"I didn't expect that someone would cry because I left the Navy...……"

Bai Ze stood on the deck, feeling the slightly cold sea breeze, and sighed. He really didn't expect that there were still so many people in the world who cared about him!

Although it was just to kill pirates, it was not bad... After all, people only seek a meaning in life. In the past, Bai Ze's meaning of life was simply to slaughter all pirates, so that no pirates dared to show up in the whole sea.

With the passage of time and the things he experienced, Bai Ze derived a different idea, that is, to destroy the Celestial Dragons again... and change the world!

With this goal, Bai Ze has a meaning in life again, otherwise it would be too boring to live in such an invincible way!

"Sengoku should understand what I mean. I don’t know if that guy can handle everything… Otherwise, how can I quit the navy? It’s really a big loss!"

Bai Ze recalled the incident three days ago, and a smile appeared on his face. That unlucky guy who couldn’t remember his name was really looking for death… He really thought he was not prepared at all, and was still afraid of the Celestial Dragons?

It’s ridiculous!

When he wanted to kill Charlos Saint and sneak into Mary Joa to find Im’s trace, Bai Ze had already considered everything and prepared a backup plan… Now quitting the navy is one of the backup plans.

The only mistake was that Lord Im’s strength was far beyond Bai Ze’s expectations, otherwise how could Bai Ze be so embarrassed to escape now!

For three days, Bai Ze took advantage of the secretly prepared boat to rush to the Red Hair Pirates… After all, he wanted to kill the last of the Four Emperors and obtain the Six Paths of Samsara to fight against Im!

Along the way, Bai Ze really saw how amazing the strength of the World Government was. He was in various places along the way. At the port, he met the people sent by the World Government to arrest him... Each of them was very powerful, and their tracking and identification abilities were at their best.

Fortunately, he had the two major displacement skills of Flying Thunder God Technique and Divine Power Technique, otherwise it would be difficult to get away... And the World Government's big move also made Bai Ze realize it instantly.

This is definitely not a force simply sent out to kill those stupid Celestial Dragons of Charlos Saint... Bai Ze thought that this must be the instruction of that guy Im!

He regarded himself as Joy Boy, and wanted to drag himself to the opponent's homeland to fight... Originally, he wanted to trick himself in with a soft way, but it didn't work, so he changed to the current hard way...

I have to say, the other party really has a feeling of not sparing any cost!

In other words...

Im is afraid of himself!

Thinking of this, Bai Ze frowned slightly and murmured in a low voice,

"Although I don't know what kind of existence the Joy Boy that Im is talking about is, I can be sure that this guy definitely has the power to destroy Im... otherwise he wouldn't care so much."

"So if that guy still can't find me... there's no guarantee that he won't do something crazy!"

"It's a bit troublesome.……"

Bai Ze shook his head, with a vague bad feeling... He prayed in his heart that the kind of thing he was worried about would not happen, otherwise all his previous efforts would be in vain!


Bai Ze's eyes flashed with a sharp light,"I have to get the Six Paths of Samsara Eye as soon as possible!"

Bai Ze estimated the distance between himself and the Red Hair Pirates' territory, which should not be far... So Bai Ze hesitated for a while and decided to use Shenwei to hurry on his way!

Time is running out...


The next moment, Bai Ze's figure flashed and he escaped directly into the Shenwei space, leaving only an unmanned boat on the vast ocean!



At this moment, above Marijoa, one of the starting points of the storm... it seems a little uneasy!

Because the Five Elders received the order from Lord Im to investigate Bai Ze, the matter of Bai Ze killing Saint Charlos and several other Celestial Dragons... was almost instantly investigated!

In terms of intelligence capabilities, the World Government is definitely the best in the world, even the Navy is inferior!


""The news of Saint Charlos, Palace Xialulia... and several Celestial Dragons being killed" spread quickly throughout Marijoa.

The families of the slain Celestial Dragons were instantly furious... They strongly demanded that the culprit be brought to Marijoa to receive the most brutal punishment, and anyone who opposed would die!

The dignity of the Celestial Dragons would never be trampled on at will!

