"It seems like you don't need my help."

Lynch looked around and saw that the hunted Baccarat was fine, but the man he was chasing was dead and injured.

"You're kidding, I'm a weak little girl who still needs protection from adults~"

Baccarat took off his black gloves and walked over with cat steps. When he was about to take Lynch's arm, he was dodged.

"What are you hiding from? They won't drain your luck." Baccarat pouted her red lips in dissatisfaction.

"It's better to be cautious." He raised his hand and grabbed Baccarat's shoulder, "Let's go."

He jumped and broke through the ceiling with steel partitions. Above was the BOOS room.


Lynch, who broke through the room, happened to see Tezoro being knocked out by Akainu's "Canine-Tooth Red Lotus", rolling dozens of times on the ground and hitting the wall of the room before stopping.

One arm and half of his chest melted under the magma.

Through the missing half of the chest, through the bloody minced meat, one could vaguely see the lungs inside that rose and fell with each breath, and the countless dense alveoli that had grown above due to the high temperature.

"Akainu, whoever attacked me, you know what the consequences will be." First let Baccarat help the Golden Emperor stop the bleeding to prevent the other party from dying due to blood loss, while Lynch stopped Akainu.

"Lynch!" Akainu raised his lava-covered fist and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to come so fast. It seems that you, West Blue, have a Devil Fruit that allows people to move quickly."

"But you're here just in time. I'll kill you too today."

"Let me test my strength after my breakthrough with you!"

As he spoke, the lava flowing from Akainu's fist filled the entire room floor.

The floor was instantly pierced by flames and did not stop until it encountered the 20cm thick steel plate in the mezzanine below.

The room became a small crater, and the area below Akainu's knees turned into magma, standing in the magma pool.

"You two go out first." Lynch took out a small bottle of blood essence that had been prepared in advance and threw it to Baccarat. "Feed this to Tezolo, Akainu and give it to me."

"Be careful, this guy is very strong!"

As if remembering something, Baccarat dragged the Golden Emperor away after giving a solemn warning.


After going out, Baccarat did not forget to lock the door and locked the two people in the room together.

"This way, we're the only ones in the room."

Lynch took a step forward and stepped on the lava on the floor. The lava at his feet quickly froze and turned into ice cubes.

"Magma is fire, so I'll use the ice attribute to fight you."

A majestic chill spread from Lynch's body.

It's like a big ice cube in a cold storage was brought into a summer house, and a white cold air visible to the naked eye filled the air.

With Lynch as the center, the tendency of magma to freeze spreads in all directions.

"Same ice as Aokiji."

As a user with the ability of Lava-Lava Fruit, Akainu was extremely disgusted with things like ice. He frowned and took countermeasures immediately.

Akainu waved his fist, and the fist above the wrist turned into lava and escaped from the body, turning into two ferocious dog heads and attacking.

I believe that if Kakashi were here, he would have a lot in common with Akainu.

Zheng! Zheng!

The cold air formed two ice-shaped flying axes from his hands.

Throwing out the throwing ax, the two lava dog heads split into two.

The throwing ax that tore apart the two dog heads was still spinning towards Akainu.

"Hmph! Red Sticky Fire."

Akainu struggled to slap the magma under his feet, and the magma erupted into a wall of lava as if under control, swallowing the ice axe.

Suddenly, a magma column erupted from behind the magma wall while Lynch's vision was obscured.

Lynch's ghostly figure has already appeared on the roof.

He stepped on the roof of the shed, stood upside down, raised his head, and accurately hit Akainu's body with an ice axe.


A large hole was created in one of the walls of the room by a lava column, and several of Akainu's cronies who tried to sneak attack Bakala were crushed on the spot.

The slashed Akainu's body was transformed into elements, turning into magma and melting into the magma pool.

Akainu's voice came from the magma,

"Thanks to you, although I don't dare to awaken yet, I can already use abilities that can only be used after awakening."


The magma in the room suddenly surged at an extremely exaggerated speed.

In the blink of an eye, the magma reached the limit of the room that could accommodate 200 people.


The door and the entire wall were melted and burst, and the surging magma filled the top floor of the entire golden ship.

Akainu had some sense of conscience and restricted the magma to the highest level, which normally only the Golden Emperor could enter, intending to prevent the magma from accidentally injuring the Marines and civilians below.

The temperature of the magma is extremely high, and everything in the highest layer begins to melt due to the high temperature.

The melting point of gold is one thousand degrees Celsius. Gold melts under magma and the temperature can be seen as one Madara.

If it weren't for Akainu's deliberate restrictions, it would only take a matter of minutes to burn through the entire golden ship.

Only where Lynch stood was a space of ice.

Several half-length skeleton giants made of magma emerged from the magma and surrounded Lynch.

Lynch just raised his feet and stamped, the ice spread to the feet of the magma skeletons, and several five-meter-high skeletons turned into ice sculptures and sank into the magma.


Akainu seemed shocked that Lynch was able to kill several skeletons instantly, and accidentally exposed his position. Lynch threw an ice ax to freeze the area, but unfortunately Akainu escaped.

"If you don't come out, I'll let you out."

A handful of white-smelling ice axes condensed in the hands and were thrown out one by one.

Whenever the ice ax falls into the lava, everything around it is frozen.

More and more areas were frozen, and Akainu couldn't help it.


Akainu's hand suddenly stretched out from under his feet, broke through the ice, grabbed Lynch's ankle, and dragged him into the lava pool.


Lynch fell into the lava pool, making a sound like hot oil being poured on chili noodles.

The skin was burned and healed quickly, and Lynch ignored the temperature of the magma.

"You really are a monster with this kind of resilience."

The magma formed Akainu's appearance in front. His lower body was still lava, and his upper body returned to his true form.

Lynch's physical defense is too exaggerated. Except for personal close combat, he is never 100% sure of hurting the opponent.

"You were fooled, Akainu."

Grabbing Akainu with one hand and punching him, Lynch used all his strength to release all the cold energy from his body.

The performance just now was just to make the other party feel that his ice power could not spread over a large area like Aokiji, so as to attract Akainu to get closer.

For Akainu, whose body has a temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius and has turned into magma, ice is a deadly poison.

With Lynch as the surrounding area, the cold air released caused the entire magma pool to freeze.

When Akainu discovered that this was a trap, it was already too late. Lynch's fist was firmly fixed, and he used his weapon color to suppress himself from entering the elemental form.

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