Great sea route, a certain sea.

“Dad, Uncle Mo Luo has gone to the Seven Capitals of Water.”

After receiving the information, Marko said to Whitebeard.

“In this way, the time is almost up this year, and I should go to the Seven Capitals of Water.”

Whitebeard said while drinking.

“One more thing…”

Marko looked strange.

“Uncle Molo said that if you want to build a ship, you want us to pay for it.”

“Say that we are in the seven capital of water, and there is a protection fee.”

“This way!” Whitebeard was a little painful, and said stingily: “Out, it’s just a ship.” ”

“As much as you want, just go out, although we don’t charge protection fees, but once a year passes, the presidents of the seven capitals of water will also give a share.”

“Daddy, at my age, I’m still working for you to make money, hahahaha!”

“And a ship, how much can be used, we earn a lot!”

Whitebeard laughed at himself, isn’t the money collected equivalent to the wages to block the tsunami?

In normal times, Marko might have laughed along with his father, but right now, he said with some headaches.

“A ship, like, costs more than two billion Baileys!”

The white beard was stunned, one on the head, the drink directly choked his nose, and coughed violently.

“Daddy, drink slowly!” Marko hurriedly shouted.

It’s okay to choke your nose with water, and it’s okay to choke your nose with wine, but it’s fatally uncomfortable.

“Two, two billion, is he going to build ships with gold? Cough! Whitebeard couldn’t do it, his nostrils were still dripping wine, and he suddenly shouted anxiously.

“In all these years, I haven’t taken so much money from the Seven Capitals of Water, what kind of trouble is Mo Luo?”

“Go to the Seven Capitals of Water, I want to see, what kind of ship he builds…”


Navy headquarters, conference room.

No one else was there, and General Zefa sat in the headquarters, holding the phone worm and chatting with his wife.

“I’ve been busy lately, I’m guarding the entire Navy headquarters alone, and I can’t spare time to accompany you, the hateful pirates, I can’t stop day by day.”

“Business matters.” On the other side of the phone worm, came the gentle voice of Mrs. Zefa.

“My son may toss now, shouting that he will become a navy in the future.”

Zefa’s face changed slightly.

“The son is kind, but being in the navy is not so simple.”

A few years ago, Zephara’s home was ransacked by pirates.

Many people died at the hands of pirates, and Zefa’s family avoided disaster because he was transferred to the naval branch.

Zefa began to teach students, and now the yellow ape and the red dog, as a group of students, are already lieutenant generals.

As the third batch of students, Qing Pheasant also followed Karp to do things, and was also a lieutenant general.

And there are hundreds of naval elites, from Zefa.

“A person’s strength is limited after all, and I don’t know what happened to Kuzan and that smelly boy.”

The stinky boy refers to: Yellow Ape!

The teacher looks at the student unfavorably, the student looks at the teacher unfavorably…

“Okay, don’t say it, someone is coming.” Zefa hung up.

There was a noise outside the door.

“Sengoku, Sengoku, how long did Barrett block you, how many opportunities did we miss.”

Karp said angrily.

“If you and I had joined forces earlier, wouldn’t we have caught Roger?”

“What do you mean by that?”

The Warring States are also palpitating.

“Barrett, I’m almost repelling, Morrow’s crew came over, and I didn’t give me a damn!”

“This guy is even strong in the crew, and it will develop unimaginably in the future.”

“And to find out, what he went to that sea area for, we have to send someone to look for it, what clues are left!”

Karp sighed.

“You were repelled by Molo’s crew at once, but what a shame!”

Sengoku turned his head and roared.

“Aren’t you also resigned by Molo? When I retreated, I was still running ahead of me! ”

“Are you sorry to say me?”

The green pheasant covered his face: “For the sake of Roger’s pirate group, is it necessary to sacrifice so many people to capture?” ”

Hearing this, Karp and Sengoku sighed at the same time.

“This is the instruction of the world government, more than ten years ago, the Roger Pirates fled with ancient weapons that could threaten the world.”

“If you don’t catch Roger, the above will not give up, and the threat to the world is too great.”

Warring States said with a solemn face.

Pushing open the door, Zefa carefully studied some documents.

“Teacher Zefa, you have worked hard, there should be a lot of things recently.” The green pheasant walked over and greeted with a smile.

“Ugh!” Zefa put things down.

“I’ve heard about your business, it’s not that simple.”

“Teacher Zefa, you phone worm is still holding the heat, have you been chatting with your wife for a long time!” The yellow ape said as he sat in his place.

Pharaoh Ze blushed.

“Stinky boy, just your sharp eyes, aren’t you?”

Sengoku and Karp also sat down.

“Zefa, how is it lately, how is the headquarters okay?” Sengoku asked casually.

“It’s okay!”

Zefa said proudly.

“There are no pirates yet, dare to come to the headquarters of the navy!”


The Seven Capitals of Water.

Molo lay comfortably on the flying boat on the shore, and Anilu sat on the side, swinging his legs.

“Boss, how can I reach 300 million volts.”

Anilu was worried as soon as he was idle.

“Obviously said that I have 300 million volts, you wake up, but there are no 300 million volts so far.”

“Huh?” Morrow woke up from a nap.

“Three hundred million volts?”

“How long has it been, you gave me back 300 million volts.”

“Leave those alone!”

“Huh?” Anilu looked surprised.

“The target has risen to 500 million volts!” Molo said seriously.

“During the period of building Hades, you have to find a way to progress to 500 million volts.”

“This…” Anilu was confused.

“It’s a little difficult, the time to build a ship, to 500 million?”

Anilu is afraid that it is not clear how long this ship will have to be built.

Xiao Ye is planning to sleep!

“But right now I’m thinking about something else!” Molo said casually.

[Black Aurora Sword] is really strong, but the disadvantage is that the magic power is used too quickly.

No matter how much magic there is, it is squandered without restraint.

It seems that Xiao Ye wants to be like a way, so that this kind of no way to limit becomes can be limited.

“I’m going to build an arsenal to store weapons.”

Once the weapons in the King’s Treasure are stored in the outside world, when using mana, they will be recycled first, so although it is also fast, it should be effective to limit mana squandering.

“Boss, if you are tired of carrying that sword, I will help you hold it.” Anilu said intimately.

“What tired or not.”

Molo glanced sideways.

“I have several tons of weapons here, you also have to carry them?”

“When Hades is built, put it directly on Hades.”

“However, I still intend to scatter the wealth.”

Weapons can be stored elsewhere, but Bailey’s stuff is a bit inappropriate anywhere.

Put it in the warehouse, afraid of being bitten by rats, put it in the bank, and when I take it back, I don’t know how many people will be harmed.

Who can help save this money, and then not afraid of the scourge of Xiaoye, bah, it is Xiaoye who does not care about the consequences.

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