Teach was instantly knocked out, feeling like his body was being pierced by heat vision.

If Sea Kings hadn't blocked it for him, Teach would have been seriously injured this time.

Teach's body drew a beautiful arc in mid-air and fell into the sea in the distance.


A lightning-like figure flew out of Sea Kings' body, suspended in mid-air, looking down at everyone on the ship with a look of disdain on his face.

"Mr. Tom?"

Seeing Tom at this moment, everyone was shocked.

Under a black tights, her muscles are bursting, and she is full of powerful beauty.

The jet black cloak behind him was flapping in the strong wind, the T logo on his chest was full of coldness, and the word "invincible" was written all over Tom's face.

Is this the same Tom they saw before?

It turns out that this is the true strength of the immortal swordsman!

"Mr. Tom, please go and save Teach! He was accidentally injured by your attack just now."

Seeing such a powerful Tom Cat, Bista subconsciously used the honorific.

Tom Cat didn't speak, just nodded indifferently, and disappeared into a stream of black light.

In the blink of an eye, Tom Cat returned to the original place with Teach, who had become a drowned rat.

"Thank you Mr. Tom, thank you Mr. Tom."

Everyone was shocked by Tom Cat's speed again. Isn't this too fast? !

On the entire ship, only Lynch and Whitebeard could see Tom Cat clearly.

Marco and the others saw at most afterimages flashing past.

Saatchi nervously supported Teach and said accusingly: "You said that you hit Mr. Tom so hard, but Mr. Tom saved you in the end. Why don't you thank me?"

Thatch was afraid that Tom would be angry with Teach because of what happened just now.

Judging from Tom's speed just now, except for Dad, no one on the boat can be his opponent!

"Hehehe, didn't Senior Tom let us take action at will?" Teach, who had become a drowned rat, said to Tom with a smile: "Thank you, Senior, for helping me, Old Hei. I, Old Hei, will definitely repay you in the future."

Compared with the smile on the surface, Teach's heart sank to the bottom.

Compared with this kind of top master, the gap between me now is not that big!

hateful! Sooner or later, Teach will be as powerful as them and trample Tom Cat under his feet.

【Ding! Blackbeard's negative emotions +66! 】

【Ding! Congratulations on completing the Host task. Blackbeard's negative emotions have accumulated over 100 points. 】

[Rewards are being distributed...]

【Ding! Distribution successful! Ten longevity fruits have been placed in the system space. 】

Tom Cat also changed back from the super cat state.

From the heat vision to the end, Tom only used one move. If it didn't continue to attack, it could stay in that state.

After a hearty banquet, Lynch and the Whitebeard Pirates parted ways.

The sea does not remember the years.

A month later, Lynch's fleet finally entered the Four Emperors' sphere of influence.

From far away, you can see the banners on the islands passing by.

【Welcome home my good daughter Garrett! 】

【Welcome the Charlotte family and son-in-law Lynch home! 】

【Welcome West Blue Emperor, Lynch to the tea party. 】

I don't know if it was an illusion, but as soon as he stepped into Auntie's territory, Lynch felt that the sugar in the air was seriously excessive, and even the air was sweet.

Just outrageous.

Fortunately, people in this world are strong and there is no such disease as diabetes, otherwise Auntie would be the first one to get it.

There are dozens of islands of various sizes that we pass along the way, and few of them are normal.

There are chocolate fountains everywhere on some islands, and even the river is full of chocolate.

On some islands, pudding shapes can be seen everywhere, and the houses and buildings look like big puddings.

Some islands are even more outrageous. Both the houses and the land are made of a mixture of biscuits and chocolate. Everyone on the entire island can be eaten!

A big departure.

I can't imagine how the aunt managed to keep the territory from collapsing under such circumstances.

Apart from food, everything else you need depends on grabbing, right?

Suddenly, Lynch smelled the sweet and sour aroma of juice. When he lowered his head, he saw that the sea water below had turned into juice!

How much money does it cost to produce such a sea-like juice, auntie, this prodigal bitch!

Garrett stood on the bow of the boat, opening her arms to face the sweet sea breeze with a sweet smile on her face.

"Chocolate Island, Pudding Island, Juice Island, Bread Island, Tart Island, Candy Island, Baking Island..."

Garrett could accurately name every place she passed.

This is where she grew up and her hometown since childhood.

Although her mother is not very kind to her, Garrett still likes it here because she has family members she cherishes here.

Garrett was very happy to return to her hometown after many years.

"How are you? Are you happy?" Lynch came over and slowly hugged Garrett's waist.

"Happy. Thank you husband~" Garrett kissed Lynch on the cheek.

Cake Island.

In order to hold this tea party, almost everyone on the island was busy.

This tea party can be called the most grand one in the past ten years.

Not just because this tea party invited the six kings of the underground world.

More importantly, the most powerful son-in-law in the history of Charlotte family, West Blue King Lynch, is about to arrive.

For this reason, the Charlotte family started preparing for this tea party more than a month in advance.

"Well, well, well, well, let's move~ Let's move~"

Auntie was in a rare happy mood today, smiling and waving to direct the people carrying food.

Looking at more and more food now, I can’t wait to start the tea party.

"Our Cake Island has not been so lively for a long time." Katakuri said with emotion as he looked at the people coming and going.

Except for Katakuri, the other cadres of Auntie's children are almost too busy to find their way around.

As a juicer, Smoothie's hands are about to get sore. The baguette hasn't left the kitchen since the day before yesterday. Perospero was busy making syrup. Owen is covered in flames and acts as a humanoid baker, capable of baking tons of cookies and cakes at a time...

"Brother Katakuri, shall I go greet Sister Garrett?" Rezan asked.

Among Auntie's children, Garrett has the best relationship with Rezan and has been taking care of his younger brother since he was a child.

If his brother hadn't spoken, Lei Zan would have gone to the port to wait to greet his sister.

"Well, you can go if you want. Your fifth brother, eighth sister, and thirty-fifth sister are already waiting there."


With Katakuri's brother's permission, Rezan ran away like an immature child.

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