"Hey, brother Bai Ze!"

The man with a long scar on his face smiled and greeted Bai Ze.

It was Enzo who came to assassinate Bai Ze in the future, and he was the traitor of the Beasts Pirates in the navy!

After seven days, he finally found this opportunity to attack... Kizaru was already very far away, and Akainu happened to be out today. As for Sengoku and Garp and others, they were not good at speed and would not be able to come to the rescue in time.

So this assassination opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"My name is Enzo, and I’m one of the rear admirals of our naval headquarters. I heard that a young genius has come to our naval headquarters recently... I’ve always been curious about this!"

"I happened to see it today, so I thought about getting to know it.……"

Enzo smiled widely and made up a barely acceptable excuse to chat with Bai Ze.

He knew that the excuse was lame and abrupt... but it didn't matter, his purpose was just to stay in front of Bai Ze for a few minutes.

Because... he was the user of the Fragrance-Fragrance Fruit, and this fragrance was actually the fragrance of flowers from a strange island in the pirate world. In addition to covering up the smell, it actually had a more important characteristic... that was poison!

A poison with an extreme calming effect, it only took a few minutes to make top warriors lose their combat effectiveness for a moment, and it could be called an absolute weapon for assassination!

One-for-one is almost a sure thing!

Today he was going to use this ability to kill Bai Ze, and it would be a good deal to trade one-for-one with this top genius of the navy!

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person, Bai Ze's reaction was the same as Enzo expected... but he looked at him with surprise, looking him up and down but was not in a hurry to urge him to leave!

"Sure enough... he is still a boy after all!"

Enzo was delighted and thought to himself... He moved closer to Bai Ze again, wanting to continue the conversation shamelessly.

3 minutes, just 3 minutes... this boy in front of him can be slaughtered by him!

"Who sent you to assassinate me?"

Bai Ze's mouth, which had been silent all this time, said something that frightened Enzo to the extreme.

"You...what are you talking about?"

Enzo's smile froze on his face, and he smiled awkwardly...but Bai Ze still frowned and asked

"I said... who sent you to assassinate me?"

The voice was cold, without any emotion!


The scene was instantly silent. Enzo had never expected that Bai Ze would easily discover him... and then tear his face off.

"Is it Kaido? Or... Oh no, it should be him. After all, I should only be enemies with him now. I didn't expect him to move so quickly."

Bai Ze ignored Enzo's silence and spoke on his own, his expression was terrifyingly calm.

Enzo stared at this weird boy, his eyes gradually darkened.

"Can you tell me how you found me?...This is the first time I have betrayed the Navy. It is impossible for you to know that I am a traitor to the Navy."

"I didn't know you were a traitor to the Navy...but……"

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes and continued,"When it comes to assassination, no one in this world should be better than me now.……"

The Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan... Who could have predicted Bai Ze's assassination?

Enzo was discovered by Bai Ze on the first day he arrived, because Bai Ze was particularly sensitive to the murderous intent directed at him.

The scene was silent for a few seconds!

Enzo's face became flustered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Damn it... Damn it.

The young man in front of him was too unexpected... Of course, the thing that annoyed Enzo the most was the way Bai Ze looked at him.

Contempt, extreme contempt... This young man didn't even take him seriously!

How dare he...……

"Go to hell!"

Enzo, who was completely panicked, finally chose to kill directly... He raised his hand and took out a short knife, and fiercely thrust it towards Bai Ze's heart.


But the next second, a crisp sound rang out... Bai Ze also drew his sword and slashed it, and the God and Devil Cry was unsheathed and broke his short knife in an instant.

Then he chopped off the opponent's arm with another blow!

It was neat and tidy!

There was no drag!

The strength of the rear admiral was really not enough for Bai Ze now.


Who would have thought that Enzo, whose arm was cut off, would let out a deep laugh, which was extremely sharp.

Bai Ze frowned, and saw Enzo laughing crazily.…

"My blood is also highly poisonous. Anyone contaminated by it will lose all strength within 1 minute. Haha... I won this battle after all!"


Bai Ze's eyes were filled with panic. He actually felt that he was losing strength... How could this be possible?

Enzo stood up tremblingly, his face full of madness. He possessed the power of the Fragrance Fruit... He was born to assassinate.

How could he die without even succeeding in an assassination?

"Go to hell, you damn brat... Blame it on yourself for provoking Lord Kaido!"

"I don't know what expression this navy will have when he knows that you, who you have put so much effort into, are dead."

Enzo smiled sinisterly, then raised his knife and stabbed Bai Ze's neck fiercely!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

One knife after another, blood spurted onto Enzo's crazy face. The real warmth of the blood shocked Enzo's mind.

"He... He actually succeeded in the assassination! So easy?"

Bai Ze's body collapsed to the ground, his face full of helpless despair.

Just in case, Enzo stabbed Bai Ze's heart with the sharp knife!

"Dead! He's really dead!"

Enzo laughed wildly, like a madman!



"Is the illusion really so real?"

But the real scene is that Bai Ze looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him with scarlet eyes, panicking for a while and laughing.

Yes...Illusion, Enzo was���He was immediately caught in the illusion of Bai Ze's Mangekyō Sharingan.

There were no expected waves, nor the imagined assassin battle... There was only a weak man with pitiful fantasies who attacked a strong man.

In return, he was easily killed!

Bai Ze's eyes were neither happy nor sad. He gently pulled out the Ghostly God Cry and stabbed it into the opponent's heart!

Then he cut off the opponent's head with a knife, and the latter's expression was still smiling until he died.

Seeing that the other party was still smiling after dying, Bai Ze's thoughts suddenly became confused.

A real illusion... What if the illusion is used on himself? Is it possible...

The village, family... Everything that he can't give up can come back in the illusion, and he can hug Xiaolan again.

Go fishing with uncle again, eat aunt's noodles again... again...

Bai Ze's expression gradually became happy, but soon sank again.

Because he remembered that this was exactly the same as the Moon Eye Plan in the Naruto world.

Fake... It's all fake!

Everything he had was really destroyed by the pirates. Bai Ze took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

"What the hell am I thinking about?……"

After a few seconds of silence,

Bai Ze shook his head, his eyes changed again, and finally looked in a certain direction.

"I want to kill someone!"

Bai Ze said to the middle-aged man who had been watching this side.

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