"If you want to kill me, you're still too early!"


Black flames suddenly ignited from Saint Satan's body, and the injuries caused by the empress healed in an instant.

"Phantom beast species • Gyūki fruit • Awakening of abilities."

If Lynch were here, he would definitely recognize Saint Satan's ability at a glance.

Lynch clearly remembers that Saint Satan had already awakened in the Sea Circle Calendar in 2022, and the entwining black flames behind him were extremely clear.

But in the previous battles, the opponent never used the fruit's awakening ability.

Lynch thought he had remembered it wrong, but it turned out that it was not the awakening time yet...

The last time Tom Cat almost killed the other party, it was also a blessing in disguise for Saint Satan. After returning for a year, he awakened the fruit power.

The phantom species awakens!

This means that not only has the opponent mastered Black Flame's ability, but he is also almost unkillable.

Hancock ignored Saint Satan's noise and calculated silently in his heart, "There are still six minutes and thirty-two seconds left."

"You have no chance, Vicious Eyes!"

Saint Satan stood up from the ground, his eyes flashed with black light, and he fixed his gaze on Hancock.

Under his gaze, the empress became extremely lustful, as if she was being targeted by some ferocious beast and might die at any time.

"Tom, Jerry, it's our turn!"

Spike grabbed Jerry by the tail and threw it out.

Jerry flew in front of the empress, blocking Saint Satan's sight.

The next moment, the "evil eye" was activated, and Jerry was blown into pieces instead of the empress.

"Thanks, Rat."

Thinking that the mouse was Mr. Lynch's pet, the Empress said calmly, and then stepped on the corpse of Jerry the mouse.

Jerry won't die, so there's no need to worry about him.

The empress started walking, then slowly turned into a trot, and finally rushed towards Saint Satan at top speed.

During the process, the Sky Thorn Spear deformed in his hand and turned into a snake spear, creating a harsh sonic boom in the air.

"Evil eye!"

Saint Satan launched his evil eye again, but the empress dodged it with her cunning speed.

"Your fruit is very strong, but this is it."

The empress rushed to Saint Satan, the snake spear lit up with pink light, and the sweet fruit ability was activated.

"Sweet fruit!"

Fully aware of the horror of petrification, Saint Satan used his six limbs to launch himself into the sky, spitting out a dark green spider web from his mouth.

The spider web is hundreds of meters in diameter and contains terrible venom, covering the empress.

If the Empress doesn't have that weird weapon, Saint Satan doesn't have to worry about the opponent's Devil Fruit, but the key is that the opponent's weapon can penetrate his armed defense.

This is scary. He is physically strong, but it is difficult to recover after being petrified.

It's okay to say that the petrified part of the body was stabbed, but it can still be restored to its original form by relying on the accumulated armament and color erosion over time.

But once the whole body or the brain and heart are petrified, there is no choice but to wait for death.

“Mistress, you can rest assured that it’s ready and leave the rest to us!”

Hearing Spike's voice, the empress hesitated for a moment, facing the falling spider web without evading it, with only Saint Satan in her eyes.

"Stupid woman, I am the most poisonous in the world."

Seeing that the empress was about to run into a poisonous net, Saint Satan seemed to have foreseen her tragic end.

In this extremely critical autumn, Tom Cat rushed into the sky like a missile and flew away from the poisonous net.


Saint Satan was stunned, and was stabbed in the spider's leg by the empress who was chasing him.


The armor failed to stop the snake spear from piercing, and the spider leg was instantly petrified.

"Damn it!"

Holding back the pain, Saint Satan cut off one of his legs and tore off the petrified spider legs.

After awakening, those with Zoan abilities also have the ability to regenerate severed limbs.

The broken spider legs grew back bit by bit, but it took a heavy toll on physical strength.

"Don't be stabbed in key parts." Saint Sartan was alert in his heart and spat out a mouthful of venom as big as a basin at the empress.

"Mistress, I'm here~"

This time it was Spike who strode over and swallowed all the venom in one gulp, melting it into a puddle.

"Okay, okay, you are not afraid of death, are you." Saint Satan laughed angrily.

Those animals were able to continue to resurrect, and they almost followed all his attacks at once.

"There are three minutes left." The empress was a little impatient.

"You like to pick it up, let me see how you pick it up this time!"

Saint Satan looked fierce, and the flame behind him, which represented Zoan's awakening, turned into a ten-foot-long python, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed towards the empress.

"Hey~ It's a different flavor, Tom and Jerry." The resurrected Spike opened his mouth wide, and his dog's mouth opened to an exaggerated size of ten meters, and he swallowed one third of the fire python in one mouthful.

0.01 seconds later, Spike was burned to ashes by the flames.

After Spike, Jerry took out a straw for drinking milk and sucked it hard. One-third of the python that turned into flames disappeared, and Jerry was burned to ashes.


Tom changed into a turf skirt and feathers on his head, flapping his mouth and making a sound like an Indian savage and rushed towards the remaining fire python, which was burned into Kurozumi.

Satan Saint's eyes went dark when he saw it, and his blood pressure soared, almost exploding from his head.

How to fight this?

Who can tell him how to kill these three things?

With Tom as a cover, the pressure on the Empress was greatly reduced. She hardly had to do any defense and could only focus on attacking.

But when there was only one minute left, the empress still couldn't find a way to defeat Saint Satan.

Gyūki's bruises all over his body seemed serious, but in fact they were just superficial wounds to the phantom beast species awakened by Devil Fruit.

With one minute left, she had no chance.

You must find the right moment to kill in one minute.

Hancock fought with Satan Saint, constantly exploiting his flaws, risking injuries, and trying to expose his opponent's weaknesses.

Tom understood what the hostess meant and was also deliberately guiding Saint Satan's attack.

"Three seconds left!"

"Two seconds!"

"One second!"

When there was only one second left, Saint Satan seemed to have guessed their thoughts and never revealed any flaws.

He seemed to be laughing at the empress' naivety.

It would be too naive to want to plot against him.


An explosion rumbled in the distance, and the entire island trembled.

It was the explosion in the Shadow Chest in Loki and Boler's Sanctuary.

The explosion that was about to shatter the eardrums and the shaking earth distracted Saint Satan for a moment.


The empress seized the opportunity, jumped up high and came to the back of Saint Satan. With a "puff" sound, the Heavenly Thorn Spear was inserted.

Injecting the last trace of ghostly energy, the Heavenly Thorn Spear changed its form in the body of Satan Saint.

The snake spear that was originally only three fingers thick suddenly grew numerous spikes.

The spikes quickly extended, and countless barbs grew on the way, which were fixed in the holy flesh of Sartan.

The snake spear expanded to a size of seven or eight meters in Saint Satan's body, like a Christmas tree. Thousands of spikes pierced his internal organs from the inside, fixing Saint Satan to the ground.

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