According to the information on the attribute panel, Lynch's various attributes are now reaching their peak.

A breakthrough is imminent,

After finishing the rest of the things at hand, he will go to Calm Belt again to eat at the Sea Kings buffet.

"Husband, the damage in this war has been calculated. Do you want to take a look at you?"

Wearing a hip-hugging skirt and dressed like a secretary, Robin held a thick notebook, squeezed Oppai into shape, and walked quickly.

Post-war statistics include not only the number of casualties, but also a series of tedious matters such as subsequent pensions, cleaning the battlefield, and arranging dispatches.

Managing an entire sea area is more complex than people imagine.

Fortunately, Lynch has Robin and the others, so he doesn't have to worry about it himself.

"I won't look at the casualty information." Lynch rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

Firstly, he couldn't bear to look at it, and secondly, it was useless to look at it. The person in charge was Robin.

"As for the pensions for the families of those who died in battle, they must be sufficient and must not chill the hearts of the fallen heroes."

Robin nodded, "I'll pay attention. What do you think of 2 million Baileys per person?"

"Too little, double it."

"Okay, I will arrange it."

West Blue is not short of money. To be precise, since Lynch inherited Captain John's treasure, he has been extremely rich.

"By the way, how is the construction of the Martyrs Cemetery going?"

"It is expected to be completed this afternoon, and the memorial service can be held tomorrow." Little secretary Robin said.

"Since it's okay, I'll leave first. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with."

Robin turned around, swung her plump butt and was about to leave. Suddenly, Lynch grabbed Routi and pulled her into his arms.

"I hate it, what are you doing~" Robin said coquettishly.

"Stay, I've been a little horny lately." Lynch put his hand on Robin's flat, tight belly and whispered in her ear.

Feeling the heat under her buttocks, Robin blushed and subconsciously moved her plump buttocks, reproaching: "It's still daytime, can't you wait until night~"

"No, not now." Lynch couldn't argue.

"Okay, okay... hurry up, I have something else to do." Robin unbuttoned his clothes shyly.

It's still daytime, in the study, if someone sees me...

So exciting.

After a while, Robin's whimpers came from the room.

The next day.

Lynch took the lead, and West Blue cadres, soldiers, and residents of the country gathered at the Martyrs Cemetery in the suburbs.

Even though more than half a month has passed since the army returned to the kingdom, there are still many people who cannot get over the grief of losing their relatives and comrades.

Hundreds of thousands of citizens gathered at the Martyrs Cemetery and surrounded the gate.

Because there were so many people who died at the foot of Upside Down Mountain, it was impossible to make tombstones for everyone in a short period of time.

Therefore, in the Martyrs Cemetery, apart from the outer walls, there is only the center, the building that reaches straight into the sky.

It was in the shape of a sword, with the tip buried deep in the ground, two hundred meters high and twenty meters wide!

It was densely covered with neat names carved out by craftsmen using iron awls.

Behind every name is a living human life.

The surroundings were quiet, without any noise, and everyone was immersed in the atmosphere of grief.

Mark picked up three wine bowls on a plate and stood on the high platform.

Lynch walked onto the stage, and in an instant, hundreds of thousands of people stared at him.

However, his situation was not stable. He first looked around from left to right with benevolent and compassionate eyes. It was not until everyone was infected by his aura that he took the first wine bowl from Mark's hand and threw it into the sky.

He said loudly: "I respect all the people in the world."

After putting down the empty wine bowl, Lynch picked up the second wine bowl and scattered it on the ground, "Two honors to the heroes who died in battle."

"Three respects for the miserable creatures!"

The third wine bowl was scattered on the ground, and choked crying could be heard from the audience.

After doing all this, Lynch left.

Others are responsible for the remaining activities.

In a short time, flowers were placed in front of the martyrs' tombs, leaving people to mourn their lost relatives.

Just paying homage is not enough. The emergence of the Martyrs Cemetery helps West Blue’s cohesion and spiritual sustenance.

After a big victory, people need a carnival to vent their negative emotions during the war and celebrate the victory.

There are more people who are excited and happy than a few who are sad.

The time for carnival should be separated from the time for memorial service.

The reason why we hold memorials first and then celebrate is to make the residents of West Blue feel that their leaders are more responsible, and to allow time to wash away some of the sadness in people's hearts.

As a time traveler who has mastered the "Dragon Slaying Technique", Lynch naturally knows how to better win over people's hearts.

Three nights later, the whole country celebrated.

Lynch and nearly a hundred officials also had a picnic outside the palace.

There is enough wine, and the fragrant and sizzling barbecue is turning on the hot coals.

A steady stream of delicious barbecue is being delivered.

Around the huge fire in the center, Robin and a group of female cadres danced around the fire in tacit understanding.

Few people know that Robin has good dancing skills, far better than ordinary dancers.

Her extremely flexible body allowed her to perform various difficult movements. Lynch was so stunned that he even thought about what position he would perform tonight.

"It's so delicious. Whoever made this ice cream, I want to take him to be the pastry cook on my frigate."

Moria is undoubtedly a straight man. Instead of watching the girls dance, he holds a bucket of ice cream and shows off.

In just three minutes, the entire five-pound bucket of ice cream went into Moria's stomach.


Moria threw the finished jar away.

Looking carefully, such empty jars have been piled up next to Moria.

Strawberry, vanilla, blueberry, banana, pineapple...

"Gee~" Moria burped, still licked the spoon, and reached out to the attendants around her, "Do you have any more ice cream? Give me another ten buckets."

"Sorry, sir, you have already eaten all the buckets of ice cream we brought." The attendant stepped back cautiously, fearing that Moria would also eat him.

"Well... we don't have any in buckets. We also brought ice cream cones. Do you think that's okay?"

"You only ate so much and it's gone?" Moria glanced at the iron cans piled up next to her with dissatisfaction, "Okay, just a cone, I don't mind it."

"Yes, please wait a moment."

With Moria's height of nearly seven meters, she was very oppressive. The attendant was afraid that she would be eaten by him because of hunger, so he quickly prepared a cone and stuffed it into Moria's hand.

"Look, Mr. Lynch is here!" Enel came over with a plate of barbecue and pointed behind Moria with a surprised look on his face.

"Where?" Moria quickly turned around.

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