To their mother, they are not like children, but like tools that can be discarded at any time.

If there is strength, useful children will still have a bit of a thin face in front of their mothers.

Children like those who have no strength are in dire straits. The aunt even killed countless husbands, let alone children like them.

For example, Bree's strength is good, but her life was taken away by her mother and she turned into an ugly monster.

Sisters Lola and Garrett were used by their mother as marriage tools to force them to marry people they didn't like.

Sister Garrett is lucky, the King of West Blue is a good man, but Lola didn't want to marry someone she didn't like and chose to run away from the marriage. She left the world and didn't know if she died on the sea. There is no news yet.

My aunt once ate her own son Moscato when she was suffering from schizophrenia, but she didn't feel any guilt when she woke up.

Every time he thought of these, Perospero felt sad in his heart.

It's not that he is rebellious, but what his mother did was so chilling.

If Katakuri were here, he would definitely go crazy if he saw his younger siblings die...

With Enel on guard, no one dares to have any ideas about the sky anymore, not even Quinn and others.

They saw that Enel had successfully reached that level.

At least Jhin was here, so Quinn had the confidence to fight.

Ke Jin stayed at Wanokuni to look after the house.

"West Blue is hiding so deep that it actually hides such a master." Dafu looked fearful, but fortunately the other party had no plans to take action.

An Admiral level, they need three of the four dessert generals to fight against him, and there must be Katakuri's brother among them.

On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly, and multiple battlefields are fighting at the same time.

So many things that happened just now seemed like a long time ago, but in fact they only happened in a few minutes.

The battlefield of several people seemed to be a microcosm of this huge battlefield.

Lynch, on his side, is still trying to prevent the island from falling, fighting with Kaido.

The Zhuzhao mythical beast transformed by Lynch grabbed Kaido's dragon tail with its claws and swung it wildly like it was carrying spicy sticks. Kaido was dizzy as he shook the ground.


Kaido roared, and suddenly felt the world around him spinning, and a powerful feeling of dizziness came over him. He resisted the urge to feel nauseated, tried his best to twist the slender dragon body, and bit Zhuzhao's calf.

Bright red blood with bits of golden blood spurted out from the wound, and a basin-sized amount of blood fell from mid-air.

In the sea below, the surrounding sea boiled as Lynch's blood fell into the sea.

Countless fish and shrimps in the sea seemed to be going crazy, scrambling to swallow the falling blood regardless of the harassment of artillery fire.

A 10cm small fish grew in size after swallowing blood. meter! ...Two meters! Five meters!

The body size has increased by a full 50 times.

The little fish that woke up seemed to have a little more intelligence in its eyes, and it started to compete with other little fish for the remaining blood.

Kaido accidentally swallowed Lynch's blood, and his eyes suddenly opened wide, "What a surge of energy!"

"Kid, your blood seems to be very unusual." Kaido tore at the wound fiercely and drank the blood in large gulps.

"Damn, you're the only one who knows how to bite, right?"

Lynch looked at Kaido's plump dragon tail and suddenly felt hungry. He leaned down and bit off a large piece of Kaido's tail meat.

"Hmm~ Kaido, please drink less wine from now on, it's all getting so bad."

He didn't even chew it, and the tail meat was decomposed by the black hole in Zhuzhao's mouth. Not only did he replenish the blood Kaido drank, but he also had a lot of energy left.

"Hoo~ You dare to bite Laozi, kid."

The pain from his tail made Kaido roar loudly. He released his grip on Lynch's mouth and suddenly raised his eel head, bringing the huge dragon head close to Lynch's head.

As the saying goes, when two men are so close, they will either kiss or fight.

The raging flames gathered in Qinglong's mouth, and the same electric light gathered in Zhuzhao's mouth.


The two of them spit out the energy from their mouths at the same time, causing a big explosion.

Qinglong was blown away by the explosion, but Zhuzhao caught up with Kaido and dropped it on the island intact. He kicked the island's trajectory away from the center of the army and landed in the direction where the two battlefields connected.

The island that Kaido dropped was quite large, as if a large meteorite had fallen from the sky.

Lynch wanted to go up and add another kick, but when he was kicked into the pirate camp, Kaido came over and killed him again.

Sabaody Archipelago.

The people watching were so shocked by what was shown on the screen that they were speechless. It took a long time before someone spoke up to break the silence.

"If I hadn't known in advance that this was not fake, I would have thought it was some kind of special effect..."

"Yes, the battle between the two divine beasts was too shocking. Humans are as insignificant as ants in front of them. It turns out that this is the strength of Kaido of the Beasts and Emperor Lynch."

"Kicked an island away with one kick... Damn it, this is still a human being!?"

"The power of these two people is too exaggerated. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are gods."

"At their level, they are already invincible, right?"

This time, everyone did not argue about who would win, but were shocked by the content of the battle on the screen.

Zhuzhao versus Qinglong was too shocking to the eye.

Let alone ordinary people like them, even Rayleigh watched it with gusto.

He had watched many Admiral-level battles, but this was the first time in his life that two phantom beasts several hundred meters in length were fighting each other.

"Brother Lynch's strength is getting more and more terrifying. Even Kaido is no match for him..." Rayleigh seemed lost in thought.

Has this kind of strength broken the "limit" that Roger said?

"Look, something is falling from the sky!"

"Stop fighting and retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Soldiers from both sides saw the falling island in the sky and hurriedly maneuvered their ships to retreat back.

If you want to be smashed, why don't you die in pieces?

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

"Golden Divine Fire!"

"Candy Curtain!"

“Cream Heat!”

In order to cover our own retreat, both the enemy and us used tacit understanding to reduce the speed of the island's fall.

After everyone's efforts, the island was finally supported in mid-air by various materials, and it was not until everyone had withdrawn from the island that it crashed down.

Thanks to the strength of everyone, the island fell to the sea without causing huge waves.

"A place to stay!"

The appearance of the island instantly clarified the next strategic goal of both parties, which was to compete for control of the island no matter what.

Ninety percent of ability users can only display their full strength on the earth.

It is always timid to take action on the sea and cannot be used. If the person with the ability falls into the sea, he will be dead.


Hearing Lynch's voice, Kakashi immediately understood and immediately started moving, jumping towards the island on the sea.

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