When everyone thought that the battle between Kaido, Big Mom and Akainu would end with Akainu being defeated quickly... In fact, the result was quite different!

Because Akainu was fighting back and forth with the two of them!

Kaido hit Akainu in the face, but Akainu punched Kaido in the stomach with his backhand, knocking him out!

Big Mom chopped at him with a knife, but Akainu raised his foot to catch it, and then fought with him again! Fighting one against two, Akainu was not much at a disadvantage!

It was because Akainu had opened the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, the wound gate!

At this moment, Akainu was also emitting steam all over his body, and his whole face was ferocious and scary. Obviously, opening the fourth gate was still a big burden for him! Kaido and Big Mom, who were fighting one against two by Akainu, had ugly faces at the moment. Akainu was getting stronger and stronger as if he was fake...

The two who did not understand the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu just thought that Akainu was the reason for the awakening of the fruit.

But it is unrealistic to kill them with one on two with Akainu's current strength!

Kaido and Big Mom can feel that Akainu is using a very physically exhausting fighting method. As long as it drags on... Akainu will lose sooner or later!

And Akainu also feels the current predicament... He carefully feels his own injuries, and then looks at the injuries of the two opposite.

He sighs in his heart... These two guys are really tough, and he can't drag it on any longer. In this case.

Akainu slightly concentrates, and the forbidden power in his body is released again. He suddenly shouts again

""Dumen! Open!"

Akainu directly chose to open the fifth gate. The huge momentum made the entire sea level tremble... Countless flying birds were frightened and fell!

"This is……"

Kaido and Big Mom both gasped when they saw this scene. Why is this guy's aura so strong again? Is it never going to end?

The fact proves that it won't end!

Akainu, who opened the fifth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, suddenly had a strong aura around him again, but the next moment... an aura that was even more powerful than before rose up!

Akainu's face was distorted terribly, and he suddenly shouted

"Jingmen! Open!"

This time Akainu did not hold back, and directly opened the current limit, the sixth gate of the Eight Gates Ninjutsu!

At this moment, his power was unprecedentedly strong... A pair of emotionless eyes instantly stared at the dazed Kaido and Big Mom.

Then the next moment, his figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and then appeared next to the two!

Akainu's seemingly simple punch hit Kaido's face directly!


Without any hindrance... Kaido fell directly to the ground at a high speed!

Akainu kicked again, this time hitting Big Mom's face!


There is no doubt that he fell down!

"Damn it... Damn it!"

Big Mom and Kaido were furious and wanted to fight back, but they found that they were no match for Akainu at this moment!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two of them would be knocked away almost every ten rounds... There was no surprise at all. At this moment, Akainu's speed and strength were all a level higher than theirs!

Seeing that the injuries of the two of them were getting worse and worse, Kaido finally couldn't help it!

He directly used the power of the fruit... and turned into a giant dragon hundreds of feet long and soared into the sky! He knocked Akainu away!

As he fled away, Kaido's roar that resounded through the world was heard!

"Old woman... follow the original plan. You are responsible for stopping this guy. I will go over there to deal with their rear first!" Plan B was also one of their original plans. They didn't think they could kill Akainu in a short time... so one person would hold the other person back, and then the other would go to their rear to kill them!

Now that Akainu is so powerful, he has no choice but to use this plan.……

"Bastard! Stop him for me!……"

Seeing Kaido fleeing, Big Mom was a little upset. Akainu's current strength was completely different from what she had planned...

This guy could really kill her now!

Seeing that he couldn't stop Kaido from escaping, Akainu simply set his sights on Big Mom!

"Today, you have to die here!"

The aunt was beaten unilaterally, and this was the beginning!



Kaido, who transformed into a blue dragon and fled at high speed, also made a dull sound.

"I thought that among the navy, only Bai Ze was my biggest worry... I didn't expect that Akainu was also"

"Damn... How come these guys in the navy have become so much stronger in this period of time, as if they took some medicine?"

Kaido was really shocked and secretly happy at this moment. He was shocked that Akainu's terrifying fighting power was discovered by them, but he was happy that he started early!

First, he defeated Aokiji and Kizaru... Then he held Akainu back, and now he just had to go to their rear.

Then he would unite his three disasters to deal with the navy in the first battlefield...

As for Akainu, when everyone is free at that time, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to beat them.

Kaido exclaimed that the plan in his mind was perfect, but he felt something was wrong... He seemed to have forgotten something.

"No matter... Let's go according to the plan first!"

Kaido, who was not good at thinking, waved his dragon head... and flew directly to the rear of the navy!

Everyone in the first battlefield who noticed this scene changed their faces.

"Why did Kaido fly over there... Did Admiral Akainu attack? Is the battle over?"

Mole and the others said with a grim expression, and when they looked at the pirates again... there was already a death wish in their eyes!

If he lost this battle, he, the Mole, might as well die on the battlefield... He didn't want to bear the name of the Navy's sinner!

Thinking of this!

Mole gathered his peak momentum and killed Jin directly!


The pirates were also very happy to accept it. Seeing victory in sight, they fought more and more vigorously!

They seemed to be making history today!

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