
The black spear slashed through the air, and the last biscuit soldier fell to the empress' hands and shattered into a pile of biscuit shards.

Cracker, who was hidden in the pirate ship in the distance, was completely exhausted, lying on the bed like a dead dog and breathing heavily.

"You bitch, you can kill the Cookie Soldier faster than I can. I can't hold it back any longer. I'm going to rely on you now."

In less than two hours, Cracker reset the cookie soldier a thousand times!

He really can't squeeze out any strength now.

The feeling of being restrained by fruit is so uncomfortable...

Regardless of the opponent's short spear or sweet fruit, they are all good tools for dealing with biscuit soldiers.

"Are you running out of energy?"

The empress stood there and stared at the biscuit fragments on the ground for a while. When she noticed that the fragments showed no signs of recovery, she turned around and killed Smoothie.

"Gravity Knife·Xiaofeng!"

A strong gravitational force erupted from the Kuina sword. Smoothie raised his sword and picked up a boulder from the ground, which was sucked in by Wado Ichimonji instead of himself.


The boulder was easily split in half by Wado Yimonji. Amidst the smoke of gravel in the sky, a ghostly sword with a cold light thrust out.

Kuina hurriedly returned her sword, tired of dealing with Smoothie's fierce attack.

In the battle with Smoothie, Kuina was always at a disadvantage.

She is too young. At the age of 19, she is still not good enough to challenge the third force of the Big Mom Pirates.

Until the empress joined the battlefield.

"Big fragrant feet!"

The strong wind blew the skirt, and a straight and slender leg kicked from the side.

Smooth's eyes couldn't help but stay on those beautiful legs for 0.1 second before he thought of defending himself.


The long sword struck the jade foot with the armor color attached to it. The empress stepped back a few steps, and Smoothie also slid back for a distance.

"Pirate Empress, when did you collude with that Lynch?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

The empress looked coldly at Mr. Lynch's enemies. When she looked at Kuina, her eyes became gentler and said, "Why are you still standing there in a daze? I will help you deal with this woman together."


Surprised that the pirate empress would come to help her, Kuina rushed forward with the empress.

"Juice mixed chop!"

Smoothie suddenly raised his hand and struck out with a substantial slash, the orange color looked like juice.

Anyone who is beheaded will be drained of water in an instant and become a mummy.


The empress raised her small silver shield and struck it against the slash.

The orange slash hit the Sky-Moon Shield as if it was adsorbed on it, and its size suddenly became smaller until it completely disappeared.

After absorbing the slashing energy, the waning moon on the Sky-Moon Shield filled up slightly and turned into a thin crescent shape.

The short spear in the empress' hand suddenly grew longer, and with a strong wind, it stabbed into Smuji's abdomen.


Surprised that his attack was absorbed by the unknown shield, Smoothie tiptoed the ground and jumped back.

"Don't even think about leaving." Tashigi put the words "Wado" on the ground, pointed his hands at Smoothie and pulled him.

The Gravity Fruit was activated, and Smoothie, who jumped out, was pulled back again. His body was suspended in the air and he hit the Sky Thorn Spear uncontrollably.

Just as he was about to hit the spear, Smoothie slashed at the spear with all his strength.


How could the empress shake the spear tail slightly as Smoothie wished, but by the time the vibration was transmitted to the spear head, it had already turned into a large shaking.

In an instant, there were numerous gun shadows, and the sky was filled with the shadows of spears. Those who watched were dazzled and could not find the target.

With a "tear" sound, and with twenty years of fighting experience, Smooth managed to avoid the fatal part at the last moment, but his waist was still cut.

The clothes were torn, and blood spilled out from the snow-white flesh, staining the clothes red.


The two of them passed each other, and Smoothie covered his abdomen in pain. After a while, his hands were covered with blood.

The two people on the other side are so tricky.

The shield that can absorb attacks, the weapons that can grow freely, and the pervert fruits of the two people are all giving people a headache.

One person is fine, but two people go together. I believe no one except my mother can bear it.

The paddling king, Smoothie, immediately thought of finding someone to support him and then escape by himself.

But he looked around.

Jack is stalked by Loki.

Cracker is dead and no one knows where he is.

Quinn and Moria had a great fight.

Peggy Wan, Foz Fu and the other six volleys also have enemies. Their opponents are Robin, Tsunade, Mark, and Kakashi.

Six beat four, but it seemed that he was still being beaten. Smoothie was speechless.

How did such a bad guy become the top six in Beasts Pirates?

Looking around, all the cadres that could be seen were fighting against the cadres of West Blue. Smoothie panicked.

This... I can't even find anyone to support me.

‘Looks like we have to fight. ’

Smoothie suddenly raised his sword and inserted it into the bodies of the surrounding pirates, severely beating our teammates.

Five or six pirates were skewered on Smoothie's sword like candied haws, absorbing sweat and moisture and turning into mummies.

Smoothie absorbed the energy from the sword, and his size skyrocketed, becoming as tall as a giant, more than ten meters tall.

The amazing thing is that not only did Smoothie's size increase dramatically, but her clothes and swords also grew in size.

"This feeling... is so comfortable." Smoothie narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the power emerging from his body, and continued to absorb water from the surrounding soldiers.

"Smoothie, you're crazy, you're going to kill your own people too!" the Beasts Pirates yelled.

"We can't let her absorb it endlessly."

Kuina and the Empress looked at each other, nodded, opened their catkins and pointed them at the enemy, "Universal Pull!"

Smoothie's giant-like body still couldn't resist the pull of gravity, and was forcefully sucked in.

But this time Smoothie inserted his feet into the ground, plowing two lines of ditches on the ground. He was sucked in very slowly, giving him enough time to prepare for an attack.

She raised her seven-eight-meter-long sword and slashed it with all her strength, "Juice slash!"

Dozens of orange slashes more than 20 meters high enveloped the two empresses like a violent storm.

The orange light blade emitted a strange light. A pirate accidentally touched it while flying, and the water was instantly sucked away, leaving only a piece of human skin and bones.

"Hide behind me and use your fruit power."

The empress let go of the Sky Thorn Spear and let the spear float beside her. She held the Sky Moon Shield in front of her with both hands.

Kuina stretched out her bare hand and placed it on the edge of the shield, activating the fruit ability.

Facing the violent storm of attacks, Tianyue Shield suddenly burst out with powerful suction, absorbing all the attacks from the sky on the shield. The energy of the slash was quickly absorbed by the shield and disappeared on the spot.

The pattern on the sky-moon shield quickly changed from the shape of a waning moon to a shape close to a full moon.

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