In the year 15xx of the Haiyuan calendar!

On the coast of an unknown island in the New World, a small boat was slowly approaching the shore in the sunset!

At this time... the entire coast was extremely silent, with only the sound of waves hitting the shore.

Suddenly, a hoarse and shrill voice broke the silence!

"Hey! I really want to tear this fucking world apart!"

The speaker is the owner of this boat... Bai Ze!

A boy of eleven or twelve years old!

He was wearing a patched but washed-out cloth, with a cold face and an indescribable indifference... He exuded an aura of keeping strangers away, and when he said this, he subconsciously clenched his fists... His deep eyes were full of deep hatred!

It is hard to imagine that such world-weary words would come from a boy of this age!

Just because... he is a time traveler from Blue Star!

People say that time travel is beautiful, and Bai Ze, an orphan, also felt the same when he first traveled to this absurd world.

Although God did not give him any so-called golden fingers!

But... ten years ago���Bai Ze traveled to this pirate world as a child. He had no ability to protect himself, but fortunately he was adopted by a kind couple from an ordinary village.

Here, Bai Ze gained family love and friendship that he had never experienced in his previous life. Those days were really the happiest days in Bai Ze's life.

He grew up comfortably while exercising, and began to look forward to his future life at sea... Yes, the naive Bai Ze wanted to be a pirate at that time!

He naively thought that pirates were just like what was described in the original work. They were free and beautiful. They could roam freely on this vast and boundless sea. They were a group of free people!

The navy is evil. They imprison civilians and imprison freedom!

In this regard, Bai Ze now wants to vomit when he thinks of this absurd statement.

"Fuck you free men, a thief is a thief! Bandits, pirates, thieves, a thief is a thief!"

"Freedom, partners, dreams... they are all just a fig leaf used by these criminals to cover up their crimes!"


Because just three years ago, Bai Ze first encountered this group of so-called"free men"!

A group of pirates called the"Hope" Pirates!

They shouted"freedom" and"dreams", but pointed their cold butcher knives at these innocent weaklings!

That day, more than 500 people in the village were killed for resistance, and these damn bastards also seized everything in the village. They also shamelessly said that this is what they should do.……

""Little ones, for our freedom and dreams! Let's have a party!"

That night, the captain of the Hope Pirates, Karen, stood on the blood of countless villagers, raised his wine glass and roared happily!

"for freedom!"

""For the dream!"

A group of hypocritical crew members stepped on the bodies of innocent villagers and shouted at the top of their lungs!

Under the night, more than 200 surviving villagers were tied up, kneeling on the ground and watching this absurd scene numbly!

Among them was Bai Ze, who was only 9 years old and was tied up for resisting!

He looked at this group of"so-called free men" with dull eyes.

Their faces that shouted for freedom were full of greed and hypocrisy.……

"Fuck your freedom.……"

Bai Ze smiled sarcastically and then fainted.

After that day, Bai Ze's village was completely occupied by this group of pirates, but they did not kill the remaining 200 villagers, including Bai Ze's adoptive parents.

Instead, they imprisoned them and treated them like slaves... and in order to leave the villagers a glimmer of hope for survival and freedom so that they would not be destroyed, they let young children like Bai Ze go out to sea to earn"protection fees" for them.

One million Baileys per person per year. If you fail to reach it... you will see the bodies of your loved ones immediately!

In order to protect his adoptive parents, Bai Ze spent three years in a daze.

In three years, he went through hardships and fought hard to get the one million Baileys per year.

Then, after a hasty one-day reunion with his adoptive parents, he was immediately expelled from the island.


""Haha... How ironic!"

On the boat, Bai Ze slowly began to collect his thoughts. He blew the cold sea breeze and laughed sarcastically.

But soon his eyes returned to determination, because the days of being slaughtered like pigs and dogs were about to end!

Three years!

Bai Ze worked hard outside to make money, but he also did not forget to improve his strength. After three years of hard training... He was sure that he could defeat the"Hope" Pirates! The devil with a bounty of 10 million!

Yes, that devil only has a bounty of 10 million, which may be insignificant in the entire New World, but for Bai Ze, it is the biggest nightmare!

Today! He will lead everyone in the village to escape from the devil's cave!

Even at the cost of his life!

"Uncle Jack, Aunt Lan... and everyone else, wait a little longer, Bai Ze will be here to save you soon!"

Bai Ze whispered softly, his heart full of suppressed excitement, his breathing became much heavier.

As soon as he got off the boat, Bai Ze ran eagerly to the center of the island.

That was where the village was!

Snap! Snap!

The fallen leaves were flying, and the dead leaves on the ground that Bai Ze stepped on made a crackling sound. He couldn't wait to see everyone...

He wanted to tell everyone that he, Bai Ze, finally had the strength to save everyone!

"I'm coming soon...Everyone...wait for me!"

Bai Ze murmured as he ran forward, but his voice became weaker as he ran...

The smell of blood! How could there be a smell of blood?

Bai Ze felt the strong smell of blood in the air, and a chill instantly rose to his head, and a bad premonition rushed into his heart.

"No... No."

