Crocodile in the picture still has her head turned back, but there is no dividing line. Her hair is slightly longer and hangs down to her ears, giving her the image of a hot girl.

I haven’t said it yet, it looks good.

"Crocodile, in his youth, was actually a woman!"

No wonder.

No wonder Crocodile is so afraid of Ivankov's secrets.

As we all know, Ivankov's ability is to change gender.

It’s no wonder that when watching Roger’s execution, almost everyone gave him a front view, with only Sand Crocodile showing the back of his head wearing an earring.

Although it’s not like no men wear earrings.

But if you look closely, you can find that all men who wear earrings wear them on their left ear.

Only Crocodile's earring is on the right ear.

This is a detail that few people notice.

Likewise, the baroque studio created by Crocodile.

"Baroque Studio Baropue WOrks"

Among them, Baropue is Spanish.

Meaning: Twisted Pearl – Twisted Woman.

Various signs seem to have told us that Crocodile is a woman a long time ago.

But even without seeing it with his own eyes, Lynch couldn't imagine that the Crocodile in front of him was a hottie when she was young.

Those with the ability to recall the fruit were also surprised.

The legendary Shichibukai Crocodile is actually a woman!

Under Lynch's command, Crocodile's memory continues to resurface.

Before the age of 20, sailing on the sea was smooth sailing.

Crocodile's life trajectory changed when he was 20 years old.

At the age of 20, he met the 19-year-old Bullet. The two sides fought for several days, but in the end there was no winner.

You know, it has been four years since the 19-year-old Bullet joined the Roger Pirates.

Bullet at this time is enough to tie with Rayleigh at his peak.

Calculated, the 20-year-old Crocodile has a fighting power comparable to Pluton Rayleigh at his peak.

I just don’t know what’s going on with Crocodile, but his strength increases in inverse proportion to his age.

Bullet is now as powerful as Four Emperors, but Crocodile is still a weakling in Shichibukai.

Compared with when he was 20 years old, his strength has declined instead of rising.

In the same year, Crocodile challenged Peak Whitebeard and failed miserably!

From Sand Crocodile's memories, Lynch saw the details of that battle.

The scar on Crocodile's face across the bridge of his nose was left in that battle.

Whitebeard took the last stab and regained his strength.

Otherwise, Crocodile would not just be disfigured, but his head would be cut in half.

Crocodile was defeated, and Whitebeard expressed his appreciation for her without hesitation.

Looking at that scene, Lynch felt that the next moment Whitebeard was about to say, "Be my daughter."

I feel like Crocodile's experience is a bit similar to Ace's.

It's a pity that Crocodile, who was young and energetic, felt that he was insulted.

She was supposed to die in this battle.

She would rather die fighting than accept Whitebeard's charity.

So she resolutely jumped into the sea.

If a person with abilities jumps into the sea, it is almost a certain death.

Crocodile's luck is heaven-defying.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but I was blown to a small island by the waves and was rescued by Ivankov.

After two battles, Crocodile deeply felt his weakness.

Bullet, who was younger than him, was able to draw with him, but was crushed by Whitebeard.

Like Kuina, Crocodile thought it was the woman's body that was dragging him down after waking up.

Especially the two lumps of fat on her chest, sometimes she really wanted to cut them off.

If that's not the case, then why haven't we heard of any top female warriors in the sea?

During that time, Crocodile fell into paranoia.

She stubbornly believed that it was because her female body was holding her back that she could not become the strongest.

After accidentally learning about Ivankov's abilities, Crocodile was ecstatic and asked Ivankov to use the fruit's abilities on her.

From then on, Sand Crocodile changed from her to him.

Perhaps from that moment on, there was something wrong with Crocodile's mentality.

Just like Zoro would rather be hacked to death by Hawkeye than admit defeat, people with mental problems cannot become strong.

After a year, Crocodile challenged Whitebeard again.

Not surprisingly, it was still a disastrous failure.

During the battle, Crocodile also had an arm cut off.

In order to become the strongest, Crocodile changed gender.

Continuous failures brought a heavy blow to him.

Unlike Bullet, who grew stronger with each defeat, Crocodile completely lost confidence in his own talent.

I feel that no matter how hard I try, I can't become the strongest.

Since then, Crocodile has resigned himself to self-destruction.

Under Crocodile's influence, he stopped practicing.

Taijutsu, Haki, and fruit abilities will become weaker every day.

Until many years later, by chance, he learned the secrets of the three ancient weapons.

From then on, he pinned all his ambitions on the legendary ancient weapons in order to defeat Whitebeard.

After reading Sand Crocodile's memory, Lynch sighed sadly, "What a pitiful person."

"With a poor mentality, such a good talent was wasted."

"Eileen, please reset Crocodile's memory to the day he became a man."

"Yes, sir."

The memory of the fruit user activating the fruit power stops at the moment when Ivankov injected female hormones into Crocodile.

"Eileen, extract Ivankov's female hormones."

The memory fruit cannot modify the memory at will like Pudding's memory fruit.

After all, one is "memory" and the other is just "memory".

But the fruit of memory can materialize the things in other people's memories at the cost of lifespan.

The more precious something is, the more life it consumes.

For example, Ivankov could produce unlimited female hormones, and Irene successfully separated a copy of them after only one month of her life.

Counting the one he obtained from the system a long time ago, Lynch now has a total of two estrogen potions in his hand.

If you want to conquer Crocodile who has a mental problem, you must first have a way to check and balance him, and then slowly correct his mentality.

Since Crocodile doesn't want to be a woman, Lynch wants him to change back into a woman.

Only after good behavior will the remaining estrogen potion be given to Crocodile.

At Lynch's signal, Erin took out a syringe and injected a full dose of female hormones into the unconscious Crocodile.

The moment female hormones enter the body, they have immediate effects.

Crocodile's body changes.

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