Pirates: Become Invincible From Capturing The Marine Goddess

Chapter 453 Letters Passed Down For Eight Hundred Years

World government prohibits anyone from collecting historical texts.

But the royal family where Kobra belongs has passed down from generation to generation a historical text that records Pluton.

From this point of view, as the descendants of Nefit D. Lily, the Nefit family has always been anti-World Government.

"I hope you can protect this country." Kobra pleaded.

"Okay, I agree."

Lynch agreed simply, and Cobra was ecstatic.

From now on, they can be considered one of their own.

The King of West Blue himself represents the anti-World government forces. After he reads the letter, I believe he will become a comrade in the same team.

Lynch opened the letter.

Eight hundred years had passed since Lily wrote the letter, so the letter in her hand was a copy that had been copied for an unknown period of time, and the paper was already yellowing.

Lynch's eyes stayed on it and couldn't look away.

The origin of the D family is recorded above.

The D family is never a bloodline, but a representative of will.

Anyone who inherits free will can add a D to their name.

The above does not mention the origin of the huge kingdom 800 years ago, but only touches on some things about Joyboy and the huge kingdom.

For some unknown reason, everyone led by Joyboy wanted to build a "Utopia" based on the "Huge Kingdom".

The name of this country is Country D.

D stands for Dream, which means the land of dreams.

It was an ideal country where everyone was equal, there was no hierarchy, no oppression.

In the country of D, all races put aside prejudices and live in harmony. It is a place where suffering rarely occurs. What hangs on people's faces is a smile like D.

In such a prosperous and happy country, some people who have no surnames themselves, or are willing to follow Joyboy, or people who sincerely love the country of D, add D to their own names.

This is the origin of the D family.

Seeing this, Lynch was shocked.

He only knew the names of Joey Boy and Im, and vaguely knew a little about the content of the year.

As for what exactly it is, it's not clear.

There are very few things recorded on it. There is no origin of the huge kingdom, and there is no description of how the country of D was established on the basis of the huge kingdom.

What happened to the original huge kingdom? Why reform? The process of reform? Nothing is said here.

It's no wonder that Lao Bai, who was told everything by Roger, said before he died: Although we are not related by blood, the fire of life will not disappear.

D is not a bloodline at all, but an inheritance of will.

If Lynch wants, he can have an extra D in his name.

It can be seen from Lily's words that Joyboy successfully established the country of D, an ideal country.

So since this national server is so beautiful, why did it disappear later?

Lynch continued to look down.

The existence of Country D and its ideas are slowly spreading to all parts of the world, and more and more races and populations are joining Country D.

Gradually, the population of country D became too large and the land began to run out.

At this time, some ancient giants moved some small islands around.

Those ancient giants are the ancestors of little Oz, and they are also the origin of the legend of the giant Oz's "luck in the country".

As Country D continues to develop and become more and more attractive, it has touched the interests of some countries.

Because the ideal country is so tempting, slaves or the lower class in some countries want to come to country D.

But for these countries, if there is a lack of these underlying labor forces, the rulers or royal families will be seriously affected.

The country and the royal family will become the polished commanders.

At that time, only the royal family and the rulers will be left. If they all have the same status, how can they reflect the dignity of their status?

When everyone is gone, who will do the dirty work? And who will "serve" them?

As a result, twenty countries, led by Im, including Alabasta, faced common core interests and formed a World Government coalition to launch a war against the Kingdom of D established by Joyboy.

Among them, Im, Lily, and others have known each other for a long time, and even indirectly or directly participated in Joyboy's actions against the "huge kingdom".

It was the same as when they dealt with the huge kingdom, but this time the action was more cruel.

Although everyone is equal and there is no army in the Utopia conceived by Joyboy, this does not affect its power.

But Country D advocates the freedom and dreams of "everyone".

Then once a war starts for ideals, no matter the outcome, it will be completely against D's will.

So Joyboy himself offered no resistance.

But except for Joyboy, some previously oppressed races resisted desperately in this battle.

Among them were Jhin's ancestors, which resulted in Jhin's race being almost wiped out, leaving only Jhin alone.

Before the destruction of Country D, Joyboy realized that the 20-nation coalition might rewrite history, so he asked the Kozuki family to carve a historical text to record the existence and thoughts of Country D.

Then the residents of Country D gathered from all over the world to bring the historical text to all parts of the world.

This also explains why historical texts are scattered around the world.

Everyone knows what happened next.

With no resistance from Joe Boy, the coalition of World Governments won.

And these first 20 people decided to form a "World government".

And made an oath, laid down their weapons, set up a Void Throne, and promised that the United Nations would always remain equal and there would be no dictators.

However, the ancestor of the Kobra family who saw the beauty of country D was Nefert D. Lily.

After witnessing the establishment of World Government, I suddenly realized.

There is no mention of how Im bewitched Lily.

Lily belatedly realized that she had been deceived by Im.

Joey Boy is doing the right thing.

So Lily took her family out of the World government and returned to their original kingdom.

And in order to repay the mistakes she made, she produced a batch of historical texts about the three ancient weapons.

Unable to do anything alone, she can only pin her hope of overthrowing the World Government and restoring the Country of D to future generations.

After leaving the historical text of "Pluton" related to the Nephite family, Lily chose to exile herself.

Passing the throne to his younger brother, he took the rest of history with him and disappeared.

Several important points are recorded above.

1. Although Pluton's technology comes from the moon, in order to show Pluton's true power, someone who has awakened the Nefert bloodline must control Pluton.

2. As mentioned above, people who awaken the bloodline of the Nefit family will appear once every 160 years.

An awakened person carrying the power of "Poseidon" will appear about once every 400 years.

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