"Sengoku, Garp... and Akainu, what on earth do you guys want to do? Why did you tie me up for no reason... Do you know that this is illegal? I'm going to file a complaint against you... I'm going to file a complaint against you!"

The conflict in the conference room only broke out for a short while, and the old navy man Jayne and Vice Admiral Hanks of the Navy Headquarters were controlled by Sengoku and Bai Ze's group!

There was no other way... They, the top navy fighters, were gathered together at the moment, and even if the Four Emperors came, they would have to kneel!

Compared to the panic and scolding of Vice Admiral Hanks of the Navy Headquarters, the old navy man Jayne seemed much calmer. His old eyes swept over everyone present... There were some guesses in his heart!

"Alas... I was discovered after all!"

The old man sighed in his heart. Although he had expected it, when this day finally came, he was still extremely uneasy!

"Jayne, can you give me a reason?"

Zhan Guo took a deep breath and looked at the old man with a little disappointment. Although he didn't believe that the old man who had dedicated most of his life to the navy was a traitor, the fact was that he needed the old man to give an explanation, otherwise many dead navy officers would not be able to rest in peace!

"Is it still meaningful to talk about reasons now? For those of us who have reached this stage, there is no turning back.……"

The old man lowered his head resignedly and sighed,"Send me to the underwater prison... I will atone for my sins there!"

After a long silence, Sengoku said yes, which was considered as tacit agreement. Yes... What reason is needed at this time? Everything has already happened!

Garp, who was standing aside, crossed his arms and wondered what he was thinking. After all, people with big hearts generally don't want to care about such things, otherwise they would not refuse to be promoted to admiral!

Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru all had different expressions. Their personalities were different and their views on traitors were very different. Akainu was angry... He thought that if the traitor had not been found and killed earlier, no innocent navy soldiers would have died!

Aokiji was lamenting. It was really sad that an old navy man did such a big thing.

Kizaru still looked indifferent, because he had already let it go. He just needed to take care of his own business. The rest... had nothing to do with him!

"You... have evidence? If you don't have evidence, you... can't arrest me like this, it's illegal!"

Hanks, who probably figured out the truth, raised his head in panic and spoke in a dying struggle!

He didn't want to be a traitor, but the Beasts Pirates gave him too much... The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters only had a few dollars, so he tipped off the Beasts Pirates when Kizaru went to attack last month...

Hanks felt that he had done nothing wrong, anyway, Kizaru and Aokiji were not dead, right?


The crisp and pleasant slapping sound resounded throughout the conference room. Hanks covered his face in disbelief and looked up to meet Bai Ze's emotionless blood-red eyes!

"Traitors are sometimes more hateful than pirates... and even more hateful are traitors like you who are in high positions!"

"What are you...going to do?"

Hanks panicked and wanted to ask others for help, but Zhan Guo and others turned their heads away, and Bai Ze shouted softly.


After saying that, Bai Ze's blood-red pupils trembled slightly, and Hanks stood there in a daze. After a while, he showed a silly smile, but soon it turned into anger and then fear... Over and over again, his body began to tremble violently as if he was enduring some great terror!

"No... No, I was wrong, I was really wrong, don't come over here!"

Hanks screamed in horror like a madman, and Jayne frowned slightly when he saw it, feeling somewhat fortunate for his decision!

"Take him away!"

After a while, Zhan Guo said in a deep voice,


Several navy soldiers stepped forward and quickly carried the two out. Their destination was the underwater prison. They would be subjected to terrible punishment!

After the two left, the atmosphere in the conference room became extremely dull. There was no way a traitor had emerged from the navy, and it was a high-ranking one... This would be uncomfortable for anyone! In the end, Bai Ze spoke up to break the silence.

"Instead of being sad, it is better to think about how to change the current navy system... When all the navy members are proud to be navy members, I think there will be no more traitors at that time!"

Bai Ze's words hit everyone present in their hearts. Yes... As long as the navy is built up, how can anyone choose to betray?

They are missing the point!

"Hahaha... I have been a naval marshal for so many years, but I still don't see things as deeply as a young man. Marshal Wang is really a bit of a failure!"

Zhan Guo laughed loudly, and the depression in his heart began to disappear. The others also... did not waste time, and all started to walk out of the meeting room with smiles on their faces!

But just after walking a few steps, they noticed the commotion outside.

Zhan Guo's face was not good at that time!

""What happened outside? Why is it so noisy?"

A navy soldier ran over to report, his face grim as he gritted his teeth and said,

"Reporting to Marshal Sengoku, it’s the Celestial Dragons… Celestial Dragons have come to the Marine Headquarters!"


Not only Sengoku, Akainu and others all said with a changed face!

The Celestial Dragons came to the Marine Headquarters, how could that group of damn bugs come here? You know, Marinford is the holy land of the Navy... Celestial Dragons generally won't set foot here!

Of course... It's not that the Navy doesn't allow it, but that group of Celestial Dragons look down on this place, and they also think it's cold and boring...

So for many years, no Celestial Dragon has set foot in the Marine Headquarters. Today, Celestial Dragons actually came, which really surprised Sengoku and others!

"Let's see what the Celestial Dragons are going to do?"

Sengoku regained his composure and walked out first. Garp thought about it and followed him... Aokiji and Kizaru really disliked the Celestial Dragons and didn't want to get involved in such things, so they left on the pretext of something! Akainu and Shirazawa looked at each other, and then followed tacitly!

Akainu's main thought was to try to stop the Celestial Dragons from running wild here, while Shirazawa's was very simple. He just wanted to meet the supreme nobles in this pirate world, the Celestial Dragons!

After all, Shirazawa had been here for so long, and he had never seen the Celestial Dragons. He had only heard of their legends!

"Celestial Dragons... Interesting!"

Under the mask, Bai Ze raised the corner of his mouth slightly and quickly followed!

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