With a flash of light, Saint Nashoulang and Saint Pit emerged from the five-pointed star array.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"

As soon as the two of them emerged, they were drowned by a raging pillar of magma and fire spit out by Yilulu.


Yilulu stepped on the ground with her little feet, raised her hand to wipe the lava from the corner of her mouth, and said arrogantly: "What, a mere human dares to show off in front of this dragon."

"What an amazing little girl. You can have such strength at such a young age. Even Charlotte Linlin's talent is not as good as yours. I really don't know where Lynch found you little monsters."

The uplifted magma suddenly collapsed, and the three saints inside appeared unscathed at some point.

This is one of the abilities of Saint Nashoulang.

Nasshouro's holy form is Zoan, Renren Fruit, Fantasy Beast Species, and Slippery Ghost Form.

One of his abilities is to make himself the center of the world, making others mistakenly think that he is the master of the world, and he can control the surrounding world to a certain extent.

This is almost exactly the same as the positioning of Five Elders and Yim.

The Five Elders, the masters of the world in everyone's eyes, are just a bunch of lackeys.

"Five people..."

The long sword was unsheathed, Gion's red lips opened slightly, and he spit out various perfumes to apply amplifying effects to his allies.

"Without Lynch, how long can you stop us?" Nashou Langsheng pulled out a generation of nonsense and did not forget to use words to confuse everyone.

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Joining the world government now is your only chance to survive."

Everyone who can come here today is a die-hard fan of West Blue. Seeing that the temptation is useless, Saint Nashoulang didn't waste any words.

Although they looked down on everyone, the three Five Elders did not act rashly.

Counting the little girl who came out of nowhere, the opponent has a total of three Admiral-level combatants. If they are attacked, they will still be seriously injured.

This is especially true for the West Blue side. Most of them only have the strength of the elite Vice Admiral. Against today's Five Elders, they will only end up being killed instantly.

The best plan is for them to surround themselves with several Admiral forces for support.

This stalemate is extremely stressful mentally, and Doflamingo is already sweating.

He always felt that the old guy opposite was always looking at him with ill intentions.

Yilulu, who had the most innocent thoughts, couldn't bear her thoughts first. She growled lowly, showed her two little fangs and tried to rush forward, but was stopped by Robin.

This girl's mind is too simple, and she will suffer big losses if she doesn't pay attention.

"Since you don't dare to take action first, then let me do it."

Nashou Langsheng opened his palm and aimed at Brother Ming to activate the fruit ability.

Dividing everyone at once would be too physically demanding, but it would still be fine to separate one person at once.

Kill Dover, the traitor to the Celestial Dragons, first, and then talk about the rest.

Doflamingo disappeared on the spot and appeared on another small island next to him together with Nasjuro Sage.

The moment he was transferred away, Doflamingo, who was well prepared, shot out two threads to tie up the nearest Golden Emperor and Moria, and the three of them disappeared together.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's true!" Observing that the three of his party were going to deal with Saint Nashou Lang alone, the Golden Emperor felt a chill running down his spine.

He has not forgotten the lesson he learned last time. Dover and Kuina were beaten by each other and they couldn't take care of themselves. If it weren't for Lynch, they would have died there.

"Dover, you bastard, why did you bring Laozi with you!" Moria's already purple face turned even more purple.

Last time, he saw with his own eyes how badly Dover and the Golden Emperor were beaten.

Is it going to be my turn this time?

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Dover said with a straight face, "We agreed that we would share the blessings and share the hardships. How dare you leave me alone for such a dangerous matter?"

The Golden Emperor and Moria looked at each other and nodded in unison, "Excuse me."

"You two bastards!" Dover was so angry that his shoes were crooked. "Have you forgotten the combined attack skills we practiced privately? Isn't now a good time?"

"There are so many!"

The two of them suddenly understood and suddenly gained confidence.

If that's the case, it should be okay...

After the last battle, the three Shichibukai-level people deeply realized their weakness in front of those big men.

So, they thought about how to become stronger and practiced a set of combined attack skills in private.

Inspired by the Golden Emperor's previous experience of working with Enel to fight against Aokiji.

At that time, Enel was only one step away from reaching Aokiji's level. If he wanted to fight against Aokiji, he could only cooperate with others.

Now Enel's strength has far surpassed that of the Golden Emperor, and the two can no longer attack together, but this does not prevent him from using it with others.

"What are you three talking about?" Nashou Langsheng teleported in front of Dudulang Mingge, and killed a generation of ghosts. "It is an honor for you to die in my hands."


"Shadow Shield Line!"

The opponent's fruit ability was too weird, so in desperation, Brother Ming formed a shield made of white lines in front of him.


The shield was as fragile as tofu under the blade of Ichi Tetsu.

"Old man, don't underestimate our bond!"

The moment Daichi Tetsu was about to cut Dover in half, a black hand dragged Ming Ge into the shadow and transferred him.

It was the shadow mage that Moria had hidden in advance.

"Oh, I've made some progress."

Saint Nasjuro did not pursue him, which would be inconsistent with the noble status of the Celestial Dragons. As a warrior, every worthy enemy should be given enough respect.

"Use all your strength to fight against me. This is my gift to you, and it is also a reward for you being able to take my sword."

Saint Nashouro took off his loose black samurai uniform, revealing his upper body covered with scars and tendons all over his body.

What seemed like an ordinary sword just now was enough to crush any enemy.

Regardless, Doflamingo dodged.

As the only one among the Five Elders who upholds the spirit of Bushido, Saint Nasushiro's spirit of Bushido is burning brightly.

There was no chance last time, so this time it was decided to let them use their full strength and kill them again.

"Remember, this is your only chance to take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, Saint Nashouro stood there holding a generation of ghosts, murderous intent enveloped the three of them.

Facing this terrifying enemy, Moria's heart beat faster and faster.

Doflamingo, who had just walked away from the gate of hell, gasped, "Huhu~ Use that move, that's our only chance."

The Slippery Ghost Fruit was a crushing force against lower-level enemies like them.

"Okay, I'll go first!"

The Golden Emperor leaned over and put his palms on the ground, and the fruit's awakening ability was successfully activated, turning the ground under his feet into gold.

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