When the bullets were fired, Gatling transformed into a large chain sword. The three-meter-tall mecha held the chain sword and fought fiercely with the pirates, effectively strangling the endless stream of pirates.

When ordinary pirates face mechas, they are almost killed one by one with a sword.

The emergence of the mecha army made up for the lack of close combat capabilities on the frontal battlefield.

With the mecha's delay, people one after another returned to the cabin and put on heavy exoskeleton mechas, holding various firearms to assist the mechas in dealing with the pirates who boarded the warship from a distance.

Exoskeleton mechas are not mechas, they are just metal machines like human skeletons attached to the surface of the human body.

Different exoskeleton mechas have different functions.

Most of its functions are to help humans carry more ammunition and provide certain protection, allowing people to fight for a long time, but it will also reduce sensitivity and mobility. This is why few people wear exoskeleton mechas when the war first begins. .

Attack exoskeletons are extremely uneconomical compared to other weapons, which is one reason why there are so few attack exoskeletons.

In the military, exoskeletons are mainly used by logisticians.

Now with the addition of mechas, the soldiers on the fleet only need to use their guns to hit the target remotely, and the possibility of being approached is very small.

"Hey, monk, what are you doing on the deck? Are you monks still killing people?"

A soldier holding an AK47 and firing bursts suddenly noticed his friend coming out of the cabin and shouted loudly despite the sound of gunfire.

Monk, as the name suggests, his friend was a monk before joining the army.

"Amitabha, a poor monk never kills any living being."

The monk said, taking out two West Blue Special Bullet from behind, "Namo Bullet Sound Bodhisattva. The poor monk never kills, the poor monk just sends them to see the Buddha."

Before he finished speaking, the monk pulled two Bullets at the pirate, one in each hand.

The fire snake vented its anger, bullet casings flying, and its companions looked on dumbfounded.

"Monk, I misjudged you. You are such a bald ass!"

The monk turned back and smiled, raised the Bullet in his hand and said, "Master Lynch is right, times have changed, and this thing is only useful."

After finishing the bullets, the monk walked back to the cabin with small steps and took out a Gatet.

One thousand eight hundred times a minute, the compassionate Gatling Immortal saves the world!

West Blue Buddha, physical salvation!

"My Buddha is compassionate." The monk pulled the trigger with a kind face.

Giant King Loki flew hundreds of miles away in a few big jumps, arrived at the rear of West Blue's army, and rushed into the enemy's formation alone.


The muscle fruit was activated, and the arm strangely expanded to ten meters in length. The muscles on it were entangled, and Loki's angry fists with murderous intent swept across.

Dozens of elite members from the Big Mom Pirates were killed in the blink of an eye.

Loki's height swelled to fifteen meters, and he was invincible as he fought his way through, with no one able to defeat him.

If someone is hit by that big fist, their bones will be broken and their muscles will be broken, and if they are rubbed, they will die.

"With my sister and brother here, I can't tolerate you being so arrogant!"

Brothers and sisters Mascaponi and Joe Capponi came to kill with swords.

"Anyone who comes can leave their name. My sister and brother will not kill unknown people."

"Giants Loki!"

As a user with muscle fruit ability, Loki's attacks are always simple and crude.

Facing the two siblings, who were coming at them with swords from the left and the right, Loki's swollen arms expanded again, as if a house was pressing down on them, and he punched Joe Scarponi to death.

The death was extremely miserable, and the whole person turned into a piece of meat.

"Sister!" Mascarpone's snake-like pupils trembled. This unknown person in front of him actually had such strength.

"Don't worry, you're next."

Loki squatted down, the muscles of his legs stacked layer by layer, compressed to Ultimate like springs, and suddenly shot out.

The steel deck under his feet shattered instantly, and Loki flew through the air like a bullet, leaving only afterimages.

"So fast!"

Facing the attack, Mascaponi had no time to dodge and was knocked into a sky full of blood mist.

Since the beginning of the war, the death of the first cadre has occurred.

Or two at once, the aunt’s son and daughter.

Loki shook off the Bloodline lightly and vigorously cleaned up the pirates behind him.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Trash fish~all trash fish~"

On the frontal battlefield, seeing that the pirate coalition ahead was still unable to defeat the West Blue Marine, Jack, Runti and others prepared to join the battlefield.

"Look, there's something in the sky!" A sudden exclamation interrupted the attention of several people.

The sky turned dark again, but this time it wasn't Kaido's fault.

"Wori, what is that thing in the sky!"

"The city...the city is flying into the sky?!"

"There are two more over there!"

A brass rectangular body shining with metallic luster was flying over everyone's heads.

It looks like it's the size of a fortress.

The pirates looked up with their mouths wide open, exclaiming and guessing what it was.

"No matter how many times I've seen it, it's still so shocking." Yakushi Kabuto sighed.

I really don’t know how those people in the Military Scientific Research Department have the brains to develop such a thing.

But I heard that it was Mr. Lynch who gave me the idea.

"The thing that sparkles in the sun couldn't be gold, right? It's something that King West Blue uses to boost morale." The pirates boldly guessed.

"You idiot! Do you know how heavy it would be if it were gold? How could it fly?"

They had no choice but to watch.

That thing flew too high, and their attacks couldn't reach it.

Pirates who know Moonwalk don't dare to go up to find out what's going on. What if it's an enemy trap?

"Look, that thing seems to have been thrown down."

The pirate squinted his eyes as hard as he could to see what was behind the clouds.

The brass-like rectangular body cracked from the bottom, and black things were thrown down.

The thing was only the size of a pinhead at first, and became bigger and bigger in everyone's eyes as it fell.


The first black ball that fell hit the ship, causing a big explosion, and the fire instantly flooded several nearby pirate ships.

"Fuck! That thing is for throwing bombs!" the pirate yelled.

If bombs are thrown from such a high place, wouldn't they just be beaten passively?

The bombs thrown were surprisingly powerful.

Annihilator flies to the city.

Technical support provided by Sky Island Ark Proverbs, with brass technology and steam technology, replacing gold with brass. Power was changed from electricity to steam.

It is 305 meters long and 71 meters wide.

Full automation only requires 200 people to operate.

The interior is a place for power facilities, warehouses and people to operate. The bottom can be opened to throw various types of bombs downward.

The top is a 300-meter-long airstrip, which can provide takeoff for up to 50 T-type fighters at the same time.

The fighter technology was kindly sponsored by Yakushi Kabuto and jointly developed with the West Blue Military Department.

Yakushi Kabuto also learned from his master Orochimaru. In another world, Orochimaru once built a robot that could transform into a fighter plane and fire missiles and machine guns.

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