After two and a half hours, a clear and pleasant voice sounded on the Haotian, "It's time to eat!" "Here I am, here I am, the first one, Sister Mina!" A black shadow passed by, and Ah Xing sat on the dining table with a smile and shouted. Mengshan and Didati also came out of their respective rooms. Fortunately, the Haotian was big enough, and fortunately Mengshan did not have 100% giant genes, otherwise there would be no place to sleep. "Xia Hao, get up and eat!" Mina looked at the sleeping Xia Hao, and gently pushed his body with eight abdominal muscles with her jade hand, but unexpectedly Xia Hao turned around and pressed her jade hand under her body, and she couldn't pull it out. Feeling Xia Hao's hard abdominal muscles, Mina's face turned red, and her little hand scratched unconsciously. Suddenly, her pretty face was as red as a red apple. Mina thought shyly in her heart: "Am I being a hooligan? But, it feels really good."

"Boss, get up and eat quickly, I'm waiting for you alone", at this time, A Xing's extremely penetrating voice resounded throughout the Haotian, and Xia Hao, who was originally asleep, suddenly woke up, looked at the people sitting at the dining table, and slowly walked over.

"Eat, eat, eat, sooner or later, you will be fat to death!" Xia Hao glanced at A Xing and the big basin in front of him and said.

"Hehe, fat? I can't be fat in this life! I don't have a fat physique, I won't get fat no matter how much I eat", A Xing said with a very proud smile.

"Woo woo woo, it's delicious, I'm going to eat two glittering golden fish tomorrow, sister Mina!" A Xing said to Mina who was serving the rice while eating rice.

"Okay, okay, but if others knew that you eat the glittering golden fish as your staple food, they would probably go crazy. This is a very precious treasure in the sea," Mina smiled bitterly and shook her head. Only the Haotian Pirates dared to eat it like this.

I remember that when I first boarded the ship and saw nearly a hundred glittering golden fish in the huge aquarium, Mina almost dropped her jaw in shock, but when she thought of Xia Hao's terrifying monster-like strength, she felt it was very reasonable.

An hour later, all the members of the Haotian Pirates stroked their round bellies and lay on the deck of the Haotian with a look of enjoyment. Everything was so beautiful.

"Roar! Roar~Roar!"

Suddenly, a fierce beast roar came from one side. Xia Hao and his companions felt the fierce power contained in the sound, and their eyes released shining light. Ah Xing raised his hand and a powerful wind blade rushed straight to the fog not far away, immediately blowing away the surrounding fog. A lush island with towering trees appeared in front of Xia Hao and his companions.

"Interesting island, the number and quality of beasts are much greater than the Gascar Islands where Mengshan and Ah Xing had practiced before. There are even two auras that are as strong as peerless beasts. I don't know what they are!" Xia Hao stood up from the deck with a somersault. His originally round belly became smaller and smaller until it returned to normal. This was the ability that Xia Hao had awakened invisibly when he came to this world, the return of life.


"ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!! Boss, how did you suddenly return to your original state! You were as fat as me just now", Ah Xing looked at Xia Hao's tall and thin appearance, and said with a wronged face. Xia Hao's attentive eyes made his heart tremble.

"Okay, I'll have a chance to teach you in the future, but not everyone can learn this skill", Xia Hao shook his head, knowing that Ah Xing would study.

"There are many powerful beasts on the island, so be careful! Mina and Didati will stay on the boat and get familiar with the devil fruit abilities you chose!"

"Yeah, okay Xia Hao, you guys should pay attention to safety too!" Mina looked at Xia Hao and the others who were getting farther and farther away, shouting loudly, her delicate hands waving constantly.

"Sister Mina, I'm also going to study the new bomb art in seclusion!" Didati glanced at Mina and said seriously.

"Well, go ahead!" Mina waved her hand.

"I will also work hard. Who says women are inferior to men? Who says a chef cannot be a fighting force!" Mina clenched her hands tightly, and the ice sword on her waist was instantly unsheathed. She looked at the endless sea in front of her with her beautiful eyes, and waved her arms vigorously. A terrifying cold air appeared instantly, and the surrounding hot temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees. A nearly 100-meter-long frozen dragon appeared on the sea surface, and the thick ice layer extended dozens of meters downward, like an Iceland.

"So strong!" Mina looked at the famous sword in her hand with joy.

Ice, I like it very much. Being able to release such a powerful ice force is definitely not comparable to ordinary blades.

On the other side, Xia Hao and his four companions quickly entered the deep forest. They were met with a fierce beast melee scene. Three saber-toothed tigers more than four meters tall were besieging an elephant with a towering body. However, the actual damage was very small. The huge body like a small hill also gave the giant elephant a rock-like hard defensive skin.

"Oh my god, what a tall elephant!" Ah Xing raised his hand to cover his eyes, and then looked up. It was very surprising. Before entering the core of the island, he encountered the existence that was once the king of beasts in the Gascar Islands. I really don’t know how powerful the things that make people feel pressure are.

"It’s really good. I wonder how many punches it can resist from me!" Mengshan rubbed his hands, and a trace of excitement flashed in his big eyes. The strong fighting spirit burst out, causing the saber-toothed tiger that was originally hunting to transplant its body. Then the tiger's eyes kept scanning everything around, and finally saw Xia Hao and his four companions. He lowered his head and kept making low roars. The threat was obvious.

"What a bunch of inflexible guys, Mengshan, I leave it to you!"

Xia Hao looked at the three saber-toothed tigers that were baring their teeth and were always in a hunting state, and ordered Mengshan.

"Hehe, don't worry, boss, I'm a professional in fighting beasts!" Mengshan patted his steel-like skin, making a dongdongdong sound.

"Just beat them half to death, I'm useful if they're alive!"

"Got it, boss, I won't let them die," Mengshan turned his head and looked at Xia Hao seriously and said.


Looking at the sturdy and tall Mengshan who was swaggering over, the three saber-toothed tiger brothers felt an unprecedented pressure, but out of instinct, the three saber-toothed tiger brothers instantly surrounded Mengshan, and kept growling to threaten and intimidate Mengshan.

"Splitting mountain fist! Heavy hit!"

Looking at the attacking saber-toothed tiger, Mengshan quickly raised his right hand, and then when the saber-toothed tiger was about to bite Mengshan's chest, he quickly hammered down with a fist the size of a sandbag.


A violent collision sounded, and Mengshan's fist came into close contact with the saber-toothed tiger's body.

Three minutes later, the three saber-toothed tigers lay on the ground like kittens, not daring to move, because the severe pain from the beating was still there.

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