The hearts are not united, and some of them are people from the World Government, and there are multiple factions.

And without formal sources of military expenditure, it would be difficult to survive.

As for wanting to start your own business? You are simply overthinking, and you think the world government is just free rice.

Lynch also understood the difficulties of past marshals.

If Marine wants to become completely independent, it will face three important conditions.

1. The issue of funding is also the biggest problem.

2. Eliminate dissidents. If Marine wants to be independent, it must eliminate some unscrupulous elements. By then, Marine will be conservatively weakened by one-third.

3. Face three dangers.

Once Marine becomes independent, both the revolutionary pirates and the world government will become enemies.

"Forget it, I'm not even an Admiral now, so why bother with this?"

What makes Lynch more gratified is that Sengoku is obviously on his side.

Sending the Flying Squirrel as leader instead of Rudolf indirectly proves his dissatisfaction with the World government.

Arriving on the warship, the atmosphere was terrifying and solemn.

The army of tens of thousands of people actually made no sound.

Truly worthy of being Marine's most elite unit.

The flying squirrel silently let the warship set sail.

Monopon Island is far away from the Naval Headquarters. We can only get there tomorrow during the night.

It is estimated that the people on Monopon Island do not know that when they wake up, they will be greeted by death.

At night, Gion found Lynch alone.

The two of them fell into silence on the deck looking at the night sky.

"I once went to Monopon Island to catch pirates. The people there are very nice and the folk customs are simple." Gion said bitterly.

"Are you confused about justice in your heart?" Lynch asked.

"Yes, did you see it?"

"Those people are obviously just unarmed civilians, but they face the risk of death just because they took in a little girl. Do you think it's ridiculous?"

"Even if the murderer is to be found, the common people should not be involved. The common people are innocent." Gion said lonely.

"World government has done this not once or twice. You don't even think about the top executives of World government who are from Celestial Dragons."

Lynch looked at it openly and gently hugged Gion's slender waist.

"We can't decide the path of our predecessors, but our path is at our feet."

"You and I are the Rear Admiral now, who can imagine Marine's future in the future."

"If one day, you and I are Admiral or even Marshal, then you can try to turn your ideas into reality."

"In this world, strength is the basis for everything, and no one will pay attention to the thoughts of the weak."

"Can you understand what I say?"

Gion's beautiful eyes gradually brightened up, as if he had found his target, changing from his previous decadence.

"For our future, for the future of the people, come on!"

Gion extended his fist and bumped it with Lynch.

"come on."

The next day.

Monopon Island.

Within the kingdom.

The morning light had just broken, and thick fog drifted over the sea.

Some hard-working farmers have even cultivated two acres of land.

"Look, is there something approaching on the sea?"

Residents fetching water squinted at the sea.

Ten huge warships were like ten huge monsters, slowly approaching.

"Quick! Go and inform the King that there is an invasion!"

The nation on Monopon Island has a small population of only about a million.

There is no great fighting power. There are only a handful of people in a country who can Haki.

Using Buster Call against such a low-level country is a complete one-sided massacre.


boom! boom! boom!

There is no need for anyone to land on the island. The most terrifying thing about Buster Call is its bombardment, which can be said to be full of firepower.

At Flying Squirrel's order, five hundred cannons launched a carpet bombing towards Monopon Island at the same time.

Some Vice Admiral Rear Admirals who still have conscience turned their heads away and couldn't bear to look directly.

Generals are prepared to deal with powerful opponents.

In the current situation, there is no need for them to take action.

Since Buster Call bombs areas based on areas, after the bombing, there will be no living souls on the entire island.

It was precisely because of the orderly bombing that the people of the Kingdom were given some time to escape.

The old king swore to live and die with the kingdom and gave up the chance of life to others.

All the civilians and officials boarded the five refuge boats and gradually moved away along the sea.

The flying squirrel closed its eyes tightly, as if it didn't see the refuge ship and ignored it, letting it go away.

"Asshole! What are you doing? If you let those criminals go, can you bear the responsibility if something happens?!"

"I think you are harboring evil intentions. I will report this matter to the World Government."

Rudolf tried his best to avoid the communication phone bug in the flying squirrel's hand and gave the order.

"Attack! Aim the gun at the refuge ship!"

boom! boom! boom!

After the ferocious bombardment, the refuge ships were left with a cloud of dust.

The sea turned blood red.

At this point, a country with a million people was all dead in less than an hour.

This is the power of Buster Call.

No wonder those countries are so afraid of Buster Call.

The burning fire on Monopon Island was deeply imprinted in Lynch's eyes.

The mission was completed, and just as the ten warships were about to turn around and go back, a hearty laugh came from a distance.

"Hahahaha, look what we met, Buster Call, what kind of trash is that?"

"Hahahaha, Boss Quinn is right!"

A pirate ship that was as big as a Buster Call warship approached.

There was a fat man standing on the bow of the boat with a Gatling in his hand.

"Beasts Pirates!"

Everyone in Marine was shocked when they saw the flag on the pirate ship.

"Why did you bump into them here?"

"Quinn, one of the three disasters, is here. Don't they stay in the New World and come here to die?"

"I'm laughing so hard. Now all the cats and dogs dare to touch Buster Call." Rudolph laughed.

"We have five Vice Admirals, ten Rear Admirals, and 10,000 elite soldiers here, not to mention a mere Quinn. So what if Kaido comes?"

"Since I met you here, there is no need to treat you as going back."

"Several Vice Admirals also asked us to take action together to capture Quinn alive."

"He is the technical advisor in Beasts Pirates and knows all Kaido's secrets."

After Rudolph finished speaking passionately, his face turned dark when he found that no one was paying attention to him.

"Go ahead, maybe we can use Quinn against the Beasts Pirates."

It was the flying squirrel that spoke, and several Vice Admirals joined forces to use Moonwalk to rush towards Quinn's ship.

"I'll blanch it! You Marines are five against one, how can you still get some face?"

When Quinn saw this, he cursed.

Even he can't handle five Vice Admirals.

Tu tu tu tu~

Before anyone could get close, Quinn lifted Gatlin and fired.

Marine soldiers still use flintlock guns, and pirates have Gatling guns.

Lynch didn't know what to say for a moment.

The Vice Admirals easily dodged the bullets and landed on the pirate ship one by one.

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