Sonoko didn't know about the secret communication between Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko, chatted happily with Li Mu, and brought Li Mu to Li Mu's room.

  Although, Li Mu had never used this room.

  "Li Mu, you rest early, and remember to come over at night."

  Yuanzi stood on tiptoe, tapped Li Mu's cheek, then covered his little cheek, and ran away as if shy.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1427 What Happens When Your Husband Is Here (One More)

  At night, the moonlight is thick.

  The sky is full of stars, shining like countless silver beads, densely inlaid on the deep black night.

  The Milky Way is like a faintly luminous white ribbon across the starry sky.

  In the hallway of Yuanzi's house, after Li Mu got dressed, he sneaked out of his room, and then entered Yuanzi's room.

  Yuanzi listened to the open door, and immediately understood that Li Mu had come in, and hurriedly sat up.

  Compared to Xiaolan, who is usually more shy, Yuanzi- is more open.

  Every time Li Mu came here, Yuanzi took the initiative. Of course, if he was in an unsafe place, it would be another matter.

  "Li Mu, you are here."

  Yuanzi hurriedly pounced on Li Mu, stood on tiptoe at the same time, and gave Li Mu a warm kiss directly.

  Li Mu hugged Yuanzi, then pulled her aside, and pressed her directly.

  For a time, the room was full of spring and color.

  I don't know how many hours later, Yuanzi leaned on Li Mu's arms and kissed him intimately.

  "Okay, Li Mu, it's getting late, you should go back to rest early."

  "Okay, then I'll go back first."

  Li Mu tapped Yuanzi's face and left Yuanzi's room.

  Of course, Li Mu will not go back, after all, there are still people waiting for Li Mu to comfort her.

  On the other side, in Suzuki Tomoko's room, Suzuki Tomoko didn't fall asleep, but opened his eyes with a blush on his cheeks.

  Beside her, Shirou Suzuki was sleeping.

  Outside the door, Li Mu took out some powder and used the wind to blow the powder into the room.

  Suddenly, Tomoko Suzuki and Shirou Suzuki fell into a deep sleep together in the room.

  After getting the two together, Li Mu opened the door and closed it gently.

  Li Mu slowly came to the side of Tomoko Suzuki, picked up a medicine powder, and sprinkled it on Tomoko Suzuki's face.

  Tomoko Suzuki woke up instantly.

  As soon as he woke up, Tomoko Suzuki saw Li Mu in front of him and was startled.

  Li Mu quickly stabilized Tomoko Suzuki, and said softly, "Don't worry, he's already fainted by me, it's okay."

  Tomoko Suzuki breathed a sigh of relief while secretly looking at Shirou Suzuki.

  After confirming that Shirou Suzuki was still alive and sleeping, Tomoko Suzuki relaxed again.

  "Li Mu, you are really, so bold, what if you are discovered."

  Tomoko Suzuki looked at Li Mu resentfully.

  She was originally going to find an opportunity to go out secretly, but who knew that Li Mu actually came directly.

  "Okay, stop talking, let's get started."

  Li Mu pounced directly on Suzuki Tomoko, and then rolled with Suzuki Tomoko like this.

  Shirou Suzuki, who was on the side, was also tumbling non-stop by the vibrations of Li Mu, but unfortunately he fell into a deep sleep.

  After a long time, Li Mu hugged Tomoko Suzuki and joked, "How about it, you will be very happy if you want me to stay with you."

  Tomoko Suzuki blushed instantly, and said a little shyly: "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back to sleep, or it will be bad if you are discovered."

  Although she hoped that Li Mu would stay, she was not stupid, and it would be bad if she was discovered.

  "Okay, I'll leave first."

  Li Mu gave Tomoko Suzuki a warm kiss, and then left secretly.


  The next day, in the restaurant.

  Suzuki Jiroji looked at the happy Tomoko Suzuki and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you look good today, it seems that you slept well yesterday."

