Li Mu hurriedly put his hand on He Ye and said softly, "He Ye, look at Hattori, it's already very painful today, don't talk about him, I believe he already knew the mistake."

  That's right, if it is not sent to the hospital in time, it is estimated that the current Hattori Heiji will definitely be slack to the point of prolapse ~ anus.

  It will be more painful then.

  Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu, who was so close to He Ye, and gritted his teeth, wishing he could continue to teach Lin Fei a lesson.

  But seeing the eyes of Officer Dalong, Hattori Heiji could only squeeze out a smile and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, it was really my fault, I'm so sorry."

  "It's okay, you have a good rest today, we will bring you something delicious."

  Li Mu thought of another benefit. Today, he not only taught Hattori Heiji, but also Conan.

  Tonight, without the interruptions and interventions of Heiji Hattori and Conan, it must be a good date.

  Li Mu was even a little excited.

  Although Hattori Heiji didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, he was very upset, but he had to hold back his anger.

  "Then you have a good time and don't be too tired."

  After speaking, Hattori Heiji pulled up the quilt in dissatisfaction and covered his body.

  Li Mu didn't stay too long, and took Xiaolan and her group out of the hospital, and went shopping again.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!Sichuan.

Chapter 1442 Sonoko's Request (One More)

  That night, Li Mu and Ye Xiao spent the night again, until the next day, Li Mu and others left Osaka together.

  When they came, everyone came up on the Bell Shirley II of the Suzuki Consortium, and when they went back, they went back on the high-speed train.

  Because everyone was startled by the red Siamese cat, they refused to go back in the airship.


  Tokyo, Mori Detective Agency.

  On this day, when Li Mu first came, he saw Yuanzi and Xiaolan. Besides, there was another person he didn't know.

  As soon as Yuanzi saw Li Mu, he got excited and waved his hand quickly: "Brother Li, you are here, come over quickly, I have something to ask for your help."

  "Really? Tell me, I will definitely help you with anything." Li Mu agreed without hesitation.

  After all, how can you say "[-]" that she is also her own woman. Can you not agree to her request?

  Sonoko was overjoyed after hearing this, and at the same time looked down at Mouri Kogoro next to him.

  "Big Brother Li is Big Brother Li. Unlike some people, he is clearly a famous detective. I don't help with this little request."

  Maori Kogoro frowned slightly, then immediately sat up straight and said solemnly: "Isn't it just investigating a case? What's the big deal, I'll help you now."

  Sonoko was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly pointed to the girl beside her and said, "Big Brother Li, this is Yanuchi Misaki, my former classmate. I hope you can help her well."

  Yanai Misaki also said quickly, "Detective Mori, Detective Li, this is the case. Some time ago, my sister committed suicide in school, which was the incident at Yanai Kiyomizu High School."

  Mouri Kogoro seems to have heard of this too.

  "What about Yanai Kiyomi High School? I know about it, but Officer Megure seems to have committed suicide."

  "No, it's impossible, it's impossible for my sister to kill herself because there were two witnesses, and one of them was me."

  "Oh, so that's the case, the witness is you." Maori Kogoro nodded.

  But then, Mouri Kogoro looked at Misaki Yanai in surprise, and said in shock, "It's you, then why do you still doubt this, didn't you see it with your own eyes?"

  "It's like this. My sister is a free and easy person. Although she knows that her fiancé is related to other women, it is impossible for her to commit suicide, so I want to ask Maori detectives to investigate."

  Mouri Kogoro listened to Yanuchi Misaki's words and lowered his head to think.

  Yuanzi was a little disappointed and turned to look at Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, what about you? Do you have any clues? Can you help Misaki-san?"

  Li Mu touched his chin and muttered to himself, "Yanai Kiyomi High School, isn't this a famous women's high school? It's a man's paradise."

  Sonoko: "..."

  Xiaolan: "..."

  "Brother Li, how can you say this at this time?" Xiaolan said dissatisfiedly.

  "Hahaha, just kidding." Li Mu laughed, and then said seriously: "It's actually very simple. If you have something to ask, you can ask Officer Takagi. Isn't he your assistant?"

  The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, it seems that he often uses Officer Takagi recklessly, and it seems that he is really his assistant.

