"You... are you worthy?"

Bai Ze laughed sarcastically. After the death of that girl, Bai Ze would never be tempted by a woman in his life!

Wu Bian Du's murderous intent mixed with tyrannical domineering aura crushed the empress... Her hair was flying, and she was no longer as calm as before.

"Uh... How could this be, how is this possible?"

The empress was really panicked this time. There was actually someone in this world who was not affected by her beauty. This was simply ridiculous... The confidence she had had for so many years was torn apart by Bai Ze this time!

But what made the empress even more desperate was still to come!

Bai Ze tiptoed straight to her face. Bai Ze was about to launch a real attack... The demon sword Guishenqi, which was wrapped in the domineering aura of the king, slashed down directly with great power!

Seeing this, the empress, who was unable to dodge, also used one of her signature skills... Her exaggerated long legs carried a huge momentum and went straight up to meet it!

""Big fragrant kick!"

The huge sonic boom produced by the collision between the two resounded through the sky, and the people of the entire Kingdom of Women turned their heads to look over here.��

"What on earth happened? Was it the navy that just made the noise?"

"Impossible... How could that navy possibly attack the palace? Our empress is there."

Some people shook their heads in disbelief, not daring to imagine what would happen next, but some young women were struggling with some contradictions...

For them who had been imprisoned on the Daughter Island, they didn't really want to see the outside world, even if their lives could be guaranteed in this small place... But they wanted freedom more!

Men? What exactly are the magical creatures that many people talk about?

But no matter how they think about it, they have to face reality. The next moment... That means the peak of the highest power in the Daughter Kingdom.

The towering palace collapsed... A figure broke through the roof and rushed up, and it seemed that he was hit!

"It's... it's Her Majesty the Empress!"

People with good eyesight saw the figure being knocked away and their faces suddenly changed and they exclaimed.

Their Empress was beaten so badly, how could this be possible?

But the fact was that at this moment, the Empress flew backwards with blood at the corner of her mouth... her eyes were full of anger.

"Damn marines... How dare they do this to me?"This was the first time the empress had seen a guy like Bai Ze. It seemed that the other party didn't treat her like a woman at all... He had just fought hand-to-hand combat with her!

But close combat was not her strong point, and that bastard marine's domineering aura was too strong... Close combat gave the other party a great advantage, and she was no match for him at all.

After dozens of rounds, she was kicked in the abdomen by Bai Ze and kicked away!

The domineering aura was crushed, the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit was ineffective against the opponent, and the physical skills were also suppressed... The arrogant empress was inevitably a little desperate at this moment!

This marine has almost no shortcomings! It's simply perverted!

But she had no regrets about the decision to kill those marines before...

After finally landing on a roof somewhere, the empress wiped the corner of her mouth and said to herself a little indignantly

"Those marines broke my rules... they deserved to be damned!"

"How could I be wrong, no matter how beautiful I am?... I will never be wrong!"

She, the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, will never admit her mistakes in this life... even if she dies!

This is the oath she made after escaping from those miserable days of being a slave!

"I don't care whether you are right or wrong... I just want you to die here today!"

Bai Ze walked out of the divine power space behind the empress and spoke coldly.

Tsundere? What does it have to do with Bai Ze... Today he only wants to kill the empress and seize the slaughter point, and to avenge those innocent sailors who died!


What else did the empress want to say, but Bai Ze didn't tolerate him at all, and drew his sword again to fight him!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The empress resisted with all her strength, but how could she, who was already seriously injured, not be able to defeat Bai Ze? Soon, another big flaw was revealed!

Bai Ze swung and chopped, even though the empress used armed color domineering to protect herself, but a big gash was still cut out!

And the whole person was cut down by Bai Ze in one blow, and this time he fell directly on the street!


A group of citizens of the Kingdom of Daughters who were watching the battle instantly fled... They ran a long way before they dared to look back, and the scene they saw at this moment definitely shocked everyone's eyes...

