Rayleigh watched Shyarly quietly, and was defeated after two or three seconds.

"Well, I can't hide it from you." Rayleigh shook his head and smiled bitterly, Shyarly's eyes were too poisonous.

"Roger's dream during his lifetime was to abolish slavery and pursue freedom."

"It was only because Roger was terminally ill and found that he could not complete the abolition of slavery that he chose to surrender, ushering in the era of great pirates, advancing the progress of the era, and leaving hope to future generations."

"He has already achieved the pursuit of freedom. I think I can also help with the former."

"Take me, I'll go with you." Shyarly said.

"Don't worry, we need an opportunity, an opportunity that can turn things around." Rayleigh said quietly.

Similar to Rayleigh's situation, there are two elderly people in Marine.

Sengoku, Garp.

Looking back carefully, in the original history, these two men only had short-lived attacks and would not fight for a long time.

Garp did have a long shot, but was beaten to the ground...

The reason is that the two of them are older. Although they can still burst out the power at their peak, they cannot last long.

Naval Headquarters.

Five beams of light shot straight into the sky.

One gold, one yellow, total, one basket, one black.

Three Admirals, with Garp Sengoku, five breaking through at the same time.


Five people broke through at the same time, making a bit of noise. The entire Naval Headquarters was shaking, as if it would sink into the sea at any time.

"What's going on? Is it an earthquake?"

"How did the engineers who built the Naval Headquarters choose the site? How could an earthquake happen?"

Countless Marines ran out of their rooms in panic and gathered at the training ground to prevent themselves from being flooded by the collapsed houses.

The vibrations became more and more rapid, and the recruit, who had just arrived at the headquarters, could only stagger and walk while holding on to the wall.

"It's not an earthquake, it's a good thing." Crane Vice Admiral calmly reassured the crowd.

If her guess was correct, it should be Lynch who made the breakthrough.

An earthquake is impossible.

If there really is an earthquake in Naval Headquarters, then the gunfire at the execution ground tomorrow will probably be even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

The architects who originally selected the site to build the Naval Headquarters swore to themselves that there would never be any earthquakes within two hundred years.

If the Naval Headquarters collapses due to any shaking during this period, he is willing to come forward and see it.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

To say that the place with the most masters in the world is nothing short of the holy land of Mariejois.

The five pillars of light in the Marine are exaggerated enough, but the Holy Land Mariejois is even more exaggerated than the Naval Headquarters.

Dense beams of light rush high into the sky from the holy land of Mariejois one after another.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

Because too many people broke through at once, the entire holy land of Mariejois shook violently. The mysterious people who were invited were forced to fly high into the sky and count the rising light beams one by one.

"Nine, ten, eleven..."


When the beam of light reached the eleventh count, the twelfth beam had just risen halfway when a sudden pressure enveloped the holy place Mariejois.

All the light pillars disappeared in an instant, as if they were forcibly suppressed back into the owner's body by that force. All the visions disappeared, and there was an eerie silence in the air.

It was as if everything that happened just now didn't exist.


The mysterious man lost control and fell from the sky, revealing half of Lynch's familiar face under his black robe.

"Just now, that was!" The scarlet eyes of the man in black robes jumped violently.

Long after the pressure dissipated, the feeling of terror still remained in the heart of the man in black robe.

Recalling the feeling of coercion, the black-robed man's body couldn't stop shaking. He fell to the ground like an ant, unable to stand for a long time.

It seemed that his presumptuous move of flying into the air made the other party unhappy.

At that moment, it felt as if the whole world had become an enemy, and was being targeted by the king of the world. As long as the other party had a thought, he could crush him like an ant.

The huge panic made the black-robed man's limbs stiffen and he fell from the sky.

"Sure enough, my intention to cooperate with the World Government was right!"

The coercion and the beams of light further strengthened the inner thoughts of the man in black robe.

Breakthrough scenes like this happen all over the world.

Many old guys with half of their feet in the ground took this opportunity to break through and regain their second youth.

Deep sea prison!

At this moment, the most serious riot in history is taking place in the deep sea prison.

Even if the Golden Lion escaped back then, it would not have had the same impact as this riot.

The sixth floor of the deep sea prison hidden by the world government.

The criminals imprisoned here were so serious that they needed to be erased from history.

Normally, prison guards would not dare to come to the sixth floor and face the criminals who were tied up.


Dozens of Haikou stone chains as thick as arms were broken one by one by Bullet.


The special wall of the prison was punched through by Bullet. After breaking through, Bullet walked out of the cage that had trapped him for almost twenty years without saying a word.


The cage was breached, and in the monitoring room, the prison guards on the sixth floor who monitored the phone bugs immediately rang the alarm.

The harsh and urgent siren echoed throughout the deep sea prison.

"Alarm! Alarm! A prisoner has escaped on the sixth floor."

"Alarm! Alarm!"

Something like a prisoner escaping from prison has not happened in twenty years, let alone a big criminal on the sixth floor.

The Deep Sea Prison has entered the highest security level, and all the special doors leading to the prison entrance are closed.

Once this kind of door is closed, no one can open it!

Countless prison guards rushed towards the sixth floor in an orderly manner. Prisoners who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble were beaten to death by the warden beast. The prisoners were forcibly escorted back to their cells by the prison guards and locked the door.

"Damn it, it happens at this time!"

Magellan didn't even bother to wipe his butt. He hurriedly pulled up his pants and rushed from the toilet to the sixth floor.

He knows how terrifying the prisoners on the sixth floor are, and if he wants to suppress the prisoners who have escaped, he is the only one who can do it except Shiryu.

"Great, I didn't realize Bullet, you still have two brushes!"

"Hey! Bullet, what are you doing here? Why don't you let us out quickly? Otherwise, that bastard Magellan will come over soon."

"What are you waiting for! Let us out, and we will help you escape from prison together!"

When the prisoners on the sixth floor saw Bullet escape, except for a few, they all excitedly lay down in front of the fence, stretched out their hands, and yelled at Bullet.

"Hey! What are you waiting for, you idiot? You must have been locked up for too long and you are stupid."

"Don't let us out yet!" The crowd urged again, unable to wait.

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