
Im's earth-shaking roar, accompanied by a powerful aura, directly enveloped the entire palace!

Boom! Boom...

Countless objects in the entire underground palace were shaking, and large numbers of stone slabs were falling from above, even affecting Mary Geoise, which was hundreds of meters above the underground palace.

Many Tianlong people looked at the shaking floor with astonishment.

"Was there...an earthquake?"


Several Five Elders knelt on the ground with horror on their faces... They didn't dare to interrupt at all, for fear of angering the Lord again!

But their hatred for the damn mysterious man in their hearts became even stronger. It was because of this damn guy that Lord Yimu was so angry. They would definitely not have a good time next... But at the same time, they were also curious about the identity of this mysterious man!

Although a glimpse of the other party's figure was revealed just now, it was a bit difficult to see through the other party's identity with a quick glance, and he was able to escape from Lord Yimu's hands... You can imagine how terrifying the other party's strength is.

But if you think about it this way, the scope of that person's identity becomes extremely small, and several people even have a vague guess in their hearts.

Dong! Dong!

Finally, after a few minutes, Yimu calmed down, and his aura was hidden again. He looked like an ordinary person... But his temperament was very different from that of a normal person.

And Yimu stretched out his hand again, and the stone slabs and other objects that had just fallen began to return to their original positions as if time had gone back.

"What a great Joyboy... It seems that you have acquired more tricks in this life, and you are worthy of being my only opponent."

After calming down, Im's face returned to calmness. He squinted his eyes and murmured, and began to recall the method used by the mysterious man just now!

The power of space... This is consistent with the description of the naval genius Bai Ze by his humble tools just now. It seems that his guess is right... Joyboy should be him! Im was not so angry that he didn't kill the other party this time. After all, that guy is on the same level as himself... If he was killed so easily, it would be unrealistic.

But in order to be more stable... Im once again set his sights on the five elders kneeling on the ground. The five old men were immediately frightened and dared not breathe!

Im said in a deep voice

"You are such a bunch of losers. You can even let others follow you all the way here... I really doubt your abilities. Maybe... I should consider replacing you!"

Dong! Dong! Dong...

Without any hesitation, the five elders all leaned down and explained anxiously,

""I'm sorry, Master. We didn't pay attention this time and let the damn rat sneak in... But please give us another chance, we will definitely help Master solve this trouble."

They really felt the Master's murderous intent this time, and quickly promised

"Humph... Just now that guy revealed his features for a moment. I will give you seven days to find out his exact identity, and then bring him to Mary Geoise at all costs!"

Im thought about it, but he didn't kill these five elders after all. After all, time is urgent now. If he kills these guys... he will have to waste some time to train some useful tools again.

Upon hearing this, the five elders were as if they had been pardoned. They kowtowed and thanked him, and shameless compliments kept coming out of their mouths.

"Thank you, my Lord. You are indeed the only true God in the world... I believe that when you appear again, you will make the world worship you."

"Thank you, Lord, your will is always supreme and correct.……"

"Long live the Lord!……"


But after a few words, Yimu changed the subject and said coldly,

"But the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped... For the mistakes in this battle, you will pay with five years of life each!"

As he said, without waiting for the few people to reply, he stretched out his hand and grabbed fiercely. In an instant... a ray of white light condensed into a ball-like object instantly flowed out from the eyebrows of the five people.

Then... Yim stuffed the ball-like object directly into his mouth and chewed it vigorously. Almost at the same time, the five elders felt the strangeness of their bodies... They seemed to have lost something very important.

The faces of several people aged a little at a speed visible to the naked eye, especially the old man with a knife who was already the oldest... He looked at his hands full of ravines in confusion, and at this moment he felt a little powerless. After absorbing like this, his life may be less than three years, and the other few old men are not much better... But he did not dare to express any dissatisfaction with Master Yim in his heart, and even thanked him loudly.

"Thank you for your grace……"


After experiencing this incident, Yimu was not in the mood to listen to the Five Elders' report. After all, he felt that the opportunity he had been waiting for was coming.

And the few people did not dare to stay in the palace any longer, and hurriedly left here. As soon as they went out, they rushed back to the World Government without stopping, regardless of the obstruction of other Celestial Dragons!

Several people listed the characteristics and abilities revealed by Bai Ze one by one, and then began to investigate according to these methods...

Use all the intelligence forces of the World Government to start the investigation. As long as there is a person's ability or characteristics that are somewhat similar to that of the mysterious man, they must report it.

And... They also secretly began to investigate the young naval genius of the Navy Headquarters, that is, Bai Ze... They wanted to know whether the other party had time to act and what he was doing now. After all, he was the key suspect! After doing all this, they were still uneasy in their hearts. After all, what happened today was really beyond their cognition. They felt that the time that the master had been waiting for for hundreds of years seemed to be coming.

Thinking that the master was about to step to the front, they were both excited and nervous. They were excited because of the education they had received since childhood... They were absolutely loyal to Master Yimu. After all, almost everything they had was given by him.

They were nervous because... Master Yimu was really moody and had no concept of life. They might die in his hands. Secondly, they had been sitting at the pinnacle of power for so long... In their hearts, they didn't want anyone else to be above them.

Inside the World Government Office.

The five old men slowly came out of their shock, and they looked at each other tacitly... After hesitating for a while, the old man with a mustache in the lead spoke out

"Everything we have is given by adults, and no one must have any other thoughts... Otherwise, there is no need for adults to take action, we will deal with you ourselves!"


Several people echoed in agreement, but no one knew what they were thinking in their hearts.

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