Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Karen rushed through the forest desperately, just wanting to escape as quickly as possible.

"Arrogant boy, just wait for me... I will definitely do this after I get out……"

"Fuck... How can this guy be so fast? Is he a ghost?"

Karen, who had just run for a minute, thought he had a chance of survival, but before he could be happy for long... he saw a dark red figure running towards him at high speed!

"Who can come and save me... wuwu... I really don't want to die, I still have a lot of treasures to spend!"

Karen murmured to himself sadly, and then his eyes lit up the next moment.

Because he saw a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him. They were tall, holding single swords, and wearing clothes with words written on them.……"The

Navy! It's the Navy!

""Admiral, help me! I... I surrender myself. I am Karen, the captain of the Hope Pirates. I have a lot of information that may be useful to you. I can tell you everything as long as you save my life."

Karen seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.���They chose to ask for help from the navy they hated the most!

There was no other way. As long as there was green, there would be no fear of running out of firewood!

This group of navy, Akainu and his group who had just arrived here, were also shocked by the scene before their eyes.

"Ah this……"

A group of people looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

But soon someone spoke up.

"The merit of capturing a pirate alive is still greater than the merit of killing a pirate."

"That's right!"

Someone nodded, and Karen was delighted, but the next moment the nightmare-like voice rang out again.

"Whoever protects him will die!"

Da! Da!

A thin figure slowly walked out from the shadows, his body covered in blood and holding a short knife, his tender face full of unimaginable determination.

A group of navy officers were shocked for a moment when they saw Bai Ze, who was covered in blood and exuded a strong murderous aura.

Especially Bai Ze's scarlet eyes, it seemed as if they would suck people in if they looked at him for a little longer.

Combined with the corpses seen along the way, it is not difficult to understand that it was the pirates who massacred the villagers, which led to the furious counterattack of the young man in front of them!

"Stop making trouble, you arrogant kid. Our navy is here. Let us handle the rest."

A young navy man stepped forward and said:

"It would be much more useful for us to bring this pirate back than for you to simply kill him. Don't worry... we will enforce justice."

"Haha... justice? Is justice delayed still justice?"

Bai Ze laughed so hard that he bent over with laughter. He covered one of his scarlet eyes and stared at the navy with the other scarlet eye, sneering.

"When my family was just slaughtered, where were you, the navy who kept saying"justice"? When these pirates wantonly slaughtered my family and friends, where were you, the navy?...Now you come and start to point fingers at me at will"

"Still want to protect those hypocritical and dirty pirates, these dirty guys who shouldn't exist"



The young sailor was furious, his face flushed red with anger, and so were the other sailors. But they couldn't say anything, after all, it was indeed their fault.

Only one person had a calm expression.

He was smoking a cigar, and suddenly smiled with relief when he saw Bai Ze's hateful expression.

"Well said! Pirates are dirty guys who shouldn't exist!"

Akainu laughed and clapped his hands vigorously, and then... he actually picked up Karen who was still hiding nearby.

"Killing innocent villagers, according to the Navy's Article..., you should be executed!" As soon as the words fell,

Akainu punched Karen's chest directly, punching him in the face of disbelief!

Then he threw the latter high up, and beat him into ashes with a lava iron fist!

"The dirty pirates don't deserve to be buried on this land!"

"Sir... this……"

A group of navy officers and soldiers were also shocked by Akainu's cruel act. They didn't understand why the other party did this.


Bai Ze looked at this man who was called absolute justice and frowned slightly.

"Who is the navy responsible for managing this sea area?"

The matter was not over yet, and Akainu suddenly asked

"It's...Colonel Hank, he's the supervisor of this sea area."

The young navy replied hurriedly

"Inform him that he has been dismissed and ask him to come to the Navy Headquarters to see me in a month... I want to have a good talk with him."

"What is this village called again?"Akainu asked again

"Sea Breeze Village! Sir!"

"For the record, all the villagers of Haifeng Village were martyrs who died bravely in the fight against pirates. They were buried with honor and several navy officers were sent to guard the cemetery in turns."

"Sir... This is against the rules."

"My rules are rules!"

Akainu frowned, and the man was instantly frightened and sweaty and hurriedly said yes.

A group of navy men, including Bai Ze, were all confused by Akainu's series of actions just now.

"What do you mean?

Bai Ze took a step back cautiously, and Akainu walked forward with a smile.

"My name is Sakaski, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Can you tell me your name? Boy!"

"Bai Ze!"

