Pirates: Become Invincible From Capturing The Marine Goddess

Chapter 350 The Battle Of West Blue•Ended

"No problem." Lynch agreed immediately.

"It's just that Hancock is exhausted and unconscious. You can evacuate the other men first. When Hancock wakes up, I will let her help unseal the stone statue as soon as possible."

Kaido snorted heavily and went down to collect the remaining soldiers.

I think he is not a fool. Now that he has made a decision, it is impossible to continue fighting with West Blue. The people in World Government may not have gone far yet.

Another one. If the fight continues, they are not sure they can beat Lynch.

Retreating your troops now is the best choice.

Nothing is permanent.

With the intervention of World Government and Lynch's words, the enemy who was about to be beaten out of his head a moment ago suddenly shook hands and made peace.

With the orders of the three giants of Lynch, Kaido and Big Mom, the West Blue war was stopped.

Both sides cleared the battlefield, counted the casualties, and bandaged the injured soldiers...

"Good son-in-law, now that the people from the World Government have left, tell mom that you weren't lying just now, right?" The suspicious aunt continued to test uneasily.

Lynch took the cigar from Tom Cat and held it in front of his mouth, "What a coincidence, I'm not born to lie."

"Well, well, this is best." The aunt patted Lynch's shoulder with extraordinary strength and said in a soft voice: "You can break through as soon as possible. If you need anything, just tell mom. You're welcome."

"I know." Lynch said calmly.

In fact, he wanted to say that he needs to send your daughter, and she needs to be beautiful. But after thinking about it, I still didn’t say the sexy words out loud.

After getting the reply, the aunt left with satisfaction. She didn't see any signs of lying on the other side.

Her soul fruit can sense other people's souls. If Lynch had lied, there would have been fluctuations in the soul just now!

The continuous sound of gunfire and shouts of killing stopped, and the world became quiet for an instant.

Instead, there were groans and cries of pain from everywhere.

Lynch jumped up and looked around at the high altitude.

On the island directly below, every inch of the land was wet with blood, and crisscrossed corpses were scattered in every corner of the island.

‘We have to ask Kaido to move the island away later when he leaves. ’ Lynch thought.

Such a large island lies in front of the Upside Down Mountain, making it inconvenient for ships to come and go.

‘By the way, move the island! ’

Lynch suddenly thought of a problem. If the empress helped him this time, he would probably be removed from Shichibukai by the World Government soon.

If they were removed from the list, it meant that they would take action against the Empress, and they would have to find an opportunity to move Nine Snake Island to West Blue.

The scene in the sea is even more tragic, with the originally blue sea surface being dyed blood red.

There is no place to stay. There are either human corpses or ships that have been smashed into sieves on the sea. At a glance, there are all scenes like this.

An unpleasant and fishy smell of blood appeared in the air. Thousands of seagulls were entrenched high in the sky. Some of the bolder ones had already flown down to eat human corpses.

Few people know that seagulls are not only omnivores, but also scavengers.

Vegetables, fruits, various kinds of meat, and even carrion are all their food.

All kinds of human body fragments are everywhere, as if you are in the Asura Hell. It is shocking to look at it at a glance.

After the ceasefire, West Blue Marine quickly treated wounded soldiers and counted casualties.

"Husband, the war on your side is over?"

Lynch was about to get up to help Enel and the others deal with the enemies invading from the North Blue Calm Belt, when Gion and Enel flew over from a distance.

"Well, it's over." Lynch nodded slightly, "How come you are here? Have you defeated the enemy?"

The Army is measured by the Admiral level of Marine.

The two Admirals of the Army are also at the Kizaru level, so they won't be defeated by Enel and Gion so quickly, right?

It's not that Lynch meant to look down on his wife.

But he knows his own affairs, and his wife and Enel are at the level of Marine Admiral and Kizaru Aokiji.

The same level is playing against the same level. It seems that the two people are not injured at all. They can't win so easily, right?

"That's right." Enel took out the golden stick and waved it twice in a decent manner, showing off: "I can't catch it at my fingertips."

"Speak humanly." Lynch said angrily.

Only a fool would believe Enel's words.

"You still don't believe it?" Enel glared and said angrily: "I'm telling you Lynch, just those few little bastards, they just raised the white flag and surrendered as soon as I shook my body. If you don't believe me, ask Gion."

Enel winked at Gion wildly.

Gion ignored Enel's wink and took a step forward to tell the truth: "It was Dorag who took action."

"Dorag?" Lynch thought of Luffy's father, the ruthless man with the slipper marks on his face.

This guy Dorag has been missing for almost a year since his lair was destroyed, but he is still alive.

"Yes, Dorag is not dead, and he also appeared on the West Blue battlefield."

"When Enel and I were fighting the invading enemies until we were victorious, Dolag suddenly appeared with Sabo and Koala."

"He helped us repel the invading enemies and then left with Sabo and Koala."

After Lynch listened quietly to Gion's words, he laughed and cursed, "This style is more like Dorag."

Dolag disappeared for nearly a year, and it is unknown what impact this return will have.

No wonder the two of them didn't see any injuries. How could they lose three against two?

"Before Dolag left, he left a message. I think he left it for you." Gion recalled as he fumbled for the long knife at his waist.

"What words?"

"The grievances will be cleared, and no one will owe each other anything from now on." Gion said coldly, imitating Dorag's tone.

"This guy is so eager to distance himself from me. Don't let Sabo come to beg me in the first place." Lynch shook his head and laughed.

The entanglement between the revolutionary army and him was too deep.

They had been enemies and cooperated more than once. He also helped Dorag take care of Sabo. This time Dorag helped West Blue repel the World Government Army.

Dolag's meaning is obvious. Whether you agree or not, the favor I owe you has been paid off.

If he is an enemy in the future, he will not hold back, and Lynch will not hold back.

"What a ruthless man." Lynch suddenly thought of Luffy, "I haven't spanked Luffy for a long time, and my hands are itchy. I'll give Mr. Garp a spanking some other time."

In the sky.

Pheasant, who was still broadcasting conscientiously, was dumbfounded.

The broadcast is obviously exciting, but what happened next?

Why did the World Government people suddenly leave? Why didn't Kaido and Big Mom take action against Lynch? Why did the war on the sea suddenly stop?

Because they were high up in the sky, Pheasant and Morgans couldn't hear the conversations of the people below, but they felt they were too abrupt.

What's going on? You stopped fighting all of a sudden?

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