Pirates: Become Invincible From Capturing The Marine Goddess

Chapter 266 Fire Fist Falling From The Sky

Da da da~

The smooth jade feet stepped on the ground, the empress's beautiful eyebrows turned, and she also threw the other shoe away, and stepped on the dead leaves with her bare feet.

Grandma He looked at the pair of crystal clear jade feet, swallowed her saliva wildly, and had the urge to rush up and lick them.

The charm of the empress kills both men and women, old and young.

"Ah!! It hurts so much!"

Weibull grabbed the high-heeled shoe that was inserted into his flesh and pulled it out with force. A line of blood spurted out like a fountain.

It sprayed for a while before gradually stopping, dyeing the ground beneath its feet red.

The muscles squirmed slowly and automatically sealed the wound on the chin.

"Mom, she hurts me, can I kill her?"

"No, catch him alive."

"Okay then." Weibull agreed aggrievedly, pulled out the long knife as if nothing was wrong, stood on the spot and danced the long knife crazily.

In an instant, a strong wind blew up from the flat bottom.

With Weibull as the center, everything around him flew towards him.

A hundred-year-old tree with its roots was sucked out from the ground, hit by a long knife and twisted into tiny pieces.

"Old woman, let's go!"

Hancock pulled up Grandma He who was sucked into the air, forced herself to break through the strong wind, and ran away.

"Idiot, stop turning around, why don't you chase after everyone has already run away." Bajin Stussy said urgently.

"Oh, I got it, mom."

The empress jumped on the tree crowns, as nimble as a rabbit.

Weibull was like a wild bull, bumping over any obstacles he encountered along the way.

Boulders, big trees, wild boars, everything that blocked the road were smashed into pieces.

While running, Weibull threw out several flying slashes from time to time, trying to cut the empress off from the tree crown.

"Let's go, it's too much trouble to chase them." Bajin Stussy soon found that her son seemed unable to catch up. "Go to the city! I don't believe she doesn't care about her own people!"

"Okay mom."

Weibull turned around and headed for the nearest town.

"They went to the town." The empress stepped on the tree crown with her bare feet, stopped, and looked at the direction Weibull was going, with endless sadness in her beautiful eyes.

"Don't go there, She Ji." Grandma Ha said rationally: "I have told Lynch about the situation here. The most important thing is that you don't get caught before he comes back."

No matter how many civilians die, as long as fertility is vigorously encouraged, the population will grow back in less than ten years.

And if something happens to the Empress, the one with the highest combat power on Nine Snakes Island, surrounded by enemies, Nine Snakes Island is likely to perish.

"No! I have to go back."

"As for you, an old woman and a burden, just stay here."

The empress abandoned her mother-in-law and rushed back alone regardless of her dissuasion.

Half an hour later.

In the burned-out town, Marigold and Sandersonia fell to the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Blood was bleeding from the corner of the empress's mouth, and Weibull grabbed her white throat and lifted her up in the air, still looking at the mother and son with disdain.

"Mom, mom, I caught her!"

"Hahaha, you did a good job, son." Ba Jin Stussy jumped on Weibull's head and sighed: "You are so strong, Hancock."

"It's not your two sisters who are holding you back. It's not so easy for us to catch you."

"Despicable." The Empress clenched her silver teeth and snorted coldly: "Lynch will not let you go."

"Hahahaha, how long has it been and you still want to scare me with the King of West Blue?"

Ba Jin Stussy lowered his head and ordered: "My dear son, go kill the two people on the ground first, so that no one will come out and get in the way during your bridal chamber."

"Okay mom." Weibull obeyed the order and raised his sword.

Seeing that the big sword was about to chop off the heads of two people.

At this critical moment, a ray of fire fell from the sky.

"fire punch!"

The man's voice sounded, and a raging pillar of fire enveloped half of Weibull's body.


In the flames, two screams came out.

Weibull hurriedly went to extinguish the flames on his body, and the empress was released smoothly.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Lynch fell from the sky and caught Hancock who was about to fall to the ground.

"Lynch..." The empress threw herself on him and hugged him tightly, "I miss you so much~"

"Be good, go take care of your sister, leave the enemy to me."

He opened his wrist, and a few drops of blood fell into the empress' mouth, and her face quickly turned rosy.

"Master Lynch's order~I know it~"

Hancock obediently walked aside and took care of his sister. He looked completely different from the cold-blooded person before, looking like a good wife and loving mother.

Over there, the flames dissipated, revealing the mother and son with their eyebrows and hair burned off.

Lynch had not used force for fear of hurting Hancock.

The two men were initially burned off by the sudden attack, but later responded in time and were not seriously injured.

Miraculously, Weibull's beard is still there.

Under the brainwashing of Barkin Stussy, Weibull regards the beard as the proof of Whitebeard's son, which is more important than his life.

The first thing he did when encountering the flames was to subconsciously protect his beard with armed colors.

"Pfft~ Hahahaha." Grandma Ha, who had just emerged from the forest, smiled from ear to ear. "Where did those two braised eggs come from? They are so ridiculous."

Weibull and Bajin Stussy's two big bald heads sparkled in the sun.

When she saw Lynch arriving, she knew it was safe!

"Ahem... who dares to sneak attack me without fear of death!"

Bajin Stussy opened her mouth and coughed out a burst of black smoke.

When he saw Lynch directly in front of him, his skinny body swayed and he almost fell off his son's back.

"Emperor...Lynch!" She raised her voice in disbelief, her voice trembling slightly, "Nine Snake Island is really related to you?"

This man is as big a man as the child's father, Whitebeard.

If you offend such a person, you will probably have to live in fear every day in the future.

When did Nine Snake Island get involved with such a big shot?

If I had told him earlier, if I had known that the Empress was having an affair with Lynch, how could she have the guts to come?

"You know how dare you come to Nine Snakes Island to cause trouble." Lynch's eyes were cold and he raised his flaming fist.

"No, no, no, please listen to my explanation!" Bajin Stussy even spoke much more fluently, "We, mother and son, definitely didn't know that this was your territory before this, otherwise we wouldn't have dared to offend you even if we had the guts to do so. .”

"It's because my mother and son are blind and have offended you. Do you think we can leave now?" Bajin Stussy said with a smile.

All she could think about now was how to escape from here.

As for going to war with Lynch? Do not make jokes!

This is the emperor of West Blue, a man whose combat power can suppress Admiral!

As early as a few years ago, there was a terrifying ability to kill Admiral-level combatants one-on-one.

At Lynch's age, several years have passed, and his strength may have already reached a terrifying level.

And although his son is strong, he is not stronger than Admiral.

Going against Lynch is like hitting a rock with an egg.

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