Bai Ze frowned and replied puzzledly

"Bai Ze... a good name." Akainu shrugged, narrowed his eyes and said

"Would you like to join the navy? Join me in killing pirates!"


The Haijuns were shocked. They didn't expect that Akainu's actions just now were to recruit this young man as a navy.



But everyone wanted to speak, and saw that the person in question at the moment trembled and fell heavily to the ground.

He had just awakened the Sharingan and burst out. Bai Ze was already at the end of his strength. At this moment, there was no threat... The breath disappeared instantly.

"Help him go back and have a good rest"


Akainu looked at Bai Ze and smiled with satisfaction.

He liked this young man. It had been a long time since he met someone who had the same opinion on pirates as him.

Coupled with the aura that Bai Ze had just exuded, Akainu immediately wanted to recruit him.



The next day!

Inside a small room on the docked warship, a young man wrapped in gauze was mumbling to himself.

"Xiaohu, let's go fly a kite together. If we fly it a hundred meters away, we can touch the sky."

"Auntie, I will be a good boy in the future... Don't worry."

"Uncle, I will definitely become a man"



Bai Ze suddenly opened his eyes. He calmed down and looked around at the unfamiliar things.


Bai Ze smiled sadly. He had realized that everything that happened yesterday was not a dream!

His family, friends, and the village he was familiar with were all gone. He, Bai Ze, was once again a child without a home, a child no one wanted!


Bai Ze thought about it and subconsciously opened his Sharingan. A dazzling red light suddenly appeared. Bai Ze looked at himself in the mirror in the distance.

"Sharingan, a secret technique from the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world……"

Bai Ze thought about this and thought of the system that he had awakened before.

〖Host: Bai Ze〗

〖Constitution: 80〗

〖Mental strength: 300〗

〖Ninjutsu: None〗

〖Talent: Three Magatama Sharingan (Advanced)〗

〖Killing Points: 50〗


After thinking about the usage of the killing points mentioned by the system, Bai Ze tentatively added the killing points to his physique.

〖Ding! Adding points successfully!〗

〖Current Physical Fitness: 130〗

With a slight sound, Bai Ze instantly felt a powerful force surge into his body, and then slowly dissolve into his body.

"Phew... This belated power is really powerful."

Feeling the strangeness of his body, Bai Ze sneered. It would be better if this power came earlier.

Then everyone wouldn't……

"Damn pirates, you all deserve to go to hell!"

Bai Ze growled.

After slaughtering the dirty guys of the"Hope" Pirates, Bai Ze's endless killing intent still did not stop.

In his opinion... the guys who were pirates like the"Hope" Pirates also deserved to die!

It was this group of lawless lunatics who created the current absurd era of pirates. They stepped on the accidents of countless weak people to realize their ridiculous dreams!

This absurd era will be ended by him, Bai Ze, which is also the best explanation for the dead villagers!

As if sensing Bai Ze's infinite desire for power, the next moment the cold voice of the system sounded from Bai Ze's mind.

And it must have some kind of temptation.……

〖Ding, the first initial mission is now released. Kill 1,000 pirates within three months (including at least one pirate with a bounty of over 50 million), and you will be rewarded with the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Upon hearing this reward,

Bai Ze was stunned at first, then ecstatic, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

But before Bai Ze could digest this surprising news,

Dong! Dong!

With a creaking sound, the door opened, and a middle-aged man smoking a cigar squeezed in with a naturally arrogant face.

Akainu laughed.

"You look fine! You woke up so quickly!"

Bai Ze was speechless, just glanced at Akainu calmly.

"Do you want to go see your family? I have buried them all.……"

Akainu was not as bad as Bai Ze's attitude, and shrugged his head and said indifferently.

"If you don't want to watch it...……"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ze stood up.

"I read!"

"Humph, interesting kid."

Akainu curled his lips



On the island, in front of hundreds of newly built graves, a young man wrapped in bandages kowtowed to the ground as if he was risking his life.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The young man did not stop even when blood splattered... He kept muttering these three words.

I'm sorry!

Akainu, a middle-aged man who always regarded himself as cold and stern, was watching this scene from the side and felt a little sorry!

"That's enough, kid, are you going to die here? If your deceased family knew you died so carelessly... how disappointed they would be!"

As Akainu finished his words, Bai Ze finally stopped his crazy behavior.

He leaned against the grave, his eyes full of numbness.

After a long time, Bai Ze spoke

"Thank you very much!" ps: Don't forget to add a bookshelf, this is really important for the author!

Thank you all!

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