A violent explosion sounded from the Navy Headquarters, and a group of naval soldiers, including senior naval officers, were instantly attracted to the scene!

Enemy attack?

Several burly navy soldiers did not believe this answer. This was the Navy Headquarters. Who could attack quietly?

They went over together to see what happened, but just a few steps away from the conference room where the explosion occurred, a square-faced middle-aged man walked out leisurely.

He waved his hand and said ,

"Nothing... Nothing, don't worry!"

He said, blocking everyone's way, obviously not wanting anyone to go in...

Several lieutenant generals looked at each other, their mouths twitching.

Marshal Zhan Guo, don't you lie without thinking? There's still smoke coming out of your head now?

But it seemed that it was nothing serious, so several people quickly left!

After they left, Zhan Guo, who had been smiling all the time, instantly turned into a bitter face. He touched his hair that was still smoking, speechless.……

"This little guy is too powerful!"

Zhan Guo shook his head and smiled bitterly, then opened the door and walked in again.

At this moment, the smoke from the explosion had dissipated... revealing two figures fighting inside.

One on the left and one on the right, one old and one young!

The young man was Bai Ze, and at this moment he had already exited the Mangekyō Sharingan mode and was panting softly. It seemed that the attack just now was also quite exhausting for him.

The old man on the other side... that is, Garp, was not in a very good state at the moment. His navy uniform was already tattered, especially the front, which had several large holes that revealed the strong muscles inside.

And those muscles were also bleeding... Obviously he was broken!

Broken by the attack of a young man... This was when Garp was almost at his full effort.

"What a powerful kid! Where did you find this guy Sakaski?……"

Aokiji and Kizaru's eyes lit up a little at this moment, and it was obvious that they were also really interested in Bai Ze.

Sengoku stood at the door and smiled secretly... It seems that the next generation of the Navy has a successor!

Akainu was different from the others in shock, and just looked at Bai Ze with relief... As if to say that this was supposed to be the case!

After a few seconds of silence,


A hearty laugh suddenly rang out. It was Garp... He didn't seem to mind his injuries at all at this moment.

His laughter was like the sound of a drum!

"It is true that every country has its own talents, and the new generation is better than the old one!"

"Today, I, Garp, was killed by a young boy...but I am happy!"

"Bai Ze, little guy, right? Today I recognize you... Don't worry, the gift I give you will not disappoint you."

Recognizing the virtuous! It is a fine tradition of the Navy... There is almost no jealousy here, they just want to make the Navy stronger.

Bai Ze smiled and said nothing... But his sense of identity with the Navy increased a little more.


Two loud claps were heard, and Zhan Guo walked forward with a smile and looked at Bai Ze.

"Before you came, Sakaski told us... that the Navy would spare no effort to train you, spare no effort... I was a little hesitant before"

"But after this battle, you made me realize that you are qualified, so next……"

Zhan Guo announced in a serious tone, word by word.

"The entire Navy's educational resources will be tilted towards you... Vice Admirals and above will be your teachers."

"Including me, Garp, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji... In the next six months, we will teach you all the skills we are good at!"

Zhan Guo's voice was not loud, but every sentence was earth-shaking!

The entire navy's educational resources have been tilted for three months... This is the first time in so many years!

The boy in front of him is worth it!

What makes the Navy Marshal Zhan Guo most headache is that the navy is now a bit of a period of transition... Bai Ze's arrival just makes up for the shortcomings of the new generation of navy!

Bai Ze smiled and shook his head

"It won't take that long... I just need you to teach me for a month."

"One month?"Zhan Guo looked a little surprised, thinking that Bai Ze was too young to understand the value of this thing, so he advised,"Do you know how precious the teachings of us old guys are? How can one month be enough?"

But Bai Ze still shook his head and said in a firm tone

"In just one month, I will learn all the skills I need."

His tone was extremely confident! This gave Zhan Guo a headache. After hesitating for a moment, he smiled bitterly.

"……Then it’s up to you!"

"I hope you can give us another surprise!"

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