"Husband, let me leave it to you to deal with Kaido."

Gion raised his red lips lightly and rushed out with his sword in hand.


With Gion to stop Kaido, Lynch turned into a candlelight beast that was nearly 500 meters away and appeared in mid-air, with raging fire brewing in its bloody mouth.

The next moment, surging energy spurted out from the mouth, forming a blazing pillar of fire a hundred meters thick, blasting towards the falling island.

Kaido was surprised by Lynch's size.

His blue dragon form is only 200 meters tall, this guy... is almost 500 meters tall!

"Gululu~ Kid, don't do stupid things while I'm here."

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Kaido also sprayed out a stream of flames from the dragon's mouth that spanned half of the battlefield, dyeing half of the sky the color of the sunset, and collided with Lynch's pillar of fire.


The two fire pillars collided together, and the flames rolled and devoured each other, eventually forming an explosion. The hot breath caused the sea surface temperature to rise rapidly.


I thought that the two pillars of fire could cancel each other out, but it turned out that the pillar of fire spit out by Kaido was completely swallowed up, while the other pillar of fire still existed.

As a last resort, Kaido had to spit out a pillar of fire again to completely neutralize Lynch's attack.

Sichuan-shaped lines appeared on the forehead of dragon-form Kaido. After only a few years of absence, the little devil's strength has become so powerful.

How did he do that? !

What makes Kaido even more excited is that Lynch's strength has reached its peak and he can still improve. How did he do it? ! !

How many years have passed? Twenty or thirty years ago, I was as strong as I am now. After that, no matter how hard I trained, I could no longer improve.

Exercise and fighting could no longer make him progress, so he started drinking and committing suicide at every turn.

Not only is he like this, but Linlin and that old guy Whitebeard are like this too.

When they reach a certain level, something seems to be stopping them from going further.

Now that Lynch seems to have broken this bottleneck, how can Kaido not be excited or shocked.

In fact, Lynch did not break through the shackles of the world. He only relied on the Devouring Gene and the essence of Sea Kings to strengthen his body and try to break through the bottleneck of the world.

"Guluuluulu~ Little devil, don't even think about succeeding while I'm here!"

Kaido in the form of a blue dragon rushed forward to fight Lynch, preventing him from blocking the falling island.

The 200-meter-long Kaido was already big enough, but in front of Lynch, who was nearly 500 meters long, he was instantly shorter.

The two giant beasts were fighting in mid-air, showing wildness in every move.

Lynch's two pairs of ten-story-high claws grabbed Kaido and pulled hard. Kaido screamed in pain and bit Lynch's claws back.

"It's so noisy!"

The pirates below covered their ears in pain, their ears almost bursting from Kaido's loud voice.

"Okay, so spectacular..."

Some pirates stared blankly at the scene of the two giant beasts fighting in the sky, dumbfounded, almost forgetting that they were still on the battlefield.

Unlike Sea Kings, whose bodies are all in the water, Lynch and Kaido are fighting in mid-air, and every detail is visible to everyone.

The battle between the two giant beasts was so shocking.

Besides, how could the power caused by the mere Sea Kings be compared to the two kings?

They have to work hard to memorize this scene, enough for them to brag about it in the tavern for a lifetime!

"Isn't Laozi dreaming? The Zhuzhao mythical beast fights the green dragon. Isn't this a story only found in myths and legends?"

The Six Emperor Batman pinched his thigh hard, causing severe pain.

Confirmed, it's not a dream.

"Quack, quack, quack~ Big news, big news!"

A large human-shaped bird is covered with cameras and other shooting objects, and an enlarged version of the news bird appears in mid-air with its feet on it.

"Hehehehe, wherever there is big news, there is me, Lord Morgans!"

Morgans stood on the large news bird and took out his camera. The finger that pressed the shutter button almost turned into an afterimage. He took dozens of photos of the battle between Zhu Zhao and Qing Long, preparing to pick the best one to publish when he went back. on newspaper.

"Big news, big news!" Morgans' feathers trembled with excitement.

Who has seen the Zhuzhao mythical beast fighting the green dragon?

One photo is enough to make a newspaper issue sell out!

Having encountered such a "high energy" from the beginning, Morgans had a feeling that there would definitely be enough excitement in this battle to make him happy.

At that time, when he returns to the newspaper office, he will publish the newspaper one issue at a time, and divide the issues into thirty-six issues for publication...

"Hehehe." Thinking of this, Morgans showed a crazy expression.

It was as if he saw money and fame waving to him.

Everyone in the sea was talking about what he had captured and how exciting it was.

"That's great. Fortunately, we arrived in time and didn't delay anything important."

Morgans kicked the assistant behind him with his chicken feet and urged: "Pheasant, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and set up the live broadcast."

That's right, he, Morgans, not only wants to make money, he also wants to make double it!

Since experiencing the last live broadcast of Lynch's wedding, Morgans has tasted the benefits and has been out of control since then, vigorously developing his live broadcast career.

Nowadays, he is not only the top brother of the newspaper, but also the top brother of the live broadcast!

Morgans felt increasingly proud of his foresight.

Feeling that the work is very busy this time, it is indeed the right choice to bring an assistant.

How could one person take photos and live broadcast on his own?

Pheasant is the name of Morgans' assistant. Everyone who enters the journalism industry will usually give themselves a code name in order to prevent retaliation for the content they write. Just like Morgans has always shown himself in the form of a half-animal, Just like he refuses to show his true colors.

Pheasant is an unconventional guy with a little red hair. The reason why he got this name is because he wants to stand tall in the press like a mountain. Like your chicken brother, he will never tolerate little black people.

Any news that passes through his hands must be true and cannot be made up.

Like "The Secret of Sengoku and the Sheep" and "The Secret of the King of West Blue Seven Times in a Night".

Pheasants seriously despise this kind of headline-grabbing rhetoric.

"Boss, look below, we seem to be late." Pheasant said with a guilty conscience as he turned on the live phone bug.


Looking down, he saw the sea stained red with blood, the wreckage of ships everywhere on the sea, and the soldiers fighting on both sides. Morgans screamed and covered his heart in pain.

No, he's going to die.

One look at this situation makes it clear that it is not long before the two sides go to war.

Thinking of the big news that he missed, Morgans felt a stabbing pain in his heart.

He had never been so sad when he thought he would die of too much milk.

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