Bai Ze quickly formed seals with his hands, then slapped them downwards hard!

"Impure World Reincarnation... Start!"

Crack! Crack...

The next moment!

One by one, simple coffins began to break out of the ground. They simply stood there, but they exuded a terrifying aura that made people's hearts tremble. What was more special was that some of the coffins were surprisingly large... and there were unique patterns on them! On the other side, Red-haired Shanks and the knife-wielding old man frowned when they saw this scene.

It was no big secret for strong people of their level that Bai Ze had a strange ability to summon the dead to fight for him, but after seeing this scene... it was still extremely shocking!

Resurrection from the dead... This was almost a miracle!

But before everyone could think about it, a total of 9 coffins had begun They opened one by one!


The coffin lid fell to the ground fiercely, and one after another, the figures who had long since passed away began to appear!

The first one was Doflamingo with an arrogant attitude. Even though this guy was dead... he still had that attitude. After him... the other seven warlords who had long since passed away began to appear one after another.

Gekko Moriah, Empress Hancock, Crocodile, and Hawkeye Mihawk!

Of course... Ryoma was also summoned by Bai Ze, but not everyone knew his identity, so everyone didn't take him seriously.

At this moment... a total of six people stood in front of Bai Ze with expressionless faces, and the powerful momentum of several people confronted them!

Seeing everyone's teeth ache!

"Hiss... This rumor is actually true. This Bai Ze can really summon the dead to fight for him. This is too scary!"

"Who says it isn't? Moreover, the aura emitted by these guys seems to be no weaker than when they were alive. What kind of monsters is Bai Ze talking about?"

"But these dead Shichibukai can't deal with us!"

The Knights of God sneered, and didn't think that the people summoned by Bai Ze were any danger to them. After all, the Shichibukai... were nothing compared to their Knights of God!

When they turned their attention to the Red Hair Pirates and the knife-wielding old man and wanted to invite them to attack together, they found that the faces of Red Hair Shanks and the knife-wielding old man were unprecedentedly solemn!


The Knights of God were all confused, while Bai Ze showed a playful smile.

"I actually felt it... In that case, why not let these old friends show up?"

"Let's see who will be surrounded and killed today."

Bai Ze smiled and clapped his hands. The next moment, the last and largest three coffins loosened and fell to the ground with a bang, splashing dust.

Boom! Boom...

There was a faint sound from the four coffins, as if some terrifying existence was about to wake up. Everyone stared at this scene closely... Their brows were directly condensed into a river, and the uneasiness in their hearts... became greater. The faces of the Knights of God were ugly, and there was a bad guess in their hearts... If the Seven Warlords of the Sea killed by Bai Ze can be resurrected by Bai Ze.

Then... what about the four emperors killed by Bai Ze? Can they also be resurrected?

"Stop him quickly!"

The Knights of God, who thought it was bad, shouted and tried to stop this scene by force. At this moment, more than a hundred people stood up and rushed towards Bai Ze! It was very uniform, as if they were one person.……


The old man with the knife also felt bad at this time, and he led several shadow guards to attack Bai Ze!

Bai Ze sneered,

"A mayfly trying to shake a tree! Overestimating one's own capabilities!"

He immediately asked several of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and Ryoma to go forward, while Bai Ze himself crossed his arms and stared at the Red Hair Pirates!

He frowned slightly and felt a little confused... because the Red Hair Pirates, who were the first to appear, were still standing there... as if the war had nothing to do with them, which made Bai Ze wonder what these guys wanted to do?

But no matter what, the battle had already started!

The Knights of God relied on their numerical advantage and soon broke out. The golden halberd slashed directly at the coffin!

It was about to destroy it with great force, but the next moment... a big hand stretched out from the dark coffin and grabbed it easily. The man was instantly shocked... When he looked up, he saw a fierce face staring at him expressionlessly!

He spoke with trembling mouth:

"Kaido the Beast?"


Kaido's powerful punch directly smashed the man's head in response to him, and at the same time... the figures of the other two coffins have also walked out!

One of them is burly, with white hair and a very prominent beard under his nose. He holds a big knife in one hand, and his momentum is extremely domineering!

The other one also carries a big knife on his shoulder, but the pink princess dress under her bloated clothes shows that she is a woman, and the power she exudes at this moment is not inferior to Kaido just now!

She is Charlotte Linlin, who is also one of the Four Emperors, and the old man just now is Whitebeard, Edward, and Newgate.

Several of the Four Emperors killed by Bai Ze were all resurrected by Bai Ze at this moment!

Together with the red-haired Shanks on the side, the Four Emperors of the Pirate World are magically gathered here, which is absurd...

Bai Ze licked the corner of his mouth, looked at the three"old friends" standing in front of him, and then looked at the old man with the knife and the group of people behind him, and said excitedly,

"Come and fight... Today, in this battle, either you die... or"

"I live!"

Buzz! ps: I'm really sorry, brothers, I haven't updated for the past few days... but I have no choice, after all, the latest comic of One Piece has just come out these days.

The settings about Im and the Five Elders are finally out, obviously... this thing is different from mine, but I didn't know when I wrote Im and the Five Elders before, I just made it up.

Now I don't know how to make it all right? It's really... a headache!

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