"Xiaoxin! Are you okay, Xiaoxin!"

Mei Ya threw down the vegetables she had just bought from the supermarket, picked up Xiao Xin from the ground, and nervously checked whether there were any injuries on her body.

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry."

"It's great that you're okay, Xiaoxin. What exactly happened?"

Mei Ya is a sensible woman. Even if the situation in front of her seems to be that her child has been beaten, she does not attack Ron like a shrew. Instead, she chooses to ask Xiaoxin what happened first.

"It's none of Big Brother's business. Big Brother is a good person. He even invited Xiaoxin to eat ice cream. It was because Xiaoxin accidentally touched the ice cream on Big Brother."

"Huh? So that's what happened, right?" Mizu pulled Shinnosuke up and apologized to Ron.

"I'm sorry, it's all Shinnosuke who has caused you trouble."

Nohara Hiroshi, who learned of the commotion here, also rushed over, bowed to the man and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaoxin, for causing you trouble."

"Hmph, remember to take care of your children next time."

Ron snorted coldly, and without even having time to wipe his pants, he turned around and wanted to leave eagerly.

"Get out of the way, don't get stuck here. Isn't it my fault that you didn't hear me?"

The crowd surrounded them on three levels, and Ron couldn't squeeze out for a while.

"Mom, big brother seems to have dropped something." Xiaoxin picked up a fallen notebook from the ground.

"Then we need to return it to them as soon as possible." Mei Ya took the small book and subconsciously read the writing on it, "World government spy card."

"Huh?!" Nohara Miya covered her mouth in surprise, "So sir, are you a spy?"


When two security teams who had already arrived heard these two words, they immediately arrested the man and put him in seastone handcuffs.

"Ahhhh!! Why is this happening!!!"

The man wanted to cry but had no tears and was about to go crazy.

I never expected that the reason why I was exposed was because of a child.

One day later, members of the security team came to Nohara's house to present Shinnosuke with a certificate.

"Kid Shinnosuke, congratulations on helping us catch 112 spies. This is your bonus. Take it."

Looking at the white banknotes in front of her, Mei Ya's eyes became the shape of money.

Nohara Hiroshi bowed quickly, "Whatever it is, this is the duty of every kingdom resident. How can you ask for a bonus as a reward?"

"No, please accept it. Shinnosuke is a hero of the kingdom."

Due to Shinnosuke, a large number of spies in the kingdom were arrested.

And Shinnosuke's experience of finding the spy was legendary.

When he went out with a fishing rod, he accidentally hooked the fishhook on a passerby's buttocks, and found out he was a spy.

Walking on your butt, you bump into someone and find out that that person is also a spy.

He accidentally knocked someone unconscious with a children's bicycle and sent him to the hospital as a spy...

How to describe a miracle.

Unknowingly, countless troubles were easily solved by Shinnosuke and his family in their daily life.

For a time, a supernatural legend was spread throughout the West Blue spy circle.

That's when you see a little boy who walks on his butt and loves to do the elephant dance, run! Don't look back!

If you run too late, you will never be able to escape again!

And don't try to kill them, otherwise... life will be worse than death!

The last spy who did this plunged into the septic tank and was not fished out until half an hour later.

It is said that the man had not eaten for three days before going in and was very full when he came out.

After sending Kuina and the others back to West Blue, Lynch plunged into the Calm Belt between West Blue and North Blue.

Time passed quickly, and three months passed in the blink of an eye.


In the Calm Belt, a candlelight beast with a body length of more than 300 meters battles with dozens of Sea Kings that are thousands of meters high.

Calm Belt is different from other places, this is beyond Sea Kings.

Elsewhere, you still need to take the initiative to find Sea Kings.

In the Calm Belt, countless Sea Kings are crowded together, squeezing the beasts.

You can stomp out several Sea Kings with just one step.

Sea Kings that are less than 1,000 meters long can be ignored, while Sea Kings that are less than 1,000 meters long have no fighting spirit in front of Lynch.

Because Lynch ate too many Sea Kings, he had the aura of a natural enemy.

Sea Kings, a thousand meters below, saw Lynch and wanted nothing more than to escape.

For Sea Kings below 800 meters, Lynch can use fear to drive them to a certain extent.

Even if they were asked to line up and put them into his mouth, he would not dare to resist.

But from one thousand meters above, the strength of Sea Kings changes drastically at every kilometer.

In terms of strength: The thousand-meter-long Sea Kings can be considered the first to reach the Vice Admiral level, similar to Sabo's current strength.

With a body length of 2,000 meters, Sea Kings has the strength of a normal Vice Admiral.

With a body length of 3,000 to 4,000 meters, Sea Kings has the strength of the elite Vice Admiral.

And those Sea Kings with a body length of more than five thousand meters are enough to pose a threat to Admiral.

In large numbers, they can even kill Admiral!

The data here is based on Lynch’s actual combat experience.

For example, the Sea Kings, which is two thousand meters long, is much more lethal than the Vice Admiral, but its defense is not as good.

But they are huge, and they are a nightmare for enemies that don't have large-scale attacks.

Thinking about the highest point of Mount Tai, it is higher than the clouds and is only over 1,500 meters.

A comprehensive evaluation from various aspects shows the strength of Vice Admiral.

In a large-scale naval battle, a Sea Kings with a body length of more than 5,000 meters plays a greater role than the Admiral.

One Tail is enough to crush dozens of large warships.

Human beings are too insignificant in front of such creatures.

The reason why Sea Kings are the overlords of the sea and have ruled the sea for thousands of years is not unreasonable.

There are very few Sea Kings with a body length of more than 5,000 meters, and they are usually hard to see. They usually swim in particularly deep seas and near The fish men island.

What Lynch is facing now are five Sea Kings with a body length of 4,000 meters! There are sixteen Sea Kings with a body length of 3,000 meters, and dozens of Sea Kings with a body length of 2,000 meters.

They are the strongest in the sea within a thousand miles radius.

Lynch eventually sparked outrage as he preyed on Sea Kings in the Calm Belt these days.

Few people know that Sea Kings are no less intelligent than humans once they exceed three thousand meters.

More than five thousand meters long, Sea Kings are as intelligent as the top scientists among humans.

It took three days and three nights before Lynch killed all the Sea Kings.

He emerged from the body of the last Sea Kings, which was four thousand meters long, covered in blood.

I don’t know if it’s my own or Sea Kings’.

Looking down, the sea has been dyed blood red.

With the Sea Kings' vitality and size, they are difficult to kill without a headshot.

Some Sea Kings can have three or four brains and more than twenty hearts...

Four Thousand Meters Sea Kings' all-out attack is as powerful as Admiral's all-out attack.

If Sea Kings can use Conqueror's Haki, then it's really not a human thing.

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