The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In the central capital of the Kingdom of Phyllis Yad, the revolutionary army, led by the Eastern Army Captain Betty, attacked frantically. With the power of the fruit of encouragement, every revolutionary soldier seemed to be injected with chicken blood, and the more they fought, the more fierce they became.

In the capital of the kingdom, in a magnificent and huge palace, King Phyllis was trembling at the moment, secretly glanced at the gate of the city where the war was raging, and then hurriedly sat on the throne.

In the hall, all the ministers of the kingdom hung their heads and dared not breathe, because a big brother who had just led the surrender had already grown grass on his grave.

As for the generals who led the battle, two of them had died in the battle, and only the first general of the kingdom was struggling to support.

Now they dared not say anything, because no matter they advocated fighting or led the surrender, they might be killed by the angry and violent king.

"Waste, a bunch of waste, it's just the revolutionary army that has been rising for two or three years, and you can't even defeat it, what's the use of you, ah!" King Phyllis's face was extremely distorted, and he smashed things on the table frantically, and the sound of broken cups continued.

Seeing this, everyone lowered their heads even lower, standing still and pretending to be dead.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the name of the revolutionary army could even reach King Phyllis's ears. It's really rare." An abrupt voice sounded in the hall, and a man in a cloak strode over, looking at the high and mighty King Phyllis in front of him, and said in a very cold tone.

"Who are you?!"

"Me? Didn't you mention it just now!" The cloaked man walked forward step by step, and the originally clear sky suddenly changed, and the bright hall flickered. A very serious face appeared in everyone's sight. This person was the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon.

"Are you a revolutionary?! How did you get in?! Soldiers, soldiers, get this guy out!" King Phyllis's face suddenly turned pale. There was war outside, and everyone was guessing that the commander of the revolutionary army was commanding the action at the front. Unexpectedly, he would appear in the palace.

"No need to shout, there are no more soldiers of yours!", Dorag said in a cold tone.

"The Kingdom of Phyllis Yad has plunged the people of the entire country into an endless abyss because of your brutal, greedy and stupid rule. Hundreds of thousands of people die of starvation every year. King Phyllis, I sentence you to death! Execute immediately!"

Dorrag looked at King Phyllis who was retreating on the throne and was full of panic. The terrifying pressure released invisibly made everyone in the hall tremble and be at a loss. All of them were shocked by Dorag.

"No, impossible. I am the king of Phyllis Yad, a king recognized by the World Government. You can't kill me, you have no right to kill me! ﹀<(-︿-)>﹀

Otherwise, the World Government will not let you go!" King Phyllis made his last struggle, yelling with a distorted face, completely different from his previous arrogant and violent appearance, like a dying lamb.

"Remember to be a good person in your next life!" As soon as the voice fell, Dorag appeared behind King Phyllis and gently pulled the trigger. The extremely cruel king who ruled the Kingdom of Phyllis Yad for thirty years ended his sinful life.

"Everyone, let's start recommending the heir to the throne that you think is suitable. Remember, it must be a new king who loves peace and loves the people like his own children." Dorag's plain voice sounded like a thunder in the ears of many ministers of the kingdom, and everyone trembled slightly.

Yes, being able to easily incite more than half of the civilians in the kingdom to participate in the rebellion, allowing the huge army of the revolutionary army to quietly enter the kingdom's territory, and being able to walk into the palace at leisure, is enough to show that this country has long been completely infiltrated by the revolutionary army. Which prince is suitable to be the heir, I believe the revolutionary army has also made a choice.

At this moment, all the ministers began to search for the princes who did not do anything wrong and loved the people. They thought about it for ten minutes and thought about all the famous princes, but found that no one was suitable.

Because King Phyllis was brutal and arrogant during his lifetime, his descendants were naturally not much better. Do we have to change the royal bloodline? !

All the ministers had a bold idea inexplicably in their hearts, but if it was not the bloodline of the Phyllis family, who else could they choose? !

"Ahem, my lords, I thought of someone," at this time, a minister of the kingdom standing at the outermost coughed and said.


"It's the predecessor

Your Majesty dislikes the son of Princess Siya, the daughter of a commoner, His Royal Highness Felice Luxor!"

"He?! If we follow the prescribed principles, he is indeed the most suitable candidate among the many princes!"

"Yes, yes, no matter what, he has the blood of the royal family of Felice, even if he is not a direct descendant, it doesn't matter", and then other ministers also agreed with this recommendation. For most people, it doesn't matter who the future king is, and it would be better if the new king has a kind personality and doesn't have the habit of slaughtering ministers at every turn.

"Yes, I heard that His Royal Highness Luxor often takes out his only property to give alms to the lowly, ah no, common people, he is such a kind person."

"Yes, yes, His Royal Highness Luxor is the one that everyone expects. We agree that His Royal Highness Luxor will inherit the kingdom and become the 36th King of the Kingdom of Felice Yad!"




"Me too! ”

“Hahaha, since you have already found the right person, I will not bother you ministers any more. I hope to be able to attend your country’s succession ceremony in three hours! "When Dorag heard the candidate, a slight smile finally appeared on his serious face, but it was quickly covered up.

According to intelligence, Phyllis Luxor is a good choice. He is kind, peace-loving, and has a good attitude towards civilians. The most important point is also a point that these ministers who are usually high and mighty cannot see. This boy hates evil and kills decisively. He is very disgusted with all kinds of corruption and injustice in the Kingdom of Phyllis Yad.

If Luxor successfully ascends the throne, then I believe that this country will undergo earth-shaking changes.

As for the ministers present, Dorag believes that most of them will not see the sun tomorrow. It is a historical law that the new emperor ascends the throne to clean up the disobedient old ministers.

The most important thing is that it is also the best time to firmly control the kingdom in your hands. There are various reasons to eliminate unwanted people, and Luxor, who has a weak foundation, needs a big cleanup, relying on the big cleanup of the revolutionary army!

All the ministers are still unclear about how kind and amiable the prince they chose is to the evil. The brutal terror will be a nightmare that they will never get rid of in their lifetime.

Dorag: Haha, good dreams, everyone!

Soon, the succession ceremony of the throne of the Kingdom of Philisyad officially began. Luxor ascended the throne of the Kingdom of Philisyad under the jealous, hateful and even murderous expressions of many princes and princesses.

Then, the killing began. I don’t know which civilian warrior had the courage to sue the minister of the auxiliary country at the coronation ceremony. After he presented all the evidence, Luxor directly ordered the kingdom’s army to arrest him and behead him on the spot. If there is one, there will be two.

Soon, this coronation ceremony also turned into a just trial and killing execution ground. Nearly 70% of the ministers were killed, and even 20% of the royal princes and princesses were killed. 50% were imprisoned, and 25% were demoted and became civilians.

In just half a day, Luxor completed the bloody reform of the Kingdom of Philisyad, and all the leaders of the kingdom’s army were replaced by direct personnel.

"Well, good luck, Luxor, it’s time for us to go too! Remember, we don't know each other!"

In the small garden deep in the palace, the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, was bidding farewell to the new king.

"I understand, Chief Dorag, see you later!"

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