't Officer Takagi lose it?"

· · 0 flowers · · ·

  "It's very simple, there should be glass on top, and there should be heat underneath, otherwise, Officer Takagi will die today instead of waiting until tomorrow." Li Mu firmly believed.

  After listening to Li Mu's words, the police also agreed.

  "So then, Officer Takagi doesn't necessarily have to be on a construction site above the fourth floor, maybe the second floor?"

  Sergeant Matsumoto guessed it immediately, otherwise he would not be the Sergeant.

  "Then police officer Mumu, go and inform, all construction sites must be investigated, and none of them can be spared."

  "Yes, Manager Matsumoto."

  Li Mu looked at the screen carefully and confirmed that he had not overlooked anything, so he did not continue watching.


  From morning to now, it was almost night, Li Mu himself was a little tired, there was no need to work so hard for Officer Takagi.

  If it wasn't for Miwako's reward, Li Mu would have already left.

  On the other hand, Miwako looked worried.

  Although it is not the cp in the original work, Miwako's warmheartedness still doesn't want anything to happen to her colleagues.

  Li Mu walked over, patted Mihezi and said, "Okay, don't worry, it's still hot up there, and Officer Takagi won't have an accident.

  And with the ability of the Metropolitan Police Department, as long as the location is determined, it can be found within a day or two, and Officer Takagi will at least breathe a sigh of relief. "

  Are you sure you are comforting people?

  Next to him, Officer Mu Mu turned around and spit out a word in his heart.

  At this moment, Officer Chiba shouted again: "Officer Mumu, look at what that is? There seems to be something on the screen."

  Officer Mumu walked over quickly, staring at the tablet carefully.

  I saw that in the computer, there was a red beam of light that shot straight into the sky, so conspicuous.

  It's a pity that the police officer Mu Mu has little knowledge and doesn't know what this is, so he can only look at Li Mu.

  Li Mu immediately understood what he meant, and explained helplessly: "Officer Mumu, this is a beam of light, which can only happen when the temperature is extremely low, so this must be Hokkaido."

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!begging.

Chapter 1422 Miwako, where is my reward? (two more)

  After listening to Li Mu's words, Chief Inspector Matsumoto was silent for a moment, then glanced at the crowd with sharp eyes.

  "Okay, it can be confirmed, Takagi will be detained in Hokkaido, notify the Hokkaido Police Headquarters, and investigate immediately."

  "Yes, manager."

  The other police officers were obviously relieved. Although it is still uncertain, at least the direction has been determined.

  At night, the sky gradually dimmed, Li Mu saw that it was almost time, and it was time to go back.

  "Officer Mumu, I'm going back. If there is anything unusual, you can call me and let me know."

  "I see, I'm really bothering you today, Mr. Li."

  Inspector Mumu's eyes were full of gratitude.

  "Wait, Li Mu, it's getting late, I'll take you back."

  Although Miwako was still worried about Officer Takagi, she was also a little worried about Li Mu.

  "Okay, Miwako, please."

  If someone gave it, Li Mu would not refuse it.

  "Then 20, children, let me see you off."

  Officer Chiba looked at Conan and the others.

  Although Conan didn't play his role because of Li Mu, Officer Chiba still wanted to send them.

  After leaving the Office of the First Section, Li Mu got into Miwako's car and left the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Along the way, Li Mu didn't clean Miwako and kept silent.

  Near Li Mu's house, Miwako stopped the car and looked at Li Mu worriedly.

  "Li Mu, get out of the car, be careful yourself."

  Li Mu didn't get out of the car, but looked at Miwako instead.

  Miwako also noticed Li Mu's smile, and subconsciously took a step back, holding her arms fiercely.

  "Li Mu, what do you want, shouldn't you want to be here? But here..."

  Miwako also secretly glanced around.

  Although it is a wealthy area, there are still many people here, and there are still people patrolling from time to time.

  If you want to shake the car here, I am afraid it is easy to be found.

