The two sides of the ship were so heavy that they fell into the sea, and the two sides immediately raised dozens of meters of waves. Huge crashes continued to sound, just when Xia Hao was about to set sail again and continue the next adventure.

The observation Haki suddenly felt a fierce breath, and looked up, and the empty gun barrels around were pointing at the Haotian pirate ship.

"Naval base? This is too unlucky! ┐(´-`)┌", Xia Hao looked around, looked at the seagull flag fluttering in the wind, and looked at the navy soldiers with real guns on the surrounding walls, and said helplessly.

Who would have thought that he would be transported from Sky Island to the naval base? However, Xia Hao was relieved after thinking about it. After all, it was normal for the wooden board marked with the Flying Thunder God's mark to drift with the sea current, but it was just a bit unlucky.

"Boss, we are surrounded by the navy?! (⊙o⊙)", Ah Xing rubbed his eyes and said in surprise, but after feeling the breath of the enemies around him, his expression soon calmed down, because under the perception of the observation Haki, there were only two people who needed to be paid attention to, and the others were just soldiers.

It was impossible to cause harm to Ah Xing by relying solely on firearms, and the physical defense of the Wind God Pterosaur alone could resist it.

"Yes, but it's not to be afraid, guys, rush out!"

Xia Hao nodded, then grinned, and gave orders under the heavy look of Lieutenant General Tewarin, the commander of the naval base.

"Hehehe, no problem, boss, they are just a bunch of noobs, watch me!" Upon hearing Xia Hao's order, Ah Xing jumped high, instantly transformed into a half-beast form and spread his wings high. The wind was howling, and sharp wind blades began to attack the defense positions of the naval base indiscriminately.

At this time, on the walls of the naval base, thousands of naval soldiers aimed their guns at Ah Xing flying in the sky, and continued to attack, as if they wanted to shoot him down.

At the same time, Vice Admiral Watlin listened to the report of his subordinates, his face was extremely ugly.

"Are you serious? Is this the symbol of the Haotian Pirates?!"

"Yes, Vice Admiral Watlin, this ship is indeed the latest ship of the Haotian Pirates, and through the telescope, it has been confirmed that the person on board is Xia Hao, the strongest pirate of the new generation of Haotian Pirates, with a bounty of 1.5 billion!" The naval lieutenant reported the latest intelligence with a serious face, without noticing the tears that appeared on his cheeks at some point, dripping on the ground, his whole body tense, nervous.

"Damn it, why would such a guy appear in the South China Sea! Didn't the intelligence organization say that the Haotian Pirates were still fighting in the New World?! Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters was angry about this," Vice Admiral Watling sighed heavily, because he had no confidence in defeating such a terrifying pirate. If the East China Sea is known as the weakest sea among the four seas, then the South China Sea is the second weakest.

There are no powerful pirate forces in the first half of the Grand Line. After all, the New World is the real place for the struggle for supremacy, where countless pirates flock to.

"Boom boom~bang!"

A shocking collision sound came from the naval base. The originally extremely solid wall defense was directly smashed by the powerful force of the Haotian. The gate of the naval base also broke and fell to the ground at this time. Dense bullets attacked everyone on the Haotian.

"Wood escape: Wood ingot wall!"

The wood escape wall, which was as hard as steel, rose from the ground and blocked all the bullets. The sound of golden swords continued to sound. The terrifying defense force made the fierce bullets only leave a shallow white mark on it.

"It's just an accidental intrusion. Are you going to kill us all, navy?!" Ah Xing looked down and saw countless bullets from the Haotian shooting at him. The rebounding bullets alone made the surrounding hard walls have dense holes.

"Wind Blade: Dancing!"

Axing frowned as he looked at the navy who wanted to keep the Haotian Pirates here. The powerful wind force gathered on his wings. As the huge wind god pterosaur wings flapped, a series of slender wind blades filled with terrifying auras slashed out in an instant, attacking everyone in the navy base indiscriminately from mid-air.

Wind blades fell from the sky, and the whirlwind comparable to sharp blades swept all the way. The powerful force made the navy, who were originally full of confidence, look terrified. They stood up and tried to avoid the attack, but the dense wind blade attack made them nowhere to hide. After a while, the lucky ones on the ground

All the people who survived were covered in wounds, with no intact part of their bodies. Blood kept flowing out of their bodies, and soon the ground under their feet was stained red.

"Damn it! It turned out to be a Devil Fruit ability user in the form of an animal-type mythical beast! This time it's really troublesome!" Vice Admiral Wattling looked at Ah Xing, who was no match for him, with a very ugly face. The rare Devil Fruit ability that can fly is really difficult to deal with in the boundless sea. What's more, Ah Xing is a powerful pirate with a bounty of over 100 million, and it is difficult to get rid of him unexpectedly.

"Vice Admiral Wattling, what should we do?"

"Arrange warships to surround the outer sea area. We only need to resist for three hours. I have reported the situation of the Haotian Pirates to Marshal Zhan Guo. The nearest General Jiuyan will personally lead the warships to capture them." Vice Admiral Wattling frowned and gave orders in a very serious tone.

Although the Haotian Pirates in front of him are invincible, Vice Admiral Watling has his own justice in his heart, which is why he can't watch Xia Hao and his group leave.

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