  Mouri Kogoro's face was also dark, and he smiled awkwardly: "Well, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, but we can indeed ask Officer Takagi to give us a little help."

  Li Mu: "..."

  I just said don't say that, but now I think of Officer Takagi as a younger brother. The pitiful Officer Takagi is too pitiful.

  Half an hour later, Officer Takagi came to the Mori Detective Agency with a lot of information.

  "Detective Maori, this is the information you want, you can take a look."

  "I'm so sorry to trouble you, Officer Takagi." Mouri Kogoro said apologetically.

  To be honest, he just didn't want to investigate this matter, and asked him to trouble Officer Takagi.

  Kindness is the hardest thing to pay back.

  "It's okay, Detective Maori, Officer Mumu has agreed, and he doesn't want any wrongful convictions."

  "That's good." Maori Kogoro nodded, then opened the information and looked at it seriously.

  Li Mu and others also stood around, seriously looking at the photos taken at the scene.

  After everything was optimistic, Li Mu stood up and said: "Okay, I've been optimistic about it here. Now I'll go to Yanai Kiyomizu Garden. Maybe there are clues there.. 0"

  "Really? Let's go and see now."

  Sonoko quickly pulled Yanuchi Misaki and quickly followed behind Li Mu.

  The others didn't refuse either, they all followed Li Mu.

  After arriving at the crime scene, Li Mu looked around carefully, and then looked at the signs of hanging by the window.

  Immediately, Li Mu's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth rose.

  Beside her, Xiaolan kept her eyes on Li Mu, and when she saw Li Mu's smile, she was immediately excited.

  "Brother Li, have you found any clues, did you kill her, little master?"

  Others also immediately focused their attention on Li Mu.

  In particular, Misaki Yanuchi rushed to Li Mu's side with excitement.

  "Really? Do you really know? My sister must not have committed suicide?"

  Li Mu didn't answer directly. Instead, he pointed out the window and said, "I remember you said that you were sitting on that bench back then, and you should have seen your sister's face, right?"

  Although Yanuchi Misaki didn't understand what Li Mu said, she still said: "Yes, I was sitting there at the beginning, and I did see my sister's entire face."

  "Then how tall is your sister?"

  "Approximately, about one meter sixty-five."

  "One meter sixty five." Li Mu muttered, then picked up the chair on the side and put it on the place where the 4.7 little master hanged.

  "Sonoko, she is similar to you, you stand here and try."


  Yuanzi just glanced at Li Mu, then stood on the chair.

  "Brother Li, how is it, can I do it now?"

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he immediately understood the important clues in this case.

  In fact, it's not just Li Mu, Conan on the side has learned so much, and he knows almost the same.

  It was also determined that the case was not suicide or homicide.

  Yuanzi noticed Li Mu's smile and said quickly, "Brother Li, do you know? Then tell us, we really want to help Misaki-san."

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1443 Sonoko's Gratitude (two more)

  Everyone requested, Li Mu did not hesitate, and pointed directly to the chair outside.

  "Misaki-san, go down below and see if it's exactly the same as that day, Xiaolan, go and help, we will contact by phone."


  Misaki-san and Ran went down together.

  Not long after, Xiao Lan's phone was turned on.

  "Brother Li, Misaki-san said that she saw her sister's face, and Sonoko could hardly see her face."

  "Really?" Li Mu looked at Yuanzi, pointed aside and said, "Yuanzi, pull the stool over."

  "As for Xiaolan, you can watch from below. It's almost the same time."

  "it is good."

  Sonoko moved a few times, but it was different from what Yanu Misaki saw.

  Until the last time, Xiaolan nodded and said, "Big Brother Li, this is where Misaki-san saw her sister in such a state."

  On the other hand, Officer Takagi was a little puzzled and asked, "Mr. Li, what's going on? Is there something wrong?"

  "Of course, have you forgotten? The deceased is there, and there was a model here, how could people hang themselves here."

  "Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

  Officer Takagi suddenly realized, and then he thought of something, wondering: "Then why is the body here, and how is she there."

  Li Mu glanced around, picked up the chariot model on the side, and tapped it lightly.

  "Officer Takagi, this model is quite sturdy, and the girl should be able to withstand it."

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