"King Lynch of West Blue, and Charlotte Linlin, you secretly joined forces, risked the disapproval of the world, and tried to fight against the world government. Are you ready to die!"

Saint Satan was standing high, looking down at the two people below him with an unruly expression.

It’s time to take revenge for the humiliation I suffered last time at West Blue!

As early as more than ten years ago, the World Government has been placing spies in all countries.

The aunt was unlucky. If Lynch's arrival hadn't stimulated Saint Satan, the World Government wouldn't have thought of taking action against the aunt so quickly.

The World Government's plan is to poison Lynch and Big Mom here on the spot, and if that doesn't work, go out and do the finishing touches.

It's a pity that dreams are beautiful, but reality is skinny.

The blood bars of these two people were actually 100 million points thick. They could poison hundreds of beasts, but even if they ate it, nothing would happen.

The others fell down and were poisoned, but nothing happened to these two people.

Lynch's stomach was different because of the Candlelight Fruit. He could digest anything, including poisons.

As for aunt, she has been eating everything since she was a child.

Like Lion Majesty, poisonous scorpions, death spiders, various poisonous weeds...

Relying on the characteristic that I can eat anything as long as it is not poisoned to death, Auntie superimposed her own poison resistance, and with the talent of the steel balloon, it is difficult to be poisoned.

"Akainu! Garp! Kizaru! You old guys!" Auntie gritted her teeth, eyes spitting fire, and growled almost word by word.

The tragic situation suffered by Cake Island and the deception she suffered made her want to kill everyone present.

"Hahahahaha, Saint Satan, have you forgotten the lesson you learned last time?"

Lynch's hearty voice echoed in the air: "I'm not afraid of dying here today even if I don't forget to eat or fight."

Lynch and the aunt stood side by side. This scene was not to mention how weird it was.

To be honest, Lynch himself never thought that one day he would be able to join forces with Big Mom to deal with the World Government.

Members of the Charlotte family stand behind Lynch and Big Mom, and a war between the two sides is about to break out.

There are only a few hundred people who can still fight on Cake Island, and they are all the guys who were lucky enough not to eat any dessert.

However, compared with the CP members all over the mountains and plains, it is almost difficult to resist.

But Saint Satan and others did not take this lightly.

In any battle, what can determine the outcome of both sides comes from the battle at the top.

No matter how many soldiers there are, they can't affect the final victory.

For the World Government, as long as either Lynch or Big Mom can be killed here today, it will be a huge victory.

"Hmph, you sharp-tongued brat." Saint Satan snorted coldly, "Today will be your burial place, do it!"

"Fist bone impact!"

The war between the two sides officially kicked off with Garp's action.

Garp jumped into the air and attacked downwards with his fist wrapped around Haki. The shock wave formed almost destroyed most of the buildings on Cake Island.

The Charlotte family's lineup was also shattered by the shock wave and scattered in all directions.

The fallen Garp's eyes intersected with Lynch's in mid-air, and Lynch understood what the other person meant:

Last time I attacked you, I was able to refuse, but this time Linlin can't refuse. Boy, please wish yourself well, but don't die.

Garp landed on the ground and jumped over Lynch, taking the initiative to meet the rampaging aunt.

If possible, he wouldn't want to become an enemy of Lynch.

But Garp won't hold back from this fight because of his friendship with Lynch.

Because besides their relationship, he is also a Marine! Be worthy of the word "justice" on the cloak on your back!

It was his duty to deal with the big pirate.

It would be a favor not to take matters into his own hands against Lynch. Dealing with aunt is because of the justice behind it!

"The Galaxy Split!"

Garp's fist was once again wrapped in a jet-black weapon color, and the area around the fist was like Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, with a black halo lighting up, like the color of an abyss.

The target this time is Auntie!

"Garp, you old guy, Thunder."

Big Mom raised her hand and used Thundercloud Zeus to chop down a bolt of lightning, hitting Garp.

In the dark smoke of the explosion, Garp rushed out unscathed, his fist still shining with a frightening black light.

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!"

The emperor's sword was covered by the tyrant, and Big Mom's and Garp's attacks collided. A terrifying shock wave completely destroyed the tea party scene, and Dafu and others were also pushed out by this terrifying impact.

Judging from the attack just now, the two were evenly matched, and Garp was only slightly behind Big Mom in terms of momentum.

"Is this legendary Marine Vice Admiral so powerful?"

"As expected of the person who could chase the Pirate King all over the world."

Seeing this scene, everyone in Katakuri couldn't help but feel worried.

It would be okay if there was only one Garp on the opposite side, but there are too many masters on the opposite side.

"Hey~ Four Emperors, they are really scary big guys~"

Suddenly a beam of golden light lit up from the side of the battlefield, it was Kizaru.

He rarely became serious this time, drew out the Tian Cong Yun Sword, and said: "Mr. Garp, let me help you."

Kizaru turned into a ray of light and refracted back and forth between the broken mirrors on the ground. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the sky above Big Mom, the Amancong Cloud Sword Splitting Void.

"Zheng~" The swords collided and roared.

With the Emperor's Sword in one hand and the Flame Coil in the other, Big Mom single-handedly fought against Garp and Kizaru, and it seemed like they were evenly matched! ?

After colliding with Big Mom several times, Kizaru was secretly stunned. Big Mom's perfect physical fitness was no worse than that of the Phantom Beast.

His palms were slightly numb. Kizaru knew that he couldn't fight Big Mom head-on, so he decisively changed his tactics.

In contrast, Garp is a reckless person, perfectly explaining what it means to obey or do anything.

Garp did not eat any Devil Fruit and dedicated his life to Haki, so his weapon color is the strongest among the three.

Even though Garp is not as strong as Big Mom, he is like an iron bastard and cannot be beaten.

The talent of the Monkey family is still so terrifying.

Together with Kizaru who was sliding like a loach, the troubled aunt became even more irritable.

The Garp of this period was not what it would be six years later.

Rather, even Garp six years later can advance, attack, retreat or defend as long as he is not attacked by surprise and has a powerful weapon.

Six years later, one of the reasons why Garp fell on the Beehive Island was that the opponent had an Admiral and half of the Imperial Regiment as enemies.

The second reason is because he has to worry about rescuing people while fighting.

From the beginning, Garp was multitasking, unable to use his full strength, and was stabbed by Shiryu in a sneak attack.

Reason three, maybe Garp was really old at that time...

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