So many Celestial Dragons began to write to the Five Elders, asking them to punish the other party as soon as possible... at any cost!

And the Five Elders' response to such a request was also very simple.……

"That is to wait a little longer, maybe there is some misunderstanding... Wait until we invite the navy man named Bai Ze over... Then we can decide whether to punish him or not!"

Yes, please...

The unified word used by the Five Elders is please. They want to invite Bai Ze over instead of threatening him with force, which makes many Celestial Dragons very surprised. They seriously suspect that the Five Elders have been replaced or are stupid, but only the Five Elders themselves understand what the real truth is?

That is... they are scared! That's right... they are scared. When they began to check Bai Ze thoroughly, they discovered a fact that frightened them, that is, Bai Ze's strength has reached a very terrible level!

Killing Kaido, killing Charlotte Linlin, killing Whitebeard... This kind of strength is simply abnormal.

Perhaps only their master, Lord Im, can kill the other party... And this just confirms Lord Im's fear of Bai Ze!

"Let them bring Bai Ze to Mary Geoise at all costs instead of killing him.……"

From what Yimu said to them, we can understand something. That is, Yimu did not think that they had the strength to kill Bai Ze, so he only asked to bring Bai Ze to Mary Geoise.

So they did not choose to use force to threaten Bai Ze to come to Mary Geoise at the beginning. After all, if the other party resisted... it would be more trouble than gain. At the beginning, they really wanted to invite Bai Ze to Mary Geoise in a friendly way...

Although the reason was a bit ridiculous, their attitude was really good... As long as they could trick Bai Ze to Mary Geoise, but... they still failed!

World Government, in the conference room!

Four of the five old men who hold the highest power in the world are now sitting here... The most noteworthy ones are that the old man with white hair and a knife is not here. At this moment, several people looked at each other... their eyes were full of helplessness!

"That Izzo is simply incapable of accomplishing anything, and is more likely to cause trouble than accomplishing anything... I clearly asked him to invite Bai Ze to Mary Geoise in a nice way, but this guy... actually threatened me directly, he's braver than me!"

"I really want to drag this guy's body out and whip him!... Fuck!"

On the right, a fat old man with a brown beard cursed. When he heard the truth about what happened that day from the people in the Navy meeting room, he was immediately numb...

He swore that the order he gave to Izo was definitely not like this. This guy was simply following his instructions in the opposite direction.

It was outrageous!

The old man with a mustache looked at the former���Eyes, helplessly said,

"CP9 holds too much power, and has hardly taken many people seriously over the years... It's normal for something like this to happen."

The old man with a mustache was the calmest among the few people... After all, he knew that the probability of inviting Bai Ze to Mary Geoise was not very high, and it was just a try at most, so he adopted a two-pronged approach.

Even if the first-hand plan could not get Bai Ze to come, it would make the following things work better.

And the second-hand plan was his real chance to deal with Bai Ze!

Thinking of the second-hand plan, the old man with a mustache smiled knowingly...

The other old men remained silent, but their uneasy expressions betrayed their true thoughts... In fact, they were a little panicked!

Because the time given by their master, Lord Yim, was almost up, but Bai Ze still hadn't been brought back... That was to say, they had disappointed their master twice in a row!

This was really difficult!

The old man with a mustache seemed to see what everyone was thinking, and as the backbone of everyone, he had to speak out like this.

He coughed lightly and said,

"How about this, I will go to meet the master alone... and report the current situation to him, and you guys just deal with other things!"

"Really? That would be great.……"

"Still, you are a reliable guy!" Sure enough, the words of the old man with a mustache were recognized by many people... After all, they were really afraid of their master who was a little abnormal now!

���He secretly mocked the others in his heart. The task of catching Bai Ze was not only a test but also an opportunity...

If he could catch this thing that the master cared so much about, he would definitely get the master's reward... And the reward, the old man with a mustache grinned greedily.

He knew that the master seemed to have the means to control his life span. For an old man like him whose life was almost coming to an end, nothing was more precious than life span.

So he decided to take a gamble... bet that he could bring Bai Ze to Mary Geoise, bet that Yim could give him life!

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