More than two months!

Bai Ze and Akainu killed more than 900 pirates in the New World, although most of these guys were ordinary pirates doing low-level things.

But it still caused quite a stir in the New World. After all, the figure of Akainu, the admiral of the navy, would be noticed no matter how well he was hidden.

As for Bai Ze, a young boy, not many people actually paid attention to him!

At this moment!

Marine Headquarters, Marinford!

Akainu's absence from the admiral's appointment ceremony... coupled with his sudden disappearance, still caused quite a stir!

In the conference room!

A group of high-ranking naval officers were complaining to a tall, majestic man with a tuft of mustache.

"Marshal Sengoku, that guy Akainu is really too unruly. For two whole months... He hasn't reported to the headquarters for his post for two whole months!"

"Not only that, that guy actually followed a kid to the New World to hunt pirates!... Does he know how dangerous it is for a core member of the navy to go out alone?"

"Marshal Sengoku, many missions cannot be carried out without the participation of Akainu, please bring that guy back immediately!"

"Warring States Marshal……"

The man known as Marshal Sengoku is the highest commander of the Navy Headquarters... He possesses one of the most powerful powers in the world.

But at this moment, he seems so embarrassed, all because of one person!

Sakaski! Akainu!

"Okay, okay, I got it. I will inform Akainu to report back to the Marine Headquarters as soon as possible."

"This guy is really a bit unreasonable!"

Zhan Guo frowned and waved his hand to stop everyone from complaining about Akainu.

Everyone sighed and could only sit back in dissatisfaction.

After a moment of silence, Zhan Guo asked

"Does anyone know the origin of the boy that Akainu followed?"

"It is said that he rescued a boy from a small island. When Admiral Akainu arrived, the boy's entire village had been slaughtered by a group of pirates... We don't know what happened afterwards, we only know that Admiral Akainu suddenly said that he would follow the other party for some time."

An insider replied,

"The boy whose whole village was massacred by pirates?"

Zhan Guo frowned, then suddenly he chuckled, as if he had guessed something. No wonder Akainu, this arrogant guy, followed him to hunt pirates in the past two months.

This was probably to help the boy get revenge!

How much charm did this boy have that could make someone like Akainu do this? Zhan Guo was a little curious.

"Investigate the young man's background and experience for me."

Zhan Guo's face straightened and he suddenly spoke


Everyone obeyed!

After solving this matter, everyone still sat in their seats and no one left, because what was to be said next was the most important thing in this regular meeting!

The meeting room was extremely silent, and a group of the highest authority in the navy looked at each other, and no one spoke.

After a long silence... it was still the marshal Zhan Guo who broke the silence.

Zhan Guo looked at everyone and said with a sullen face.

"Everyone, what do you think of the current situation?"

After these words came out, the atmosphere in the field became even quieter, and someone sighed deeply.

"The new world is becoming less and less peaceful... The test for our navy is becoming greater day by day."

"Over the years, our navy has increased the number of recruits each year, but it is still stretched!"


Talking about the current situation, the place immediately became lively, but the words were full of sorrow.

A group of naval executives all looked unhappy, except for two people.

One of them was wearing a white suit, crossed his legs and actually dozed off in the conference room.

The other was wearing a yellow suit, with a stubble on his face and looked very sloppy. His behavior was even more excessive than the previous one... He was actually whistling, as if he was treating this as a place for fun.


Zhan Guo took a deep breath as he looked at the two people who made his blood pressure soar. These two guys... simply didn't behave like admirals at all.

"Yes, that's right... The current situation of our navy is indeed not good. A series of strong pirates such as Charlotte Linlin, Kaido of Beasts and Whitebeard have completely established a foothold in the New World."

"Not only that, a pirate group that has recently gained fame is also on the verge of reaching its peak, and the leader of that pirate group seems to be a guy from the old days."

The root of all this is……"

Zhan Guo took a deep breath, and a person who was extremely annoying but unforgettable suddenly appeared in his mind.

He spoke in a resounding voice:

"Roger, known as the Pirate King, brought everyone back to the Great Pirate Age with his last words before his death!"

Everyone was indifferent.

Zhan Guo took a deep breath and said in a serious tone

"In this era, perhaps our navy should also change some policies"

"Next Steps……"

What followed was a few hours of policy deployment by Zhan Guo. No one knew what Zhan Guo had done.

All we knew was that everyone was still worried when they left.



On the other side!

The people being discussed, Bai Ze and Akainu, are now sailing fast in the second half of the New World!

Close to the territory of Kaido of the Beast Pirates!

"Kid, are you sure you want to go and seek revenge at this time? That 80 million pirate is not a simple guy, at least not for you."

At the stern, Akainu said to a thin figure in front of him in the sea breeze.

"You are one of the fastest growing young people I have ever seen, but do you know what is the most important point in becoming a truly strong person?"

"It's... don't die young! Do you understand?"

Da! Da!

"I understand," the thin figure slowly turned around and smiled a little bit forcedly.

He said awkwardly

"Uncle Akainu!"

The boy is Bai Ze. After two months of killing with Akainu, Bai Ze has developed a good impression of this man who executes"absolute justice".

The two of them have become a teacher and friend, so Bai Ze began to call Akainu"uncle".

"Humph! Disgusting brat!"

Akainu crossed his arms across his chest, as if he didn't want to hear what Bai Ze, the weird kid, called them.

But the subconscious curl of his mouth still betrayed his true thoughts.

If Bai Ze, the little guy, was in danger, he would still protect him... not only because Bai Ze's power would help him in the future.

But also because Bai Ze, who was crazy and obsessed with revenge, was a bit like... him in the past.

"The power of revenge is always infinite."

Akainu murmured as he looked at Bai Ze's back. In fact, it was inaccurate for him to tell Bai Ze that he missed a friend of his, because that friend was either someone else or himself.

What few people know is that Akainu, one of the admirals of the Navy Headquarters, had an unimaginable childhood.

Why was he obsessed with"justice" and hated those pirates? It was because he suffered too much injustice when he was a child.

Like Bai Ze, Akainu's family and friends also died because of pirates! And they died even more miserably.

Killing them alone was not a big pirate, but a group of unknown small pirates, and there was no reason to massacre them.

Killing them was killing them... After all, they were weak at that time, and the strong did not need to reason with the weak.

So since then, he has been obsessed with"justice", absolute justice. He wants the strong to no longer be punished for bullying the weak!

He wants the weak to live with dignity in this sea!

"That day won't be far away."

Akainu's eyes flickered, and he slowly withdrew his thoughts.

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