While Bai Ze was working hard on the Impure World Reincarnation Technique, Akainu finally returned to the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, after a few days of sailing! As soon as he got off the ship, he noticed that Marinford smelled a bit lifeless!

""Captain Akainu! Good!"

A row of navy soldiers guarding the gate greeted Akainu with cheers, but their voices were low and a little weak!

Not only that, Akainu looked at the navy soldiers in other places... They were originally full of energy in the navy headquarters, but now they lowered their heads, like a stupid quail!

Because of the defeat of Kizaru and Aokiji on the front line, they have lost some confidence!

But this absurd scene made Akainu very angry, he pulled the corner of his mouth and cursed loudly

"A bunch of useless guys, isn't it just a small loss on the front line? Is it necessary to be so dejected?... It makes others think that the navy will be destroyed tomorrow!"

"Ah! You are the most elite marines in the Navy Headquarters. Can't you even stand this little setback?……"

After Akainu criticized him, he stepped forward and patted the other person on the shoulder and continued

"Besides, even if the sky falls, there are still people like me to support it. Why are you guys panicking? Be more alert, hold your heads high and stand up straight.……"


Hearing Akainu's heroic voice, everyone perked up a little and looked up and replied.

Yes, Commander Akainu is still here!... He is the god of war of the navy who has never been defeated so far!


Akainu frowned and strode away, heading straight for the highest level meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, but the further he walked in, the gloomier Akainu's face became.

Because he found that not only the marines just now were a little depressed, but some of the navy generals inside were even more depressed... It was understandable that Akainu sighed in his heart.

After all, as generals, they knew how powerful Aokiji and Kizaru were. Now that the two of them were ambushed on the front line, the navy temporarily lost two such combat forces... It was impossible for them not to panic.

"Aokiji and Kizaru are just as unreliable as ever. It seems... I still have to rely on me!"

As if he had thought of something, Akainu's gloomy face gradually began to relax, because during the voyage of several days, he had fully studied the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu given by Bai Ze! At first,

Akainu only studied it based on his trust in Bai Ze, thinking that it would work but the effect should not be great, but when he really studied it, he found out how perverted this secret technique given by Bai Ze was!

Burning power, breaking through the limit!

This thing is almost very suitable for a strong man who is suitable for hand-to-hand combat!

Within a few days, Akainu has slowly mastered the doorway and can easily open the first few doors... With this magnitude of increase, coupled with the recently awakened domineering domineering, Akainu confidently believes that his strength can definitely rank among the top few in the world...

What Kaido, the strongest creature on land, what Whitebeard, the strongest man on the sea... They are no longer people standing on the same level as him!

"I, Akainu... am invincible!"

Akainu let out a breath of foul air and murmured subconsciously, then confidently pushed open the door of the conference room in front of him!

With a creak, the door opened!

Just like that day, a bunch of real bigwigs from the Navy Headquarters had gathered in the conference room at this moment. At this moment, everyone was arguing about something, and their faces were red and their necks were thick.

But with the arrival of Akainu... they all looked at Akainu, and just as they were about to speak, they saw Akainu sitting in his seat with great strides.

He crossed his legs and lit a cigar, looking like I am the boss here!

""Akainu, what the hell are you doing?"

A big boss who didn't like Akainu shouted angrily.

But the next moment, Akainu stood up and walked in front of him, grabbed his collar and said in a deep voice

"What? Kaki... do you want to fight me?"


The middle-aged man called Kaki suddenly looked ugly, and cursed Akainu a thousand times in his heart...

Is this old guy crazy? He has such a bad temper!

Others in the field also looked at Akainu with confusion, wondering why Akainu suddenly went crazy?

""Okay, Akainu... sit down!"

Finally, it was Sengoku who was sitting in the first seat who spoke, and Akainu slowly sat back in his seat.

And with Akainu's just-made noise, the atmosphere in the field became a little strange... There was no more noise, and the conservatives and the pro-war factions all looked at each other in silence.

Seeing this!

Sengoku coughed twice and happily continued the previous topic.

"This is the situation now... Our front line is beginning to have more and more conflicts with the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. It seems that the other side really intends to provoke an all-out war.……"

"This battle may not be decided by our navy, but it depends on the other side... what exactly is going to happen?"

Zhan Guo calmly began to analyze the current situation. Akainu, who was sitting cross-legged, looked arrogant, but he was actually listening carefully.

Because what Zhan Guo said now was more detailed than what he said in Den Den Mushi before!

"In fact, our navy is not afraid of the alliance between the two emperors, but……"

When Zhan Guo said this, he looked at the corner of the long table with a somewhat melancholy expression. There were two people wrapped in bandages… The others also followed Zhan Guo’s gaze and looked at the two people.

Aokiji and Kizaru, who were wrapped in bandages, also showed everyone a somewhat bitter smile.

"I'm sorry, everyone... I may not be able to act freely for a month."

Aokiji said calmly, while Kizaru beside him seemed a little more casual. He spread his hands and said

"Oh no... I'm so sorry, I'm injured now, I'll leave my work to you."

There seemed to be a hint of smile in his tone, which made everyone's face darken.

This old guy was seriously injured and was taking a rest, how could he be so happy... It's too much.

Zhan Guo waved his hand to interrupt the discussion of everyone and said in a deep voice

"That's right, because of the mistake in the last decision, two of our navy's combat forces are temporarily unavailable, so this period of time may be the most dangerous for our navy."

"but……"Zhan Guo's face was filled with anger. He placed his hands on the table and shouted at everyone.

"There are still some guys who are determined to sell out the navy and seek revenge with pirates... and hurt their own comrades!"

"Are you crazy?"


Zhan Guo punched the table, hammering a deep hole. This was the theme of his meeting today!

Catch the traitor!

Zhan Guo closed his eyes in disappointment and said

"Those who betrayed that event, I hope you will take the initiative to stand up... I guarantee with the reputation of the Admiral that I can give you a lenient sentence"


Otherwise, what? Zhan Guo did not speak, but everyone knew the consequences.

Hearing that Zhan Guo was going to catch the traitor, everyone in the field had different expressions. Some people were indignant as if they were angry about why there was a traitor among the group of people present.

Some people didn't care, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

And some people's faces changed, but soon returned to normal.

Of course, the most special person was Akainu. He crossed his legs and stared at someone... His smile was very playful.

The field fell into silence for five minutes, and no one stood up during the period. Obviously, no one was willing to stand up and admit it!

This is also normal. If they are all considered traitors, who would be willing to stand up and admit it like this? The bet is that Zhan Guo has no evidence!

"All gone.……"

Zhan Guo seemed to have lost all his strength. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, then sat down with his eyes closed as if he didn't want to see everyone anymore.

Da! Da!

The people in the field did not hesitate, and they all stood up and started to walk out the door, of course, not forgetting to say goodbye to Zhan Guo.

"Marshal, take a good rest and don't get hurt by anger."

"There's no need to get angry over those bastards.……"


Just like that, everyone left in the strange atmosphere, leaving only five people!

Two idiots wrapped in bandages, a stupid old man who kept picking his nose, a guy smoking a cigar and crossing his legs... and an autistic Warring States with his eyes closed!

After everyone left and only five people were left, they looked at each other and suddenly smiled.


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