
The Zhuzhao Divine Beast spoke human words, and the muscles of its body surrounding the World Tree swelled.

Golden Lion, Fujitora, Kuina, and Tashigi are also working together with Lynch.


A line of nosebleeds suddenly spurted out from the Golden Lion's nostrils. Kuina's beautiful eyes were filled with bright red bloodshot eyes because of too much exertion. Fujitora's blind eyes were completely wide open, with veins popping up around them.

The ground rumbled, and under Lynch's force, tree roots hundreds of meters thick and several kilometers long were pulled out of the earth.

Thousands of tons of earth and rocks rolled down the tree roots like thunder.


As the World Tree separated from Elbaf, Elbaf was torn apart, and a bottomless pit appeared in the middle.

The surrounding sea water poured inward along the large pit towards the interior of Elbaf, like a seaport bursting its banks.

Not long after, Elbaf sank into the sea under the impact of sea water.

"Cough cough cough..."

Before Elbaf was destroyed, the five people took the World Tree and flew high into the sky one step ahead.

Pulling out the World Tree, it suddenly felt much lighter.

Looking at the dense roots under the World Tree, Golden Lion's scalp felt numb.

Trivia, as tall as a tree is, the roots of the tree are generally as long.

The roots of this 10,000-meter-tall world tree are also tens of thousands of meters long.

Tree roots of this level are intricately intertwined with the entire Elbaf.

The World Tree itself, which is heavy, borrows the terrain and more than doubles its weight.

Under such circumstances, pulling out the World Tree from the ground would probably be even more difficult than transporting the legendary superpower Wanokuni.

"It seems that a large part of the reason why Elbaf can exist is because of the World Tree."

Lynch looked down at Elbaf sinking into the sea.

The World Tree is gone, and Elbaf will cease to exist.

"We have withdrawn our strength, you are ready."

Kuina and Tashigi took back their catkins, rubbed their bloodshot eyes, and sat tiredly on the big head of the Candlelight Divine Beast to regain their strength.

The strength of the two little ones is far inferior to that of the three, and they cannot continuously use the fruit's abilities like Golden Lion and Fujitora.

They can only temporarily apply the fruit power to the World Tree, and go back to rest. When the fruit power is almost exhausted, they will replenish it again.

The sun sets.

A group of five people carried the World Tree and floated towards West Blue in the sky.

Almost as soon as everyone left Elbaf's range, the system prompts suddenly sounded in their minds.

【Ding! Congratulations on completing your mission. 】

[System rewards are being distributed...]

【Ding! Distribution successful! 】

At the same time, Tom, who was far away in West Blue, was suddenly shocked.

He took out a lifelike Kizaru card from his tail hair, and suspicion flashed across his face.

‘When did this card get into his tail? ’

‘Forget it, never mind it. ’

Tom stuffed the card back into his tail fur, yawned loudly, and continued to sleep with Jerry in his arms.

In his sleep, Tom stuck out his tongue and subconsciously smoothed Jerry's hair. The more he licked, the better it smelled...

A few days passed.

Diamanti noticed that Lynch was not at West Blue in the past few days, and carefully approached Doflamingo to ask about Lynch.

Doflamingo was also very trusting and told Diamanti the news that Lynch went to sea to carry the World Tree and would not be able to come back for the time being.

Diamanti, the wielder of the Flying Fruit ability.

Formerly one of the four cadres under Doflamingo, after Ming Ge's defeat, he chose to follow Ming Ge to West Blue.

Because Diamanti, Torebol, and Pika have been following Ming Ge since he was a child, and they are highly trusted.

"Why are you asking these things?" Doflamingo picked up a bottle of wine and threw it to Diamanti.

"Nothing, just curious."

"Don't be so curious in the future. You can't ask more questions about Lynch. Be careful of being arrested as a spy." Brother Ming reminded kindly.

"Now that you said so, Dover, I understand."

Diamanti's eyes flashed and she exited the room.

He closed the door, leaned against the wall outside Doflamingo's room, took out a cigarette and lit it, and said to himself: "I'm sorry Doflamingo, if the plan succeeds, you will still be my young master."

Putting out her cigarette, Diamanti walked out of the building resolutely.

Arriving at home, Diamanti closed the door, closed the window, and moved the single bed.

Prying open the floor under the bed, Diamanti took out an anti-bug that was eating vegetable leaves.

After dialing the phone, Saint Satan's voice sounded on the other side.

"I have already said that I will let Doflamingo go and stop nagging me. I hope you can pass on some useful information next time."

"That's not the case." Diamanti hurriedly lowered her voice, "I'm not telling you about the young master this time."

"Lynch has left West Blue and won't be coming back anytime soon."

"Are you sure?" Saint Satan's solemn voice sounded on the other end of the phone, "You must be cautious about things like this, and you can't make any mistakes."

"I'm sure. He went to the country of giants to transport some world tree. He will definitely not come back!"

"Okay!" There was uncontrollable excitement in Saint Satan's voice. The opportunity he had been waiting for was finally here.

"Everything went according to plan."

"Remember, be cautious in everything you do."

"I promise you that I will not forget my promise."


The phone bug closed his eyes, Diamanti carefully hid it, and took out two bags of unknown powder from the depths of the floor.

TB23 powder is soluble in water and pollutes water sources. The weight of one gram is enough to incapacitate a Sea Kings. Drinking large amounts can cause permanent paralysis in people.

TB24 potion, which can be dissolved in water, is extremely poisonous and can kill all living creatures except phantom beasts.

The World Government once used a similar potion on Cake Island.

The former paralyzed everyone on Cake Island. Only Smoothie, who had the ability to squeeze fruit, and Katakuri, who had rice cake fruit, survived because of the fruit.

Of the latter, Lynch had eaten a small amount and was fine.

Auntie ate a lot and was poisoned. Because of her pervert body, she quickly adapted to the poison in her body.

After years of research, the poison given to Diamanti by the World Government is an upgraded version of the last Cake Island incident.

Diamanti raised her hand and put it down again, taking only the TB23 powder and carefully putting back the lethal TB24 potion.

He was more worried that if Dover accidentally swallowed the fatal potion, there would be no use regretting it.

It's better to use a potion that makes people lose their combat effectiveness. It doesn't make any difference anyway.

After putting the potion in her pocket, Diamanti carefully walked out of the room, looked around carefully to make sure no one was following her, and disappeared into the shadows.

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