  "Yeah, now I take care of myself every day, just to prevent myself from getting old."

  Tomoko Suzuki touched her cheek, her heart filled with warmth.

  After being comforted by Li Mu yesterday, Tomoko Suzuki was refreshed and very happy.

  "By the way, Sonoko, it looks like you look very good, were you happy last night?" Shiro Suzuki said with a smile.

  He naturally knew the relationship between Li Mu and Yuanzi, so he couldn't help but tease.

  He didn't know that Li Mu was not only with Suzuki Sonoko, but also with Suzuki Tomoko.

  A green hat on his head, he didn't know it yet.

  Sonoko's face flushed instantly, and she covered her cheek shyly.

  "Dad, you really are, I'll be angry if you do this."

  "Okay, I won't talk about it."

  Suzuki Jiroji thought of something again, and said quickly: "By the way, Li Mu, I have finished the plan. At that time, on an airship, I want to see how the phantom thief Kidd can steal my ruby."

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··

  "Okay, I'll bring the ruby ​​over tomorrow, look at my ruby ​​Pandora, and you'll know that other gems are stones."

  Although Li Mu knew that it was impossible for Shirou Suzuki to protect the ruby, he was sure to protect them.

  Moreover, there is Conan, the Kidd nemesis, Li Mu doesn't need to worry about this at all.

  "Really? It seems that you are very confident in your ruby? Since that is the case, then I am even more looking forward to the next action."

  Suzuki Jiroji saw that Li Mu was so confident in Ruby, and he also had confidence.


  As long as he can get the bait, he believes that he can catch Kaito Kidd.

  "By the way, uncle, aunt, I have finished eating, so I will leave first."

  Li Mu said hello, then looked at Yuanzi and said, "Okay, Yuanzi, aren't you going to school? I'll take you to school today."

  "Hmph, okay, wait for me."

  Yuanzi quickly picked up his backpack and followed behind Li Mu.

  "Dad, mom, uncle, I'm going to school, you guys should eat early."

  After saying hello, Sonoko and Li Mu left the Suzuki chaebol.

  In the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu stopped the car, looked at Xiao Lan who was waiting at the door, and honked the horn.

  "Xiao Lan, let me take you to school."

  "Then thank you, Brother Li."

  Seeing that Yuanzi was also in the car, Xiaolan quickly got into Li Mu's car.

  Afterwards, Conan was in a hurry and said quickly, "Brother Li, I want to take the car too."

  Li Muli ignored him and drove directly.

  At the same time, Li Mu stretched out his hand and waved gently towards the back.

  "Conan, just walk with your friends so you can exercise, bye bye."


  Conan looked at the back of Li Mu's car, gritted his teeth angrily, and wanted to kick a ball.

  Xiaolan Yuanzi couldn't help covering their mouths and snickered.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1428 Police Officer Mu Mu's Call for Help (Second)

  Tokyo Metropolitan Bacteriological Institute.

  A team of heavily armed special forces broke into it, snatched some bacteria, and blew up the Bacteriology Institute.

  The next day, the news spread throughout Tokyo, and even the Metropolitan Police Department held a meeting.

  Li Mu and Maori Kogoro were also invited to the Metropolitan Police Department.

  In a relatively small conference room, Li Mu and Maori Kogoro were sitting, drinking tea and chatting.

  As for Officer Mumu and many other officers, they all held a press conference there.

  This time the matter was so big that even the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, Oda Kerry Min, was dispatched.

  In the conference room, Xiao Lan suddenly held her mobile phone and said in surprise: "Dad, look, this news, this red Siamese cat released news, and they took the bacteria away."

  "What? I'll take a look."

  Mouri Kogoro hurriedly took over the phone, his face very solemn.

  "Damn, these bastards, dare to do this at 20."

  You know, once the bacteria with a particularly strong infection is released, it will cause a lot of panic.

  No matter how the Metropolitan Police Department explained it, those crazy crowds would not believe the Metropolitan Police Department.

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