On the other side, Kizaru soon received an order from Sengoku!

When Kizaru saw that he was asked to do such a thankless task, he was a little unhappy at the time... With the attitude of letting it go, he directly told Sengoku to let Aokiji go... That guy was even more idle than him!

But Sengoku, who knew Kizaru, only said one sentence and made him agree.

"After the task is completed, I will give you a vacation!"

Kizaru laughed at that time. This is what he wanted... Then he turned into a yellow light and shot out towards the sky!

The benefits are in place! I will crush all the Four Emperors for you!

Buzz! Buzz!

The navy soldiers below were so laughing that they almost peed when they saw this scene.

"Admiral Kizaru... is really unconventional!"

"This work attitude deserves recognition!"


Kizaru didn't bother to pay attention to what everyone said. At this moment, he was on his way while thinking about where to go to make trouble first... After thinking for a while, Kizaru had a plan!

At this moment!

On a small island called Georgia Island on the edge of the territory of the Beast Pirates, some crew members led by Aoki who successfully attacked the Navy branch a few days ago were having a party happily!

They were singing and dancing, holding wine glasses and running around by themselves, it was so lively! At this moment, they were rewarded for their military exploits, and they were all very happy!

"Hahaha... I said that those navy men who are negligent in fighting are just a group of paper tigers. They are so weak that they are just a group of walking military merits!"

"That’s right, you don’t know that navy colonel...that guy couldn’t even last ten rounds with me before I chopped off his head!"

"The navy is all worthless. They dare not say a word when I bully them!"

A group of Beasts Pirates drank together with their glasses, their laughter was deafening... Some low-level pirate groups might run away when they saw the navy, but these top pirates were not afraid of the navy at all. They even dared to attack actively. Needless to say, that feeling... It can be described in one word... Cool!

Everyone laughed, but the next moment a cool breeze blew, and a fat scarred pirate shrank his neck and muttered

"Why is it a bit cold?"

He wanted to go back to the spy in the room next door to cover himself, but when he stood up and looked up... he saw a tall figure that stopped him instantly, and his big eyes were full of fear.……

"You...you are……"

He wanted to speak, but the tall figure didn't give her a chance to speak. He just stretched out his finger and flicked it.

In an instant!

A burst of lasers shot towards him and pierced his heart directly!


The body fell to the ground, and Kizaru stepped on the other's body and looked at the dazed people and spoke lazily.

"The navy is all weaklings, right?... Then I'll let you run for a minute!"

"If you can run, I will let you go!"

A group of Beasts Pirates members including Aoki looked at each other and ran away. Damn it... Why did this old guy Kizaru come here?

Damn it!

A group of people didn't even think of fighting him. It was so funny... Do they want to hit a navy admiral with his head?

Kizaru crossed his arms and looked at everyone running in all directions with a playful smile on his face. He whispered to himself


After muttering for a while, Kizaru stretched and began his hunting moment. He pointed his toes and turned into a stream of light, shooting towards everyone!

Then, seeing a member of the Beasts Pirates fleeing in panic, Kizaru shook his head and shot out a laser!


The opponent’s head was directly pierced, liquids of various colors flowed all over the ground, and then he fell down weakly.

Seeing this, the others ran faster, but how could their speed compare to Kizaru who possessed the ability of the Flash Fruit!

In just a few tens of seconds, Kizaru caught up with most of them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Snap!

Snap! Snap!

The bodies fell to the ground one after another, and the previous smile was completely gone, only a deep fear.

""You pirates are really scary... But why did you stop moving so quickly?"

Kizaru's lazy eyes flashed with a barely perceptible sharpness. Although Kizaru was playing badly... He was still a navy, and the leader of the navy at this stage. Do you really think that Kizaru didn't have any temper at all? A few minutes later, almost all the members of the Beasts Pirates on the island were dead, leaving only the Blue Oni kneeling on the ground in despair.

His chest and arms were full of holes, and blood was all over the ground.

Knowing that he had no hope of survival, he was not afraid. He looked at Kizaru arrogantly and said:

"You sailors are all waiting... this sea will eventually belong to us"


Aoki is also one of the cadres of the Beasts Pirates. He understands a little bit of his boss's purpose. Their navy must forget, and their Beasts Pirates are the real winners!

Kizaru was too lazy to argue with him, and he hit him in the head with one blow. After killing the other party... Kizaru looked at the vast night and began to recall the other party's words.

"Is the war really about to start?... It's really faster than I expected."

Kizaru shook his head and muttered to himself, if there is really a war... I can't be lazy, it's really a little annoying.

But Kizaru is not a sentimental person, he waved his hand casually and turned into a stream of light and flew away!

He was still rushing to the territory of the BIGMOM Pirates to take revenge!

And the victory news from Kizaru's side was quickly spread to the Navy's second-day camp, and instantly made those who were still angry before feel comfortable.

Their navy is the only ruler of this sea!


Kizaru, who is the user of the Shining Devil Fruit, is so fast that no one dares to say he is second to none... It only took a few hours for Kizaru to avoid the patrol ship of the BIGMOM Pirates with his absolute speed and came to an extremely remote island on the edge of them!

Similar to the previous one of the Beasts Pirates, this island is also stationed with a strong pirate group, and it seems that they are led by a child who is about 30th of Big Mom's child.

Kizaru can't remember clearly, after all, Big Mom has too many children.

And this battle was unexpectedly successful. Kizaru only spent a little time to wipe out all the pirates on this island!

Kizaru stood with his hands behind him and looked at the corpses all over the ground, but his brows subconsciously frowned.

"It went a bit too smoothly.……"

Maybe he was overthinking. Kizaru shook his head and was about to turn into a stream of light and leave this place of trouble!

But just when he rose to the middle of the air, a figure suddenly shot towards him from nowhere and stopped him with one blow!


The man was huge, with a signature grin on his face. His bloated body proved his identity.

One of the Three Disasters! Plague Queen!

Not only that, more and more powerful auras began to emerge. Seeing this, Kizaru's eyelids jumped and he muttered to himself.

"Oops...it's a bit troublesome!"

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