The heat vision disappeared, and two wisps of white smoke floated out of Tom's eyes.

Looking at Saint Satan deep in the earth, only half of Gyūki's body, which is dozens of meters tall, remains.

The phantom beast that can be called Immune to Death met its opponent for the first time today.

Saint Satan was seriously injured and passed out, and his body size was also shrinking rapidly.

From its original height of tens of meters, it returned to the size of a normal human being.

Although due to the reduction in size, the injuries that originally seemed serious have been recovered.

But Saint Sartan's one hand, one foot, and half of his chest were still permanently missing.

"Satan Saint!"

"Lord Saint Satan!"

Seeing that Saint Satan couldn't even withstand a blow from Tom Cat, everyone present felt bad.

Kizaru, Akainu, Garp, and all the Vice Admirals had their pupils shrunken.

The most resistant one among them, Saint Satan, was defeated by Tom Cat with one move. So what about them who are not as good as Saint Satan?


"Quickly retreat!"

"Remember to bring Lord Satan with you, I think we can still save him!"

"And there's the Tea Dolphin! His bones must be buried in Naval Headquarters no matter what."

Without any hesitation, the World Government people and Marine people all retreated.

With Tom Cat around, their attempt to capture Cake Island is just a fantasy.

This cat is so scary!

Even without Tom Cat, Lord Satan had already passed out.

When Big Mom wakes up and joins forces with Kaido, they may all be stuck here.

In a very short period of time, all the enemies on Cake Island disappeared, leaving only a large number of CP corpses.

Katakuri and the others couldn't catch up with him. After chasing for two steps and failing to catch up, they decided to stay and protect their mother.

Rather than retreating, it would be better to say that they were running for their lives.

I am afraid that if I am too late, I will be left behind by Tom Cat forever.

Tom Cat wanted to chase him, but unfortunately the three-time Superman Tom experience card had been used up. He could only rely on his steel body to defend, but could not attack.

Lynch glanced at Kaido, who was having a great fight with his aunt, and gave up on trying to stand out.

The external chaos has been resolved, but there seems to be a big internal threat waiting for Lynch to solve.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Linlin, why don't you wake up Laozi!"

Kaido was like whack-a-mole, hitting the aunt on the head with his mace. Judging from the smile on his lips, he seemed to like doing this?

Apart from Lynch, only Kaido was able to control the aunt who suffered from schizophrenia.

"Kaido, you just need to restrain mom and hit her gently!" Looking at Kaido's violent methods, Katakuri's heart twitched.

If he didn't know that Kaido was helping his aunt, Katakuri couldn't help but want to lead his brothers and sisters to attack Kaido.

"My mother can only recover from an attack of siphoria if she eats the food she wants."

There was a trace of bitterness on Smoothie's beautiful face, "But you have also seen the current situation on Cake Island. How can you make food that Mom is happy with?"

The food used for the tea party had been destroyed in the previous battle.

Katakuri also looked sad, but when he noticed Superman Tom next to him, he seemed to grasp a life-saving straw.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Katakuri came to Tom and personally lit a cigar for Tom, "Brother Cat, do you have any idea?"

The power of Tom Cat left a deep impression on everyone present. It seemed that it could do anything.

After looking at Katakuri for a few times, Tom Cat took the cigar from his hand, as if to say: You have a good vision, and Mr. Cat is very satisfied.

He took a deep breath from the cigar, exhaled the smoke, and formed a line of large characters in mid-air: [I can give it a try. 】

"Can it still be like this?" As a long-time smoker, Owen was stunned.

From that day on, Owen has been trying to blow words out of a cigar like Tom, but unfortunately he has not succeeded.

I saw Tom Cat floating in the air, taking out bottles and cans from his tail fur.

Everyone present was stunned as they watched the number of jars taken out increase from one to a hundred.

"No, is there a warehouse in your tail hair? How can you take out so many things!"

Bree and Cracker were still in shock, but Garrett had already gotten used to it.

It seems that any scene with Tom Cat is no accident.

Have you ever seen a cat that can step on its left foot and fly up to the sky with its right foot?

Have you ever seen a cat that can play the piano?

Have you ever seen a cat that can conjure up six hands to clean the house?

By coincidence, Garrett has seen all of these.

Tom Cat first took out a large vat and added milk, honey, and oats into it.

Judging from this, the things taken out are quite normal.

But the next thing he took out made Katakuri's face look increasingly weird.

A mysterious potion that explodes when dropped, a lot of black balls, white particles like gravel...

I don’t know how many small ingredients Tom added to this vat of “milk”.

After Tom stirred it with a half-meter-long metal spoon, the spoon was completely corroded when he took it out.

Looking at a jar of green and fizzy mysterious drink, Katakuri frowned, "This... can really cure mom's thinking disorder?"

With Tom patting his chest and promising, Katakuri still didn't believe it.

What should I do if my mother is poisoned by this pot of green "milk"?

A big hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and Lynch patted Katakuri on the shoulder, "Just give it a try. How will you know if you don't try?"

"With your mother's strong physique, you are still afraid of poisoning her."

Katakuri thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the case. He picked up a jar of "milk" and walked towards the aunt.

As soon as she got within 50 meters of her, her nose twitched as if she smelled something, and the desire to kill completely disappeared in her heart.

Regardless of Kaido, the aunt rushed to Katakuri, pushed Katakuri out of the way, and lay down beside the tank, greedily drinking the liquid in it.


The last time Lynch was in a scene like this was in the pig pen at his grandmother's house.

I vaguely remember that it was a pink pig...

The aunt had regained her consciousness when she was halfway through drinking, but she still didn't raise her head and drank the "milk" greedily.

After drinking it all, she still refused to let go of the milk at the edge, sticking out her tongue to lick it clean.

"Ha! It tastes great! This is the best thing I've ever had in my life!"

After pulling the head out of the tank and tasting the food she had never tasted before, Auntie was in a great mood.

"Who did it? Come forward and you will be rewarded!"

"Mom, Mr. Tom made...soup." Katakuri's big eyes were full of confusion.

That thing that could barely be called soup really saved my mother from thinking about eating disorder, and got her praise?

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