The sequelae caused by Situ breathing method are extremely serious.

Not only will lifespan be consumed when using it, but blood oozing from the lungs will cause burning pain.

Every night in the middle of the night, 14 acupoints including the Carotid Artery Point, Taiyin Point, and Huagai Point feel pain like pinpricks.

This symptom will be more severe on rainy days.

All over the body, sometimes there is an itching sensation like ants crawling, and sometimes there is a pain like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

The torture he endured day and night due to practicing the Situ Breathing Technique was pushing the character of the tea dolphin from one extreme to the other.

Now the meaning of his life is just to kill Lynch!

Lynch looked at the tea dolphin expressionlessly, threw a thunder lock to save Jinbei, tapped his head with the index finger of his left hand, and said:

"Seriously, for the sake of your former colleagues, I suggest you see a psychiatrist."

Lynch looked pitifully, as if looking at a clown.

"I won't let you look at me like that!!!" Lynch's eyes were like sharp knives piercing the heart of the tea dolphin.

He didn't need the person who stole Momousagi to pity him.

He only hoped to see one look in Lynch's eyes, and that was deep despair.

Panting heavily, the tea dolphin's lungs expanded abnormally, "Situ Breathing Technique·Third Style·Life after Life!"

He roared, like a beast constantly struggling between reason and madness, and the long knife drew a beautiful trace in the air.

The tea dolphin didn't seem to want to say another word to Lynch, so he came directly to kill him.

The long knife sliced ​​through the air, forming movie-like illusions in mid-air.

Above is every moment the tea dolphin spends with Momousagi.

There have been dozens of scenes where Cha Dou confessed and was rejected.

The scene where Momousagi politely refuses the flowers sent by the tea pig.

The tea dolphins surrounded Momousagi like a dog, trying their best to please, but in exchange, Momousagi became more and more helpless.

It's just that these memories, which may not seem good to others, are better than anything else in the world in Tea Dolphin's heart.

Perhaps, he has become possessed by demons and gone crazy.

Lynch also saw the scene in the tea dolphin's memory and was quite touched.

"If you could impress the goddess by simply giving, there wouldn't be so many clowns."

"For the sake of love, you should stop being stubborn, let go of your persistence, lose your dignity, and even give up your self-confidence. It's not worth it."

"You have lost all these and no longer have the magnificence and power of the past. What can attract Momousagi?"

"Work hard to make yourself better and attract each other. This is your only way to success."

"Otherwise, even if you give your sincerity, you won't be able to get love."

"It's a pity that you don't understand this."

Love is an unreasonable thing, but there are rules to be found in unreasonable love.

"No, no! I won't listen! Go to hell!"

At this moment, the tea dolphin could no longer listen to what Lynch said and slashed down with a long knife.

The strength of the Tea Dolphin is already very close to that of the Admiral. If it continues at this rate, it will not die.

Maybe in four or five years, maybe in six or seven years, it is very likely that he will become another Admiral.

If it were any other Admiral who ate Logia, they would not dare not take it seriously for fear of being hit and injured.

Unfortunately, the tea dolphin met Lynch. A man who ate the fruit of the phantom beast Zhuzhao!

Lynch quickly raised his right hand and grabbed the long knife that he had chopped down.

The long knife cut through his flesh, then cut a short distance downwards, and finally got stuck in the muscles between his middle finger and index finger, and got stuck in his fist.

"What!?" Tea Dolphin's crazy eyes seemed to be frightened back to some sense.

The knife...the knife was actually held in a fist. What kind of terrifying muscle density is this!

The human body is hard, but it shouldn't be compared to a cold long knife!

"You seem surprised, tea dolphin."

Lynch smiled, and the muscles between his fingers clamped the long knife tightly like a vise.

He grasped the blade with his fist and exerted force, using his strong brute force to snatch the weapon from the tea dolphin's hand.

The weapon was released, and the dolphin's murderous eyes were a little dull.

"It's over. Remember to go down and say hello to Fast for me."

"Thunder Roar!"

The fist holding the long knife wrapped around Haki and Raiden, and then swung it out suddenly, hitting the ugly face of the tea pig.

That ugly face was almost cut in half by the long knife in Lynch's fist.


A sonic boom sounded and the tea dolphin fell to the ground.

"Young people are good, just fall asleep."

"Oh, by the way, don't forget to ask Fast to help you find a psychiatrist after you go down."

"It's not your fault that you're mentally distorted, but it's your fault that you come out to scare people."

As if he couldn't feel the pain, Lynch pulled Cha Dou's knife out of his fist and threw it to the ground.

The wound healed a bit slowly this time, as if there was an invisible force preventing it from healing.

"That clown breathing method is kind of interesting."

The Clown Breathing Technique can not only increase the strength of the tea dolphin, which is only the Admiral candidate, but also cut open its own body and slow down the healing of wounds by one-third.

Although this was an injury he deliberately sustained in order to deal with the tea dolphin as quickly as possible.

The face was almost cut in half, and the exposed teeth and skull could be vaguely seen inside. The tea dolphin became increasingly conscious.

"Are you going to die?"

"Damn it! I haven't been able to kill Lynch! I haven't been able to see Momousagi for the last time!"

Cha Dou's consciousness is getting blurry, but he is not willing to give in!

He was not willing to die like this.

Vaguely, Tea Dolphin seemed to see Fast waving to him.

"Fast? Hasn't this guy been killed by Lynch?"

"Could it be that..." Tea Dolphin thought of a possibility.

"Get out of here! Laozi knows the way by himself, you don't need to lead the way!"

"If you want to drag Laozi to death, I will kill him even if he is an evil spirit!"

The tea dolphin picked up the illusory long knife and threw it viciously at Fast.

With strong perseverance, the real-life tea dolphin twitched its fingers and suddenly opened its eyes.

Blood was all over his face, and his vision was a little blurry.

As soon as it regained consciousness, the tea dolphin did not hesitate to squeeze out its life and frantically launched the Situ Breathing Technique.

A large amount of air flows into the lungs through the mouth and nose, speeding up the beating of the heart and causing blood to flow rapidly in the body.

The respiratory tract is cracked and bleeding, the lungs are almost exploding, and the heart may not be able to withstand the high pressure and die suddenly at any time.

In exchange, Tea Dolphin ignored his injuries and briefly returned to his peak.

The tea dolphin's lifespan has been greatly reduced, with only 10 years left.

Unless he stops using the Situ Breathing Method, it will continue to decrease and eventually kill himself!

Lynch heard the beating of his heart, turned around, and found the tea dolphin standing up again.

"Since you're not dead, wouldn't it be better to lie down and pretend to be dead? Why stand up and die."

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