Bai Ze roared and ran forward faster, and then... he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

Corpses... Corpses and blood all over the ground, just like that day.

"Grandpa John... Grandma Xueli... Uncle Carl... Brother Niu... Xiaohu... Xiaolan... Everyone..."

Bai Ze stared at these miserable corpses with dull eyes. They all died with their eyes wide open... Their eyes were full of resentment.

Looking at this scene... those familiar faces began to linger in Bai Ze's mind.

""Little Bai Ze, you have to eat more. Only by eating enough can you grow taller!"

That's what Grandma Shirley said. She is the oldest woman in the village and is the most friendly to children like Bai Ze because she thinks children are the future of the village.

"Bai Ze, we must go to sea together in the future and become heroes who punish evildoers and eliminate evil."

That was what his childhood playmate Xiao Hu said to him. At that time, Xiao Hu was 8 years old and had always been his follower.

"Brother Bai Ze...I will marry you in the future, okay? I want to be your wife."

Those were the words that the ten-year-old girl Xiao Lan said to him. Bai Ze remembered that the innocent girl smiled very sweetly.


Bai Ze closed everyone's eyes one by one, and then continued to walk forward with a dead expression.

Every time a pair of eyes were closed, Bai Ze whispered:

"I'm sorry!"

Bai Ze walked forward step by step, his eyes numb like a dead person.

But his trembling shoulders betrayed his true thoughts.

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the sun!

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Bai Ze, like a walking corpse, finally stepped into the familiar village.

But the familiar village was no longer familiar... The flames rising into the sky and the corpses all over the ground intertwined, like a purgatory on earth


"Hey... isn't this my little brother Bai Ze, the God of Wealth? He's finally here!"

"But I'm sorry, your one million Baileys are useless even if you give them to me now! What a pity... What a pity."

Suddenly a sarcastic voice came, pulling Bai Ze back to reality.

It was the captain of the"Hope" Pirates, Karen. He was holding a bloody long knife and looking at Bai Ze with a big smile on his face.

Next to him were his crew members... Like him, a group of crew members were covered in blood, and they were stepping on innocent villagers!

"Hey, why do you weaklings have to resist? Isn't it better to serve me honestly?

Seeing that Bai Ze didn't reply, Karen said helplessly

""Bah... I'd rather die than have you take our lives to threaten those lovely children!"

Suddenly a hoarse voice sounded in the field. It was Bai Ze's adoptive father who launched the first battle of resistance.

Uncle Jack!

Three years of being treated like pigs and dogs have made the survivors in the village unbearable. Rather than affecting the children outside, it is better to... just die!

Uncle Jack, who was in his last moments, lay on the ground and forced a smile for Bai Ze.

"I'm sorry, little guy... I let you see how ugly I am! I'm really... sorry!"

Tears fell from the man's eyes. He looked at Bai Ze reluctantly and suddenly spoke in a shrill voice.


Before he could finish his words, a gunshot rang out. The man lowered his head in disbelief. Blood spurted onto Bai Ze's face and seeped into his dull eyes!

In Bai Ze's eyes, the world turned blood red at this moment!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bai Ze's heart beat like thunder and drums, and his whole body trembled.

Karen said sarcastically with a gloomy face, not knowing it at all.

"Run...what a wishful thinking! Everything in this village will be reduced to ashes today!"

"After killing you insignificant guys, I will continue to sail freely!"

Hearing this, a group of crew members cheered loudly!


Suddenly, a sinister laugh was heard in the room.

Bai Ze, who had been keeping his head down and not saying a word, began to shake his shoulders violently, as if he was trying to suppress his smile.

This laugh was so cold that everyone present felt surrounded by a chill, and the chill went from the soles of their feet to their heads.

"What the hell are you laughing at?

Bai Ze suddenly raised his head, his eyes had turned scarlet, and the corners of his mouth were cracked, revealing his white teeth.

"Freedom...Haha, it's so fucking ironic, a bunch of hypocritical pirates, you are even dirtier than sewer maggots, you shouldn't exist in this world!"

"You bastards have ruined everything for me... Today I'm going to ruin everything for you!"

"You...what do you mean?"

Karen and the others immediately had a bad feeling, and they broke out in cold sweats subconsciously when they saw the young boy in front of them!

Bai Ze smiled coldly...

The next moment!

A cold voice suddenly sounded from Bai Ze's mind.

〖The host's emotions were detected to be drastically fluctuating, and the three-magatama Sharingan was successfully awakened!〗

〖The Pirate Killing System has been activated! The initial gift packs are being distributed!〗

〖Reward your body with a tenfold improvement in physical fitness, lasting 10 minutes!〗

〖Kill as much as you want, young man! As soon as the words fell, Bai Ze's cold black eyes were suddenly replaced by endless blood color, bloody and deep, with three black magatamas regularly distributed in them, making people fall deeply into the endless blood-colored space.

The next moment!

Bai Ze raised his head, his scarlet eyes emitted a heart-pounding light, and a devil-like whisper resounded in the scene!

"Go to hell! Hypocritical pirates!" ps: Readers who like this book, please add it to your bookshelf. This is very important to the author!

Thank you!(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

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