At this moment!

Inside Sachs Island!

Inside a magnificent building, an ugly man with a body as fat as a pig and a face full of flesh is enjoying the ultimate enjoyment that ordinary people can hardly imagine. He didn't notice at all that an extreme storm about him was quietly approaching him!

The fat man was lying on an extremely expensive sofa, eating snacks while watching... a group of naked women dancing.

The man was the leader of the"Reunion" Pirate Group, Carlo, who was called"Yan Luo Pig".

The dancing woman had a struggling look on her face, obviously not voluntarily, but Karen liked to see such expressions the most.

""Keep the music going, keep dancing!"

Carlo laughed and clapped his hands, the fat on his face trembling.

When he noticed a few women looking at him with hatred, Carlo instantly jumped up... and then grabbed the other women and beat them up!

"You still want to resist? Do you know whose territory this is?"

"I am the boss here, no one can control me... Damn it!"


Karen spat on the woman's face, which was covered with bruises. Not only that, Karen also stepped on the man's face with his dirty feet.

He laughed and humiliated her.

The poor woman could only lie on the ground and accept this humiliating moment.

"Who can come and kill this devil... If it is possible! I am willing to pay any price."

The woman lay on the ground, fantasizing sadly as usual.

"Still not convinced?"

Carlo saw that the woman was still unconvinced and was about to abuse her again.

However, the next moment, the door suddenly made a loud bang and then shattered in the next moment!


Carlo was furious, his whole fat face looked even uglier. Who dared to come to his territory to seek death?

Trample! Trample!

With a burst of crisp footsteps, a thin, bloody figure slowly walked out from behind the door.

"The one who will drag you into hell!"

Bai Ze raised his head, revealing scarlet eyes, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal his sharp white teeth.

Akainu went to find the navy, so Bai Ze came alone to this human trafficker pirate group!

Although what this human trafficker pirate group did was quite hateful, their strength... was just so-so!

"It's you... that damn kid!"

Carlo frowned and instantly recognized Bai Ze as the damn kid who ruined several of his businesses last year.

"You dare to come to my door... Then you will die here today." Carlo laughed sarcastically and immediately called on all his men to surround and kill Bai Ze.

But it didn't work at all.……

"Ah, this... you..."

Carlo frowned slightly and took a closer look behind Bai Ze.

He then realized that behind Bai Ze were heads of people who died with their eyes wide open.

The owners of these heads were his men. Even Carlo, who had seen a lot of things, was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Are you looking for your men? Sorry... they have already gone to hell before you." Bai Ze said expressionlessly

"I'll take you to reunite with them!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Ze attacked instantly with a tip of his toes... without any nonsense.

Seeing Bai Ze coming, Carlo gritted his teeth and went straight to meet him.

Fierce fighting soon broke out in the field!

A group of maids looked at this scene nervously,

"We must win!"

They had already regarded Bai Ze, the man sent from the gods, as their savior!


Bai Ze's battle seemed to be surprisingly victorious!

Carlo, the Yama Pig, was suppressed by Bai Ze. After just a few simple fights, the former was covered with wounds!

" can you be so strong?"

Carlo wiped the blood off his fat face and looked at Bai Ze in disbelief.

This boy was chased and beaten by them last year without any chance to fight back, how could he now be able to compete with a pirate like him with a bounty of 15 million berries!

Carlo's answer was still Bai Ze's fierce attack. For Bai Ze, fighting should be less talkative and fighting with all his strength.

For this reason, Bai Ze directly activated the three-magatama Sharingan mode.

Strength, speed... all-round improvement

"Damn brat... you forced me to do it."

Carlo roared, and threw the long knife in his hand fiercely, and then... his body suddenly expanded rapidly, and after a short moment, he turned into a 7-8 meter wild boar!

This is his devil fruit ability, animal system, pig-pig fruit, demon form!

This fruit is actually a very powerful devil fruit. The user can increase the strength several times or even dozens of times, and is immune to pain during the period. It is extremely perverted... But there is also a weakness.

That is, after using it, you will lose some of your rationality and easily turn into a beast that only knows how to kill, but Carlo has no choice but to use this thing now!

"……What a huge monster! Is there anyone who can defeat such a monster?"

The poor maids were in despair when they saw this.

Especially the woman who had just been abused. She was determined to die!

Since she had been living like a dog, she might as well just... die!

With this in mind, she was determined to rush towards the monster. It would be good if she could help the savior who suddenly appeared...

But the next moment, she stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief.

The"monster" did not move, and not only that, it knelt in front of the boy!

Ah this...……

"Good devil fruit ability, exchanging consciousness for extreme power, but unfortunately... you met me!"

Bai Ze's eyes emitted a dazzling red light, which was the Sharingan that possessed the natural counter to illusions.

Although it was not as perverted as the Mangekyō Sharingan, it was enough to deal with enemies of this level...

"I hate your dirty legs and feet... Make them disappear!"

Bai Ze had a cold face and gave orders like a master!

Snap! Snap! Puff! Puff!

The next moment, the wild boar kneeling on the ground actually bit off its own legs, leaving bones visible... Blood was all over the ground

"I don't want to see your arm either!"

Bai Ze continued to give orders, his scarlet Sharingan emitting a frightening red light.

Snap! Snap!

Puff... and the wild boar monster continued to obey orders, and actually tore off its two front legs!

Blood splattered on everyone's face.

Silence, horror!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A group of women watched this horrifying scene, their chests rising and falling uncontrollably.

Is this boy a devil? Why does he feel more terrifying than Carlo, who is called the"Yanluo Pig"!

After suffering such a severe blow, the monster also restored Carlo's appearance, but the latter can only lie on the ground and breathe weakly.

"Give him back the way he treated you, and let him feel the same pain as you did.……"

Bai Ze touched the blood from the corner of his eye and spoke in a hoarse voice.


The group of women hesitated for a while due to fear, but soon their minds were taken over by hatred.

Soon, all the women collectively launched their revenge on Carlo, the"Yanluo Pig", who was lying on the ground.

Stepping, kicking, biting, chopping... all kinds of methods were used on the man just like they were used on them, and the man could only lie on the ground and roar in despair.

When everyone had almost taken revenge.

Bai Ze walked up with a tired body and snatched the dagger from a woman's hand.

With one knife, the man's heart was nailed to the ground!

"Dirty pirate...die!"

Bai Ze said softly.

〖Ding, successfully killed a pirate with a bounty of 15 million, and was rewarded with 15 slaughter points〗

〖Mission progress: 80/1000, a pirate with a bounty of 50 million or more (unfinished)〗

〖Current killing point: 100〗

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