  Li Mu immediately understood what Miwako was thinking, and reached out to squeeze her cheek.

  "Miwako, you think too much, I mean, you found Officer Takagi, but you want to repay me."

  Miwako knew she was thinking too much, and shyly covered her cheeks.

  "Okay, I get it, get out of the car, I have to go to the Metropolitan Police Department."

  "Okay, remember to rest early, don't work too hard, but you will get old."

  Li Mu squeezed Miwako's face, tapped her face, and left.

  Miwako secretly watched Li Mu's back, and her heart was thumping.


  The next day, before Li Mu woke up, he received a call from Miwako.

  On the phone, Miwako excitedly told Li Mu that Officer Takagi had been found.

  Because Li Mu took the lead in determining the location of Hokkaido, after the overnight efforts of the Hokkaido police, he finally found Officer Takagi.

  Although he was hungry and hungry, he did not suffer too much damage, as long as he cultivated for two days.

  Li Mu hung up the phone, Chao quickly got up from the bed, and then drove to the police station.

  As for why he had to take the car, who made the car that Li Mu drove yesterday parked at the Police Department.

  Arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu tidied up his clothes.

  After all, Police Officer Takagi has found it, and it is time to realize the reward Miwako promised to give him.

  As soon as he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu was welcomed by countless people, most of whom were men.

  Most of them are rivals in Li Mu's fantasy.

  Ignoring the resentful gazes of the police, Li Mu went directly to the Metropolitan Police Department to search for a lesson.

  "Yo, Mr. Li?" Officer Mumu was very happy and said happily: "You are here, we have found Officer Takagi in Hokkaido, thank you this time."

  "It's nothing, it's nothing, as a citizen, I have an obligation to help you police."

  Li Mu looked at the police officer Mumu righteously.

  If it wasn't for someone who knew Li Mu, he would have thought that Li Mu was really such a good citizen.

  After securing Officer Mumu, Li Mu walked to Miwako's side and said softly, "Miwako, Officer Takagi has been found, when will the thing you promised me will be fulfilled."

  Miwako's face flushed instantly, and she glanced around, all the police officers were looking at her.

  "Li Mu, this is not good, I'm still at work now, how can I give it to you?"

  "Oh, go to work." Li Mu saw Miwako's shirk and looked at Officer Mumu in the distance.

  "Officer Mumu, Miwako said she was tired yesterday, and I hope she can ask for leave."

  "Ask for leave? Okay, then Miwako, you also have a good rest, don't be too tired."

  Perhaps he found Officer Takagi. Officer Meguro was very happy, and he agreed to Miwako's request for leave without thinking.

  Li Mu smiled and turned to look at Miwako.

  "How about it, Miwako, I've already asked for a leave for you, can you go with me too?"

  Although Miwako was shy, since she had already asked for leave, it was naturally impossible to go back.

  "Okay, come with me, I'll treat you to dinner and repay you well."

  Treating a guest to dinner is a reward.

  Li Mu didn't refute Miwako either, anyway, it wasn't up to him at that time.

  Can Miwako resist what she wants to do?

  The result of the final 230 is roughly that Miwako was half pushed down by Li Mu, and then eaten cleanly.

  Li Mu followed Miwako and left the Metropolitan Police Department under the resentful gazes of countless people.

  When Mi and Zi left, Yumi grabbed the documents and watched Li Mu secretly.

  It wasn't until Li Mu and the others disappeared that Yumei put down the document and quickly followed behind Li Mu.

  After Miwako drove away, Yumi also drove a police car and secretly followed Miwako.

  Naturally, Miwako noticed such a bright police car, but she didn't think much about it, she just thought it was a police car patrolling.

  On the street, Miwako was driving while looking at nearby hotels and snack bars, trying to find a good place.

  "Li Mu, tell me, where do you want to eat? I'll treat you today."

  "Then take me to the city hotel, it should be nice there."

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