In the spacious corridor leading to the conference room!

Bai Ze and Akainu walked together. No one disturbed them here. During this time, both of them were filled with joyful smiles.

Three months of not seeing each other did not affect the bond between the two at all. Now, only Akainu understands Bai Ze in the world, and only Bai Ze understands Akainu.

Along the way, Bai Ze told Akainu in detail about his experiences in the past three months, but the dangers were simplified by Bai Ze... but the sensitive Akainu still guessed it.

Seeing Bai Ze's relaxed look, he patted Bai Ze on the shoulder and said seriously:

"You don't have to be alone next time, okay? It doesn't make sense for such a large navy to put all the responsibility on one child.……"

Bai Ze is Akainu's hope, but he doesn't want to trade Bai Ze's life for him... He would rather the process be slower.

Bai Ze looked at Akainu's worried face and nodded seriously. Not only that, he shrugged and smiled slightly, revealing a few big white teeth.

At this moment, Bai Ze had completely lost the tyranny of facing pirates, and looked like a normal teenager.

Akainu felt very satisfied with this. It seemed that the three months of experience had made Bai Ze think a lot, and he couldn't be blinded by hatred all the time...

The two continued to move forward, and Akainu took the opportunity to start to popularize Bai Ze about the current situation.

Now the separatism of the forces in the New World has begun to produce an unprecedented chain reaction with the stick that Bai Ze poked.

Hawkeye Mihawk and Empress Hancock, one of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, have become independent one after another and occupied a large area of sea, and the navy is not allowed to enter.

And with Shanks's enthronement, the division of the four emperors' territories and forces has also begun to improve. Now in the second half of the Grand Line... nearly half of the sea is ruled or threatened by them.

But now the navy has begun to reduce its forces and has no tendency to clash with the other side.

When Akainu said this, his expression obviously became much uglier, after all, he is a real warmonger!

"I just don't understand why those old guys in the Warring States period are always trying to avoid war. They are almost making those pirate bastards think that our navy is weak and can be bullied. If I were to manage the navy...……"

"The first step is to kill a group of pirates and establish the military prestige.……"

Bai Ze listened to Akainu's cursing and belligerent views. Bai Ze supported it, but not completely.

A full-scale war was impossible now.

Bai Ze also guessed a little about Sengoku's idea... He just wanted to win in a safe way and eat away at the opponent step by step.

The two chatted with each other and soon arrived at the destination of this trip.

The highest-level meeting room of the Navy Headquarters!

The moment Bai Ze came back, Sengoku had already notified all the senior officials of the Navy Headquarters to come here for a meeting. It was the first time that such a big scene was made just for a teenager.

The door opened with a creak!

The senior naval officers who had been waiting in the meeting room for a long time all looked at Bai Ze.

The air was full of a sense of oppression. This was the power of the top boss.

Bai Ze saw Sengoku sitting in the first seat. At this moment, he looked dignified and serious, like a navy admiral.

On his right sat the lazy Garp, who was still picking his nose at the moment and was somewhat out of tune with the surrounding atmosphere.

Sitting next to him were two people that Bai Ze was more familiar with, Aokiji and Kizaru. At this moment, both of them were looking at Bai Ze... with a playful smile, as if something interesting was going to happen soon.

Next to him were rows of unfamiliar faces. Bai Ze didn't know these guys, but it was undeniable that each of them had a deep aura... and they were obviously very powerful.

After all, those who could sit here were the pillars of the navy!

There was silence for a while! Bai Ze looked at everyone with indifferent eyes, not knowing what they were going to do for a moment.

At this moment... at the last seat... a white-haired old man with a dignified face and a long scar on his face suddenly stood up and shouted at Bai Ze.

"You still have the nerve to come back, do you know how much trouble your good deeds have caused our navy... How chaotic the current situation is, how many people have died."

The old man scolded Bai Ze, and soon two or three people also stood up and criticized Bai Ze.

No one in the field dissuaded him!

It seemed that they were tacitly approved or something, these senior naval officers were all conservatives... Bai Ze's actions really broke their layout.

All the previous plans were in vain, so they were so angry with Bai Ze... Even though they knew that Bai Ze was now highly valued by the Navy Headquarters.

At this moment, a group of people stared at Bai Ze, wanting to see Bai Ze's reaction, including Zhan Guo.

He was actually not a conservative but not a war advocate, and he was still very satisfied with Bai Ze......But Bai Ze is really too jumpy, so he has to be suppressed.

Otherwise, Zhan Guo feels that this guy Bai Ze might secretly kill the Four Emperors someday!

It will be too late to regret then...

Bai Ze watched everyone attacking him with interest. He was not very angry, but just felt that some people were a little funny...

As if they really thought their plan was so awesome. Bai Ze, who knew the original plot of the future, knew how embarrassing the situation of the navy was.

Bai Ze's slightly pitying eyes made the expressions of those who had just spoken very ugly.

What does this arrogant kid mean...

They were about to speak again when they saw a familiar majestic figure standing in front of them.

"Do you all take my words as bullshit? I said...if you have any questions, come to me!"

Akainu said word by word, and his tall body directly blocked Bai Ze

���The atmosphere in the room instantly reached its highest point!

Many navy leaders who disliked Akainu stood up and stared at him with their tiger eyes.

"Akainu, what kind of occasion is this... You are a little too arrogant!" ps: If you enjoy watching this, please give me a small reward!

( ❛⃘ ∨ ❜⃘⃘ )੭⁂

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