
A familiar and majestic voice made Vergo stand still.

This familiar voice was...

He turned his head numbly and saw a middle-aged man in a red suit wearing a cloak of justice smoking a cigar and looking at him indifferently!

Navy Admiral, Akainu!

He said with a cold face

"What I, Akainu, hate most in my life is traitors! Especially when that traitor is... a pirate!"

As he said that, Akainu slowly raised his huge fist!

Feeling that something was wrong, Vergo instinctively raised his Armament Haki to its peak state!

In an instant, his whole body turned black... and he looked indestructible.

But soon, Vergo was dumbfounded... because his proud Armament Haki was as fragile as paper under Akainu's attack, and it broke at the touch!


Akainu pierced Vergo's body with one punch, and then, in the latter's dazed expression, he twisted off the opponent's head with his backhand!

After thinking about it carefully, he picked up a steel bar from the side and put Vergo... Ge's body was thrown up, and then the steel bar in his hand was thrown out!


It was nailed firmly to the side of Doflamingo!

At this point, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo's cadre group was completely wiped out!

A group of Dressrosa looked at this scene with dull eyes. Most of them still didn't know this somewhat cruel navy.

But some guys still knew the name Akainu, and they immediately shrank back... They knew that Akainu was a bit arrogant and unreasonable, and he would take action if he was not satisfied!

At the moment when they were still hesitating, a kind and majestic voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Don't worry, everyone. I am Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters!"

The speaker was Akainu, with a big smile on his face at the moment... It was completely different from the arrogant look he had before when he was holding a cigar in his mouth!

A group of people looked forward with wide eyes. Is this... Akainu?

For some reason, as Akainu's friendly atmosphere unfolded, the whole audience fell into a bit of embarrassment... Including the large number of navy soldiers who came with Akainu.

The corners of their mouths were twitching at this moment!

"cough cough……"

Akainu, who was smiling from ear to ear, actually felt a little embarrassed at this moment. This was indeed the first time he did this.

But... this is what the navy owes to the people of Dressrosa.

Just after Akainu stepped into the territory of Dressrosa, a skinny little girl claimed that she was sent by Bai Ze to deliver a letter to him!

In that letter, Bai Ze said a lot... The key point was how bad the situation in Dressrosa was before, and their navy did nothing!

From Bai Ze's words, Akainu could feel Bai Ze's deep disappointment with the current navy... Especially when he saw the sentence written by Bai Ze

"Uncle, can our navy really bring fairness and peace to civilians?"

Akainu was furious when he saw that!

How could Akainu not know what was going on with Bai Ze? His village was also massacred by pirates because of the poor protection of the navy. He knew that Bai Ze was very dissatisfied with the navy before...

Now he finally pulled Bai Ze to the navy, waiting for him to change the navy, and now those good-for-nothing navy officers in Dressrosa are giving him a hard time! The angry Akainu immediately dealt with several navy officers stationed in Dressrosa!

He retracted his thoughts and began to look at the tens of thousands of Dressrosa citizens. As a strong man, he could easily detect the fatigue and depression in the eyes of these people.

Akainu's expression was a bit ugly, because he knew that Dressrosa used to be an excellent kingdom... It changed after Doflamingo came.

And the reason for all this...

A deep sigh sounded from the scene, and the next moment the citizens of Dressrosa saw it again... an unimaginable scene! The admiral of the navy, Akainu, who was known as absolute justice, actually bent down 90 degrees towards them at this moment!

He took off his navy hat! He said loudly with a sincere face

"I, Akainu! On behalf of all the navy, apologize to you all!"

The voice was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly!

Bang! Bang!

After seeing their superior apologize, some of the navy looked at each other, took off their hats, bowed and apologized!

""I'm sorry!"

Row after row of navy officers bowed and apologized!

Ah this...

The people of Dressrosa looked at this scene with dull eyes.

Admiral Akainu, this man actually apologized to them... Today was so dreamy.

They looked at the demon corpse nailed on it, and then looked at Akainu who bowed and apologized, and everyone was silent.

They knew that the source of all this was because of one person... that strange navy boy!

Did anyone think of what this navy boy once said, will their lives get better in the future?

Now... they looked at everything in front of them, and they wanted to confidently tell the boy, yes!

Their lives will get better!

"We... forgive you!"

The people of Dressrosa, who had been dissatisfied with the navy for so many years... disappeared with Akainu's bow!

After a long time, Akainu looked up at the look in Dressrosa's eyes, and he was a little moved...

It was the first time he saw the people looking at him with gratitude instead of fear.

"Little guy, you taught me a lesson today... You were right."

Akainu smiled bitterly and murmured

"Commander, Doflamingo is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all. Now that he has been killed by Brother Bai Ze... it may have serious consequences. What should we do?……"

A rear admiral hesitantly stepped forward to remind Akainu.

He actually supported what the boy did, but the consequences... were a bit serious!


Akainu sneered,"From now on, I, Akainu, will bear all the consequences for what Bai Ze did!"

"His decision is my decision!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a terrifying murderous intent was released.

"If he has any opinions, let him tell me!"

The rear admiral was shocked by Akainu's reaction, and in his heart he gave Bai Ze, the young navy, a higher level again.

Don't mess with him, don't mess with him! ps: The humble author is begging for praise online!


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