Their Majesty the Empress was lying on the ground in an awkward manner, and the navy boy stepped on her... What pride? Such beauty disappeared at this moment!

The empress wanted to get up, but Bai Ze stepped on her again!


The whole ground instantly cracked like a spider web, spreading in all directions. The empress spat out a mouthful of blood... She wanted to say something else, but she couldn't say it.

Step! Step!

However, a heavy footstep came in front of her and made her look up again... She saw that the rear admiral who was subdued by him casually a few days ago had come to her eyes!

Unlike the panic of the man a few days ago, the expression he looked at her at this moment was not afraid at all, but full of disdain, sarcasm and of course hatred!

The empress looked at him with a little resentment. She wanted to say... This powerful navy boy can look at her like this, but how dare you, are you worthy?

"Lieutenant General Bai Mo... I have already dealt with the bodies of the comrades who just died, and the remaining brothers have also boarded the ship.……"

Lei Ze ignored the empress's angry eyes and continued reporting to the young man in front of him, as if the empress's existence meant nothing to him!

"Oh...are you ready?……"

Bai Ze nodded and said in a very calm tone,

""Then let's go!"

Then he raised his knife expressionlessly, and the knife fell without any hesitation!


Instantly, the confused empress felt a chill on her neck, and then... nothing happened!

A beautiful head just rolled to the ground, the most beautiful woman in the pirate world died at this moment, and her death was so casual... and the person who killed her seemed to be just like killing an ordinary person!

A group of citizens of the Kingdom of Women watched all this with dazed eyes.

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 80 million, and reward 80 slaughter points〗

〖Current massacre point: 1030〗

Bai Ze listened to the system broadcast in his mind expressionlessly, and only smiled when he found that the massacre point had exceeded 1000.

Because this means that Bai Ze can choose any forbidden ninjutsu to exchange!

1000 massacre points can be exchanged for any existing ninjutsu, after all, the massacre points required for the last bonus exchange have been halved!

But which one should be exchanged?

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, and he was really hesitant for a moment.

Is it the perverted Impure World Reincarnation, or the Flying Thunder God Technique suitable for assassination, or the large-scale lethal ninjutsu Chibaku Tensei.

Of course, there is also the resurrection skill Samsara!

"Vice Admiral Bai Mo? Can we go back to the Navy Headquarters to report?"

At this time, Lei Ze, who had been in a daze after seeing Bai Ze kill the empress, spoke up.

This Vice Admiral Bai Mo is really a weird person. Killing this empress Hancock feels like killing a chicken. It's so mysterious... In Lei Ze's heart, Bai Ze, the young Navy Vice Admiral, has been placed on the same level as the Navy's leaders such as Sengoku, Garp and Akainu!

"Go back?"

Leize's voice interrupted Baize's thoughts. Baize came back to his senses and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"What are you going back for?

Lei Ze laughed dryly,"After killing Empress Hancock, shouldn't you report back to the Navy Headquarters?"

Killing Empress Hancock was a great achievement, but Lei Ze saw no joy on the face of the young man in front of him, and only took it for granted.

Bai Ze waved his hand and issued an order directly.

"Send a few people to take over here, and the rest of you will accompany me to Kraikana Island!"

When he heard the name of this island, Lei Ze's scalp tingled... That was the territory of the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk.

So he wanted to...

Lei Ze's expression was excited. Since he was going to hunt down a pirate of Hawkeye Mihawk's level, how could he, Lei Ze, miss it? He immediately snapped!


He swore to kill all the pirates in the world, but now he no longer had any awe for those legendary pirates... Isn't it just death? For him, he had just died once, so whatever he did now was a gain.

Moreover... Lei Ze glanced at the boy in front of him. For some reason, he felt that this boy was invincible, no matter who he faced!

Bai Ze stepped forward, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

If there was a lack of slaughter points, then killing Hawkeye Mihawk would be enough...

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