In the conference room, after everyone discussed the plan for another half an hour, they finally ended all the meetings for today.

Akainu was the first to leave the conference room directly. He didn't stay in Marinford for long, and he went to the navy warship again and headed straight for the front line!

He, Akainu, will lead the war this time!

Standing on the deck of the warship, Akainu put his hands behind his back and let the sea breeze blow on his wrinkled face...

His thoughts began to get confused...

Fighting! But this is what Akainu likes most... Because it makes him excited and makes his life meaningful.

Since he joined the navy when his family was accidentally massacred when he was young, Akainu has been fighting for the navy as his own career... And this struggle has lasted for decades, from a marine to the current admiral! He will even have the opportunity to sit on the position of marshal in the future.

At that time, he will carry out his will and let this world have true justice... Akainu is not completely unaware that his justice may be a little paranoid, but his justice���It must be better than the current system.

So when the current Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates wanted to destroy the navy's foundation, Akainu was furious.

"Whoever wants to destroy the navy must step over my corpse!"

When Akainu thought of the current alliance of the two emperors, extreme murderous intent emerged in his eyes. These guys are simply looking for death... The navy hasn't even destroyed them yet!

These guys jumped up first!

Go to war with the navy? Haha... I'll destroy you first!

With the Eight Gates Ninjutsu given by Bai Ze, Akainu is unprecedentedly confident. If there is no opportunity, he would want to challenge Kaido and take his head directly!

It's all over, solve the problem fundamentally!

""Eight Gates Ninjutsu~"

Akainu murmured. If the secret technique that Bai Ze casually gave was so powerful, how powerful would the most powerful secret technique that Bai Ze himself controlled be?

Akainu's expectations for Bai Ze at this moment were unprecedentedly high. He suddenly recalled Bai Ze's"big talk" a few months ago. He would bring back the head of Kaido, the King of Beasts, to show all of you.

Then let the navy launch a total war against all pirates... Yes, a total war is not only against the Four Emperors or those powerful pirate groups in the New World, but all... to annihilate all the pirates in the world in one fell swoop!

Akainu grinned, thinking that maybe this day might not be far away.

"Little guy, I'm looking forward to the day when you realize your dream!"



Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty!

At this moment, Kaido in Wano Country is not as smooth as the navy thought. At this moment, inside the glorious palace!

Kaido and his most trusted three disasters and others are sitting opposite each other, but no matter who they are... their faces are not very good, even if they have just won a victory!

"This time the opportunity was so perfect, but Kizaru still ran away, what a pity!"

On the throne of the palace!

Kaido sighed heavily to everyone, because he really felt that the opportunity to kill Kizaru was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The ambush of the two emperors, coupled with the leak of the insider in the Navy Headquarters, there was no reason for this plan to fail!

Jin and Quinn, who participated in the ambush with Kaido, also spoke with confusion.

"Indeed, with you and that old woman joining forces, plus us blocking the road... Kizaru should be doomed to die, but……"

Quinn said with a grim expression,"Another Aokiji showed up halfway, and the two of them actually managed to get support from that old guy Garp again... What a shit luck!"


They didn't know that the senior insider of the Navy Headquarters had been discovered, and instinctively regarded the rescue of Aokiji and Garp as the Navy's luck.

Thinking of that time... the rescue punch of the navy's seemingly kind old man, Quinn was a little shocked.

The old man named Garp is really something... If it weren't for his arrival, Kizaru and Aokiji really wouldn't be able to escape!

And he seriously doubted that his boss might not be the opponent of the other party.

Kaido waved his hand and didn't want to talk about this issue anymore. He turned his head and looked at Jack, who had been standing like a stupid quail, and said unhappily.

"Didn't you say that it would be okay if you went?...How come you still failed? You really can't do anything successfully.……"

"You don't have to go to the big events in the future!"

At the beginning, Jack took the initiative to ask for the alliance with Red-haired Shanks. In fact, Kaido knew that Red-haired Shanks would most likely refuse, so he just let Jack go and try, just in case he succeeded.

Now the latter failed as expected, and Kaido can just vent his anger on Jack!

Jack, who was beaten by Kaido and was worthless, could only refute with a red face and a smile.

"Those guys are nothing like pirates. No matter who you replace them with... they won't agree to form an alliance."

"How dare you quibble?"

Kaido glared and raised his hand to hit Jack. Jack was so scared that he hid aside.

As one of the three disasters, the eldest brother Jin walked out of the warm-up.

"Okay, boss, now that we have made up our minds, let’s discuss how to deal with the navy next!"

"Now that the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates have both rejected our alliance, we can only use the combined forces of the two emperor-class pirate groups to fight the navy... This is not to our advantage."

Hearing Jin's words, Kaido nodded in agreement. The alliance of the two emperors against the entire navy is actually a bit difficult, but...

Jin and Kaido looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts. Jin smiled and continued to speak.���

"But now Kizaru and Aokiji have lost their combat effectiveness, and the navy has to split up to look after the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates, so we have the upper hand in the high-end battlefield."

"In this case, we must make full use of this advantage."

Jin, the brain trust of the Beasts Pirates, suddenly smiled a little cruelly. As pirates, they know what their natural advantage is when facing the navy, that is, use any means necessary... They don't mind bullying the weak and killing at will!

The navy that claims to be righteous generally advocates the somewhat naive idea of generals against generals and soldiers against soldiers. They pirates will not do this. If there is a chance for their senior officers to face some ordinary navy soldiers, they are willing to do so!

Everyone understood this idea tacitly, and they all showed a playful smile at the same time.

Kaido tilted his head and said gloomily

"I will discuss this with that old woman, and one of us will go and stop that guy Akainu, and the remaining one can be free to join the frontal battlefield!"

"Directly tear through their defenses!"

Quinn immediately responded,"I can be responsible for sneak attacks on their weak defenses and try to wipe out their entire force!"

"Same here! I'll just kill those worthless marines!"

Jack echoed, and finally Jin crossed his arms and said,"I'll try my best to hold back their navy's strong men, leaving them no time to come back for help, giving you time to kill them."

In a short period of time, they finalized the next battle plan!

That is, a small number of strong men on their side will hold back as many strong men as possible on the navy's side without the purpose of killing, and then the remaining strong men on their side will directly attack the ordinary navy without martial ethics.

Reduce the opponent's manpower as much as possible!

Especially when there are four emperors-level combat forces directly attacking ordinary navy, it's outrageous!

This is a tactic that can only be used by pirates. It's a shameless and unethical...

This is an open conspiracy, but the navy has to accept it!

At the same time, this reflects a problem, that is, the Twin Emperors Alliance is really going to officially declare war on the navy!

A war that may change history is about to happen!

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