〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 700 million berries, and reward 700 massacre points!〗

Bai Ze listened to the killing broadcast with no joy or sadness on his face. He had killed the Four Emperors and didn't feel much about this level of record!

He raised his eyebrows and continued to look at the field. At this moment, after Perospero was killed, Hawkeye Mihawk immediately freed his hands and began to attack Katakuri with Ryoma!

One-on-one, Katakuri couldn't beat Longmen, let alone two-on-one with Hawkeye Mihawk!

In just an instant, Katakuri fell below him, and the injuries on his body became more and more... His breath was disordered, and he was about to fall down in the next moment!

But he didn't fall, relying on the glutinous fruit to resist in danger, and even moved towards Bai Ze little by little...


Katakuri actually took the attack of the two and suddenly launched the ability of the glutinous fruit to attack Bai Ze, which Bai Ze couldn't think of!

But for this level of attack, Bai Ze didn't even move, just hit it casually and it bounced back, weak... too weak!

But Bai Ze also became interested and looked carefully at Katakuri who was still fighting a desperate battle!

What was this familiar yet strange guy insisting on?

And when Bai Ze met the latter's fierce and hateful eyes, he felt a sense of familiarity for no reason!

"This look... why is it so similar to... myself."

Bai Ze frowned slightly, he was very familiar with this look, wasn't it the same look he had when his village was massacred by pirates, this look was caused by the destruction of the thing he cherished most in his heart!

"Kill... Kill!"

Katakuri was like a madman, resisting the attacks of Hawkeye Mihawk and Ryoma and rushing towards Bai Ze. Bai Ze immediately understood something!

It turned out that he had killed his beloved brother and sister, so the usually calm Katakuri was so crazy... Even his strength skyrocketed to a new level, this is the power of revenge! Think of this!

"Do you want revenge on me? Katakuri……"

Bai Ze suddenly looked at Katakuri and spoke expressionlessly, and what answered him was Katakuri's even more furious attack... It was almost hitting Bai Ze!

"I...will kill you, bastard...to avenge them!"

Katakuri's scarf was knocked off his face, revealing a ferocious face with a big mouth, and he roared loudly at Bai Ze.

To him, his brothers and sisters are everything to him...He practiced so hard just to protect his brothers and sisters. He was waiting to accumulate strength slowly so that he could overthrow Big Mom's rule, but now...everything is gone!

His brothers and sisters are all dead, and it's all because of Bai Ze...So at this moment, Katakuri burst out with such a big anger for the only time in his life!

Even his domineering aura has mutated a little...That's why he can withstand the attacks of Ryoma and Hawkeye Mihawk for so long!

"Revenge on me...?"

Bai Ze seemed to have heard something funny, he held his forehead with one hand and laughed loudly... His body couldn't stop shaking, as if he was suppressing something, his laughter was extremely cold, as if he had come to the Nine Nether Cold Spring!


The devilish humming made the furious Katakuri stunned for a moment. Why did this guy suddenly laugh like crazy... and he was even angrier than himself!

Snap... Snap!

Bai Ze laughed like crazy, and the domineering aura on his body was released involuntarily... And this time, Bai Ze's domineering aura seemed to feel the anger of its master and became very violent! It directly suppressed Katakuri's domineering aura to a point!

The sky within a radius of several thousand meters began to darken, and countless houses kept shaking... It seemed that something terrible was about to come out!


Katakuri was frightened for a moment when he saw Bai Ze's current state, because Bai Ze's current state was even more terrifying than his mother's crazy state that he had seen before!


After a long time, Bai Ze finally stopped laughing crazily, then slowly took off the mask to reveal an expressionless face!

Bai Ze suddenly said softly

"Ryoma, Hawkeye Mihawk... both of you, back off!"


Ryoma and Hawkeye Mihawk immediately stopped attacking and came behind Bai Ze, which made Katakuri look confused!

But his expression was still tense...

Da! Da!

Bai Ze walked towards Katakuri step by step with an expressionless face. The crisp footsteps resounded in the field, making Katakuri swallow his saliva subconsciously, and he actually subconsciously took a step back!

"Revenge on me... This may be the funniest joke I have heard in a while. Pirates, pirates... You really make me hate you more and more. What is your hatred for me... It's because I killed your brother and sister!"

Bai Ze said as he walked.

"Hahaha... It's ridiculous. Don't you know how your brothers and sisters died? It was you pirates who started the war first and killed countless people... Why do you think that your family members are innocent and others are not... What qualifications do you have to take revenge on me!"

"What I hate the most is the double standards of you pirates. You are allowed to kill others but you cannot allow others to kill you... You are the ones who started the war, so if you lose you have to pay the price. This is an eternal truth!"

"Don't act like a victim... You pirates don't deserve it!"

Bai Ze almost yelled the last sentence. Today might be the most angry Bai Ze has ever been because he saw Katakuri's disgusting face!

Hatred... victims?

How dare these pirates do that?���You started the war... You can be angry if you lose, but you can never act like a victim!

How can those innocent people who died deal with it? Do they deserve to die... Only your family is your family?


Katakuri couldn't refute anything that Bai Ze said, because he really put himself in the position of a victim, thinking that it was the navy's fault that all his brothers and sisters died... He subconsciously forgot that they were the ones who started the war!

Da! Da!

Bai Ze was already 20 steps in front of Katakuri at this moment. Bai Ze was very angry and was planning to kill Katakuri by himself!

Boom! Boom!

Katakuri, whose mentality exploded, subconsciously attacked Bai Ze, and the ability of the Mochi Mochi fruit was activated... Endless Mochi Mochi turned into spikes and attacked Bai Ze!


But Bai Ze didn't dodge or avoid it, and used an incomplete version of Susanoo to cover his whole body... Then he walked towards Katakuri step by step!

Like a demon! Katakuri felt his heart thumping with every step he took!

Bang! Bang!

Katakuri's attack couldn't break the strength of Bai Ze's Susanoo at this moment, and he could only watch Bai Ze approach him step by step!


Bai Ze finally stood in front of Katakuri, grabbed Katakuri's neck and lifted him up! His blood-red eyes were directly reflected in the latter's pupils, and Bai Ze said softly,


The strange symbol of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan trembled. How could Katakuri, who was already seriously injured, resist this illusion created by Bai Ze at this moment? In an instant, Katakuri's body stiffened...

His eyes lost focus and became blurred!

And his expression began to gradually become distorted, as if he was in great pain. Even if Bai Ze let him go at this moment... it would be the same!

The effect of this illusion will last for seven days, during which Katakuri will relive this cruel war, and his perspective will be that of other innocent navy officers who died in the war!

Bai Ze wants him to understand one thing, that is, his dead brothers and sisters and his entire pirate group are not innocent!

For this reason, Bai Ze would rather not obtain these nearly 1,000 massacre points for the time being!

After thinking about it, Bai Ze directly sucked it into the Kamui space, preparing to put it in the underwater prison later...

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