The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Xia Hao was not clear about the battle in Wano Country, and he did not want to know. At this moment, in addition to completing his daily tasks, he had two more things to do.

Practicing Tai Chi and getting familiar with and using Conqueror's Haki.

Although he directly obtained the top-level Conqueror's Haki, Xia Hao's current strength could not fully exert it, and he still needed long-term training. After all, Xia Hao, who was only ten years old, could not match Roger in terms of strength or endurance.

Time passed in a flash, and five days later, an excited shout broke the tranquility of the past.

"Hey, Buggy!"

"Shanks?!" Xia Hao frowned, ended the practice, pushed open the door of the training room and came to the deck, and saw Shanks jumping off the Jackson.

"Uh, why does this scene feel so familiar? Could it be?"

Seeing Shanks jump into the sea, Xia Hao quickly came to the side of the boat and used Wood Release to create a wooden staircase several dozen meters long into the sea.

"Puff! Huhuhuhu, Buggy, are you okay?"

A head emerged from the calm sea, it was Shanks, holding the unconscious Buggy in his arms.

"Come up first, Shanks." On the boat, Xia Hao spoke up to remind him, and at the same time confirmed the outcome of the matter. The historical trajectory was still the same as before. Buggy ate the devil fruit, lost the ability to swim, and became a landlubber.

The two people who were originally as close as paint and as good as one person had a little contradiction.

Five minutes later,

"Cough, cough!"

"Bucky, you woke up?!" Shanks was overjoyed when he saw Buggy wake up.


Baki, who had regained consciousness, looked at Shanks in front of him and couldn't help yelling. He had wanted to keep the devil fruit in exchange for Berry, but he swallowed it. Not only that, he also lost the treasure map he had worked so hard to obtain.


"Hmph!" Buggy turned his head and said that he didn't want to see Shanks again.

"Ahem, okay, brothers don't hold grudges overnight. Just explain it clearly. Buggy, Shanks didn't mean it," Xia Hao sighed helplessly and said.

"Besides, there's nothing wrong with becoming a devil fruit user. At least the power has become stronger. As for you wanting to hunt for treasure and find Captain John's treasure, as long as you become strong enough, you can arrange your men to find it, or even turn the entire Grand Line upside down."

" (⊙o⊙)╭(╯^╰)╮"

"Forget it, forget it, I want to be quiet!" Buggy stood up, buried his head in his legs, and stopped talking.

"Let's go, Shanks, let Buggy be alone for a while, he will figure it out, believe in Buggy", Xia Hao patted Shanks on the shoulder, gave a look, and signaled to leave here.

"Damn it!" Buggy hammered the deck with his right hand, as if he was venting his anger.

"What? Buggy ate the devil fruit?!" Rayleigh was also a little surprised when he heard the news from Xia Hao. After all, Buggy's dream was known to all members of Roger's pirate group, and they also knew Buggy's disgust and sadness about becoming a landlubber.

"Well, he is sad now┐(´-`)┌"

"Hey, let him think about it, I don't know what kind of ability Buggy has obtained."

"Who knows, but Buggy has always had good luck, maybe the devil fruit he obtained is very powerful", Xia Hao said seriously.

After all, Buggy is a man with lucky domineering color.

The episode of Buggy accidentally eating the devil fruit passed quickly. Perhaps, Xia Hao's words played a role. From the next day, Buggy, who was originally lazy and didn't like force, began to practice crazily. When he was free, he would ask Xia Hao about the use of devil fruit abilities.

Through the magical theory of his previous life, Xia Hao began to cultivate Buggy's brain, such as splitting all the cells in the body into pieces, quickly rubbing to produce the ability to control lightning, such as splitting heavy atomic nuclei, and after a series of evolutions, reaching the power of atomic fission, etc.

As Xia Hao's explanation became more and more rich, Buggy, who was originally depressed, became cheerful, and his control of the ability of the split devil fruit became more mature. After all, compared with the natural devil fruit ability, the superhuman devil fruit tests the imagination of the user to a certain extent.

There is no waste devil fruit, only waste users!

As a superhuman system similar to the concept system ability

Devil Fruit, it can be said that as long as the mind is big enough, then everything is possible. If one day Buggy's Devil Fruit awakens and directly collapses the Red Earth Continent, Xia Hao will not find it strange.

There is only one thing, that is, Buggy himself becomes strong enough.

A week later, Buggy, who has initially mastered the power, began to challenge Shanks.

On the Jackson,

"Hehehe, Shanks, take my move, the Dragon Claw Hand."

Buggy looked at Shanks in front of him and rushed over directly. When the power touched Shanks, his body was directly decomposed into more than a dozen parts, and he pounced on Shanks with his teeth and claws. The sudden scene stunned everyone, because after finding you to obtain the power of the Devil Fruit, except Xia Hao, no one else knew.

"Hey, Buggy, I won't lose to you." Although he was surprised by Buggy's split body, Shanks quickly realized that this was the ability of the devil fruit. After a brief loss of consciousness, his small body sank slightly, and then he quickly retreated two steps to avoid Buggy's attack, and then chopped it down with a knife.


A slender sword energy passed through, and Buggy's arm was directly cut off, but no real damage was caused.

"Damn it! Shanks, you guy! (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)"

Looking at the cut arm, although it didn't hurt, Buggy's face was still extremely angry, and he rushed up again, because after knowing that swordsmanship had no harm to him, Buggy's courage was infinitely magnified, and he planned to attack him face to face.


Just when Shanks was about to collide with Buggy head-on, there was a sound of breaking air behind him. Shanks, who had initially awakened his observation Haki, tilted his head to avoid Buggy's sneak attack.

Looking closely, a huge wooden hammer hit nothing. Not only that, the fast-flying wooden hammer flew forward because of Shanks's dodge, and collided with Buggy who was planning to attack from the front and back. The powerful force directly knocked Buggy away in shock.

"How can I repair it! Shanks!"

Baki, who fell on the deck, rubbed the big bump caused by the wooden hammer attack, with an angry face. Buggy didn't believe why he couldn't beat Shanks after obtaining the power of the devil fruit.

"Sure enough, fighting talent is not so easy to reduce", Xia Hao thought silently in his heart after looking at the somewhat decadent Buggy.

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